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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Well... If JWST can ever launch, why shouldn't this? And here we are:
  2. Maybe the Half Life series? (Including Portal & Portal 2) I just replayed Half Life 2 and the episodes, they're monumentally good games, and I really enjoy spending time thinking about the lore.
  3. It's not possible to explain the Click. You have to see it for yourself.
  4. At least 8000 years, with similar related viruses going back 55 million years. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus) They seem to be well-fit in the evolutionary tree as we understand it.
  5. There are plenty of coronaviruses. They're related to the rest of the viruses. There's nothing about them that suggests they're from anywhere but Earth. The one currently causing so much trouble came from bats in China. Bat viruses give us a lot of trouble because bats have a higher body temperature than humans, so their viruses can better survive our fevers.
  6. Mechanical and electrical engineering are both good ways to go. In my university in the USA, there's a lot of overlap between mechanical and aerospace subjects. Rockets and spacecraft need a bit of every type of engineering, so if you have a degree and a bit of knowledge about how rockets and spacecraft work (through joining a rocket team, or reading about rocket design) you will probably be well equipped to get into the industry.
  7. I don't know, if the instruments are emitting infrared thermal radiation to any significant degree they can't be used at all.
  8. I mean, they got the swiveling camera unstuck on...was it Cassini or Voyager? by wiggling it back and forth...so I bet there's some parts of this that they could fix if they went wrong. I think they can at least do the insertion burn with the thing unfolded like it is.
  9. Is a line segment a type of rectangle?
  10. Bet the mods can't lock by region!click
  11. Fireworks could be spotted from ISS if you watched closely, but you might need telephoto equipment.
  12. ISS crew rotation: https://spaaace.bandcamp.com/track/soyuz
  13. Cylindrical ping pong table. No way, we need to bring a full pipe organ. It's necessary.
  14. It's not in LEO. The mid course corrections are to complete the maneuver to intercept L2, but the spacecraft is already leaving Earth.
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