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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. We are all new here, and we can do better than this.
  2. Ah, I got it - I missed that you had Y pointing north.
  3. Z typically is defined to point downward in this convention, otherwise you're using a reversed coordinate system
  4. Sounds like you have enough information to make a unit direction vector using the given angles, and multiply it by your magnitude.
  5. I've gotten in minor trouble twice for watching rocket launches during the class I have during this... (I'll be discreet about it )
  6. It was calculated some time back that the regular propellants in a Starship would give more delta-V with NTR than hydrogen, due to density.
  7. ISS keeps one side facing the Earth most of the time. Like this: Imagine the station moving out of the page towards you. Sometimes they change the orientation if they need to dock something weird or have some other extraneous thing to do, but mostly it stays like this. As for the orbital plane, the inclination always stays the same and the longitude precesses slowly due to Earth's oblateness.
  8. It sounds to me like they'd be able to do trips to Mars with Raptor, but not colonize it.
  9. Two people on Starship always seems so silly. But I guess baby steps are appropriate.
  10. That looks like a robo-Space Kraken.
  11. When you're up thousands of kilometers above the Earth decay times tend to be in the thousands of years. I think solar wind and the Moon can push stuff around on those timescales.
  12. Looks like this sort of stuff https://www.mcmaster.com/tubing/minimum-temperature~range~~-2114868771616/minimum-temperature~range~~-2115472751408/liquid-nitrogen-hose-with-threaded-fittings/ Probably the toilet tank version is not cryo rated or high pressure rated.
  13. I personally would not want to get any closer to Jupiter than Callisto, unless there is a preventative cure for radiation sickness or something. And cancer too.
  14. yeah but...it IS on a path crossing the ISS.
  15. SpaceX doesn't need NASA's money to do this. Then again, neither does BO.
  16. Taking a break from fluid dynamics homework to click on this
  17. So what you're telling me is that the contracted lunar lander is more powerful than the crew launch vehicle Well, maybe not.
  18. I kinda miss the detailed navigational data I've seen on some Russian docking streams. I like to see vx, vy, vz, cm/s and stuff capture!
  19. New Glenn will build a space station in orbit just in time to escape the dying Sun.
  20. I know they can get by with three. I think they might even be able to go with two.
  21. At my university I once had "Finals Gandalf" come into my class near the end of the semester and declare this.
  22. The thing about that is if the surface IS made of ice, we would have to see a huge coma behind the moon, which we don't. I like the idea that most of the ice is already gone, leaving salt behind (as I previously stated).
  23. Did you know that Tsiolkovsky and von Braun wrote science fiction? I've been meaning to read their stories. They based their works on the technologies that they calculated would be possible with rockets.
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