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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Banned for not appreciating the superior turning quality and corner-cutting ability of Moyu speedcubes. Yes, the "china fake cubes" are indeed much better than Rubik's brand cubes. I got 11.61 seconds on that model!
  2. That's not a toilet, that's part of a ceramic bowl which your bowl is digesting. (They tend to be cannibalistic.) Waiter, there's a black hole in my soup!
  3. From tripping on a potato? Geez. Heck, the potato was probably in *googles world's largest potato-growing country* China! Oh well, I guess I'll go with it. America sends literally ALL their troops to that dictator's country, leaving none to deal with the problems in the rest of the world.
  4. Banned for having a prime number of posts.
  5. Wow! Congratulations! I wouldn't have known this was a scam if you hadn't pointed out all ONE flaws with the message! Thank you! sarcasm, joking, plz don't kill me
  6. I did. It's slightly different. Ooooohhh... I get it now.
  7. Don't worry, Mercury will be all the rage in the interplanetary mining business. Think of all the iron in there! When that market opens up there'll be loads of rich people drooling over all the money they could get if they're the first to get their hands on that baked regolith to refine and sell it.
  8. Hang on, the comic on the website is different from the comic here! What's up with that?
  9. Oh, yeah. It's been a long time since I've played Minecraft.
  10. Yeah, let's buy him a copy so he can see how much fun it is! Show him the friction mechanics, that'll give him a laugh! I'm actually serious...(also: Woo! Look at me typing in small font on mobile! Thanks @KasperVld!)
  11. I'll link to this comic once again: The only thing to do in this situation is calm down and move on. Eventually, we'll have our personal spaceships and someone will build a starship and a wormhole opening up the whole galaxy, and those people will be left in the dust while we fly in alien skies, watch the strange clouds of gas giants fill the sky, and point our telescopes toward the pale blue dot knowing one of the greatest dreams of humanity has come true. In twenty years, someone will watch a sunset turn the sky from orange into a dim blue. Then, as the sky dims, they will see Mercury, Venus, the Moon as a tiny speck, and Earth, from the surface of Mars. Think of that every time you hear these people.
  12. I think I saw Neil Kerman a while back. I wonder if there's a John Aaron Kerman in Mission Control...
  13. Maybe, but I'd be interested to see how they'd keep their water liquid in the near vacuum. I think life is most likely in the mantles of the ice moons. Unfortunately it's really hard to get down there, so it'll be a few decades before we get to it.
  14. It needs to go that fast to avoid the US government's mind control rays which constantly scan the skies for secret Soviet space stations, and to avoid the Van Allen belts which would catch it and eat the station if it was going too slowly.
  15. I'll be watching the transit (or at least the part of it I'm not at school for) but I don't want this to turn into fuel for the Dres war. C'mon, guys, really? If everyone went to Dres all the time, you'd be complaining about Duna, which honestly is just as boring geologically. Also...
  16. Granted. I wish everyone would forget that Dres exists so that they would stop fighting about it.
  17. Banned for engaging in the Dres hate war.
  18. Gets grill. Inserts locust.
  19. Same. For me, it starts when the sun is about 2° above the horizon, below the treetops unfortunately. I heard the start and the end are the most interesting parts. The transit will be over by the time I get home, but I'll get up early tomorrow so I can at least see it after the sun rises. I made a solar filter specifically for this event, I hope it isn't obscured by clouds during the short hour or so I'll be able to observe it for! Btw Mercury is too small to see without a telescope, so don't cook your eyes for nothing. And a pinhole camera would also be too small to see it. You'd need a telescope or maybe a very powerful pair of binoculars) with proper filtering.
  20. At that scale, the tyranny of Tsiolkovsky is powerful, and adding any mass means adding more fuel, and adding more fuel means adding more engines, and adding more engines means adding more fuel, until it's a monster that barely fits in the VAB and flies at half a frame per second. Then I'd have to fly it for weeks if I wanted to maximize the science gain visiting all the biomes in the entire solar system. I just don't have the motivation to repeat the whole mission. But if you want to try and improve on my design, go right ahead!
  21. Weird, when I look at this on desktop it's in comic sans, but on mobile is in cursive. It says it's comic sans, but it's not.
  22. Granted, it is so stable that the only thing that can wake you up is if North Korea drops an atomic bomb on New York City. I wish KSP hadn't crashed.
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