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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. It can't be a toroid, that would make it possible to go all the way around one section. Everyone knows you fall off the edge if you go too far. Wasn't that how Magellan died? The ROUND-8 was made for looking cool on the sides of boats, it has nothing to do with the shape of the earth. It's been proven that Earth is a disk, just look around next time you're flying over the ocean. Is it a torus? No! Is it a square? No! Is it a disk? Yes! Obviously the Earth's shape is a flat disk.
  2. But they needed to have an overengineered war machine to make people afraid, that also had an X-Wing/Millenium Falcon-sized hole in it so that it was "impossible" to destroy.
  3. I present the Is It A Scam? chart. Is It A Scam? Have to click on a link? It's a scam. Offers money? It's a scam. Asks for money? It's a scam. Asks for personal information? It's a scam. "I swear to god it's really me!" Assume it's a scam at all costs. "This is not a scam!" DEFINITELY a scam. Anything else Probably a scam. Always watch out for these telltale signs of scams, and proceed with caution if you see any of them. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I would do: I would assume it's a scam.
  4. Bringing it down to one less than -67, and two more than -70.
  5. "That's Not How It Works!" - The media now constantly misinterprets and exaggerates everything and ends up spreading false rumors about your Space Program on accident, and they get mad at you when you tell them that no, they've got it all wrong. For instance: You tell them that Mystery Goo turns red near Duna. The media explodes with articles about how the Mystery Goo is sentient, wants to live on Duna, and an organization called the Mystery Goo Rights Group is formed and makes a protest in front of KSC ordering you to release all the Mystery Goo on Duna so it can be happy. Can you manage the masses without getting bankrupted?
  6. Granted. The government finds it, confiscates it and kidnaps you in Area 51 because they believe you're an alien because you have a working warp drive and OP engines that defy gravity. I wish for KSP to take only a few seconds to load.
  7. You must be using KAS for the ramp right? All in all, really cool stuff!
  8. BTW I've expanded my use of the map (or "Koogle Kerbin" as I like to call it) and have been using it extensively in my Elcano attempt (see sig). It's been working pretty well, I highly recommend it for long distance ground based projects.
  9. -64 (-) If it doesn't mean what I want it to mean, I can make it that way!
  10. Banned for incorrectly spelling Rubik's Cube, as well as not mentioning that I use a Moyu Weilong instead of a Rubik's brand cube because the Moyu Weilong is the best speedcube.
  11. Cheater for not making any sense whatsoever in the what if game.
  12. -64 [-] We are the Strong. We are the Mighty. We are the Negatives.
  13. Worked on my great journey around the planet, I'd say it was a good distance for the first day. Also figuring out how to best transfer the information onto Koogle Kerbin:
  14. Again, the point is not efficiency. I know there are waaay better ways to travel through space. This was just a funny idea I came up with, and it's basically a joke.
  15. I like the idea, but It'd be cool if there was narration of other actions too, such as booster separation, etc. It would just have to be short clips of sound like in Chatterer. Maybe an option to set the sound to play when stage reaches a certain fuel level, or reaching a maneuver node for a burn. An option to record your own narration would be cool too, and to set what files to play and when.
  16. 120 fps?!?!?!?! Haaaaaaaax! I'll just wait patiently for 1.1 to come out... *pressure inside patience chamber increases*
  17. *probably an imgur album code* Oh, not an imgur album code, I see! That's from my Elcano story!
  18. I cut Gilly in half using a modified Death Star orbiting Eve on low-beam mode, resulting in a very large hill shape. I drag it with a warp field over to Duna and land it right on top of @KAL 9000's hill. My relocated hill.
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