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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. My ideal base would be like this: 1. Large square platform that is extendable (maybe extends in space and doubles as a gigantic heat shield on one side) 2. Large balloons in the corners which connect to tanks of light gas like helium (individually controlled, automatically maintains stable altitude and stays upright) 3. A smaller lander which uses it's own balloon to descend to the surface, and can return via balloon and maybe sails with rockets for finer maneuvering as well 4. The main platform can be raised or lowered into the atmosphere 5. Rocket that can return samples, etc. to waiting interplanetary vehicle in orbit (Platform is raised very high into the atmosphere for launch so that a smaller rocket can be used) The nice thing about balloons is you can go basically however high you want, as long as your ship can handle the various pressures/wind speeds/temperatures/all the other things that can kill space probes on Venus. So if the platform can withstand anything from vacuum to acidic hurricane-force winds at 1 atm, it should be fine.
  2. I'm working on a hardmode Career game right now, it's pretty hard getting through the first stages when something goes horribly wrong and there's no "Revert to Vehicle Assembly" button. It's kind of interesting sometimes to watch the debris burn through the atmosphere and crash instead of just "Oops, something exploded. Better load that last quicksave!"
  3. I'm still trying to limp through the first stages of a hard-mode mostly stock Career game, but I had some more luck today. I completed three contracts with one ship, but by the time I hit "recover" the infamous memory leak had me at over 3.9 MB of RAM and the game crashed. I believe I'll have enough Funds to upgrade the launch facility next session to level 2 and build a proper tourist-worthy orbital spaceship.
  4. Looks like I'll be able to get some work done without distracting myself! Edit: That's not true, I'll be asleep
  5. I write my name on the hill. My hill.
  6. 25 (+) A full quarter of the way there! We've come a long way!
  7. The Goo may or may not be alive. It often leaves it's canister when exposed to water, and turns dark red in Dunian space, which suggests that it can detect some energy emitted by the planet. We don't know why this is, and after some strange chattering noises were heard coming from the Goo storage containers they have been moved to a locked underground bunker for "safety purposes", although really it's just that the stuff is freaking out the interns. It hasn't shown definite signs of sentience, but it has been shown to be quite good at opening boxes, which we discovered after it was left in a sealed box overnight to run a maze. It ignored the maze, somehow opened the container, and was found the next morning about halfway from the lab table to the door. Another reason the material is kept in the bunker. Different samples of Goo tend to move towards each other, even when in separate containers and can meld together resulting in a single, large Goo. Goo motion speed estimations vary wildly, with the only general conclusion being that it goes way faster when no one is around.
  8. I can cook anything, given the chance to drop it into the Sun.
  9. Because if it we're simple, humans would be even more OP. Why are birds not dinosaurs?
  10. Granted. Your genie tells everyone that you asked for this and everyone is mad at you for making all the blue whales go extinct. I wish for the ability to speed up time in my reference frame but not in anyone else's, resulting in me seeing everything stopped/slow motion whenever I want, and being able to move and manipulate objects while in that state.
  11. Huh, that's weird. I'm getting that problem too. If it were July 20 1969 I would have thought it was an easter egg, but since it isn't it must be a bug.
  12. Of course you can. Just escape the solar system, then use a really big spaceship to go to a big star that might go supernova soon, then crash into it and hope it blows at the time you get there. How many seconds in a liter?
  13. Cartoon. Because sure. Squid vs. Octopi
  14. 4^2 [+] Up to the unknown, we have already been to the deep!
  15. I've seen this too. It seems to be due to the way the game switches from the complex mountainous heightmap to the flat lower-res mode at high altitudes.
  16. I nuke your hill with an interplanetary missile, and it completely explodes leaving a radioactive crater, which is basically a reverse hill. My radioactive reverse hill.
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