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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. 76 (+) Being on the positive side has been way more fun so far because of the opposition.
  2. Any light beam strong enough to propel a spacecraft to orbit is also strong enough to plasmify and tear away the entire atmosphere, so I doubt this type of propulsion will be used on launch vehicles anytime soon. However, there has been some talk about the so-called EmDrive created by Roger Shawyer several years ago. It seems to violate conservation of momentum by bouncing microwaves in a resonant cavity and producing thrust without any exhaust, and there is a lot of skepticism on whether or not it actually works. If it is proven to work (IMO this will only happen when someone puts one in space) it would be exactly the thing you are looking for, especially if we create one with a superconducting cavity, which supposedly would create enough thrust to lift a small car with just one engine powered by a typical microwave oven magnetron.
  3. The real reason space travel is so hard isn't because rockets are difficult to design, its because space agencies need to figure out how to keep rockets less laggy or they won't be controllable. NASA will probably have to switch to 64 bit for manned Mars missions, that's what makes them so dangerous.
  4. 63 (+) but the noose is EMPTYI!!! OOOOOOOHHHHHHI!!!!!!!
  5. Oh, also: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307 from memory. *checks* Yup, I've got too much free time.
  6. The title says it all. This is like the "You Know You Play Too Much KSP When" thread. What makes you a nerd? I'll start with: You know you're a nerd when you learn to count in binary on your fingers because it's way more practical than the "standard" system.
  7. Granted. Because you wished for nothing, I give you absolute control over the geologic activity of whatever planet you are on, and eternal life to go with it. I wish for a teleporter.
  8. Just take some tutorials to find out. If I see a UFO, am I an alien?
  9. who were holding Batman captive. But Erin had one advantage:
  10. 59 (+) maybe i should start putting argumentative quotes and pictures in my contributions too...? Nah, it's only the number that really counts. (badum tsh)
  11. You got ninja'd. Reverting to: And adding one for a total of 57.
  12. When you can rendezvous two ships using only the tier 1 tracking station easily.
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