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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. See my Jool-5 entry. I did it with a Mammoth engine cluster to boost TWR, and it worked well for almost everything I did.
  2. What are those little green things in the background? I think it's obvious that this "Mun-landing-faked-on-Duna" thing is a fake. Those tall, green objects can only be cacti, which can only be found in Kerbin's Desert.
  3. 1353: An empty room with the radio from Portal.
  4. Banned for not using RPM in your Mk2 cockpit.
  5. Sure. Oh, I dunno...@Xannari Ferrows?
  6. Badum tsh. Down one more to -87, as Earth moves lower towards perihelion this afternoon.
  7. Hi, I live not under a rock, but on top of one! Think maybe it's the same rock? Anyway, happy flying!
  8. Banned for taunting the Magic Boulder
  9. When your relationship with KSP has grown so much that you can make it stop crashing by asking nicely (I wish)
  10. I turned off the underwater effects, and suddenly my FPS was amazing!*I've hardly ever seen KSP running this fast, even on stock without my now indispensable EVE and Scatterer. I still get pretty frequent crashes, so I'm not sure what to do about that, but otherwise KSP runs much more smoothly. *I actually screwed up my early career save because I had a terrible ascent profile and failed the "Orbit Kerbin" contract because I was too busy watching the rocket go at such amazing FPS.
  11. I saw one of these on Ike last time I went there. And yes, poles tend to be rather kraken-prone.
  12. That would be me, you can see the thread about it here. This picture shows the concept pretty well though: Yes, it's exhaust is a stream of mirrors.
  13. Happy new year! And may your rockets always point in the right direction!
  14. I fire 30 Kickbacks straight at your flag from far enough away that they reach peak velocity just as they hit the flag. My hill with tiny bits of SRB. Watch your step next time you try to claim my hill, they're sharp! Also, I set up a system to detect anyone/anything who attempts to climb/plant flags on the hill and fire SRBs at them if they come too close.
  15. Orion is my favorite constellation, mostly because it's the one I see the most. The nebula is slightly visible for me, I can see some of the stars inside it. Betelgeuse and Rigel on the corners, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka in the belt (yes I'm a nerd this is from memory) It's always nice on a clear night to look up at the stars and think about all the worlds that we can't yet reach...Sometimes I wish I could live just a hundred years longer so I can see us make it to that point. Then again, once we do the magic of the stars will be lost, they'll just be places to visit like a European might visit America nowadays, whereas a few hundred years ago it would have been like going to the Moon is today.
  16. Sorry, my keyboard only goes up to F12.
  17. When I read the title, I thought it said "Ah, the apohelion!" Then I was confused because we're only a few days from perihelion. Anyway, hope it all turns out well!
  18. I agree with @SpaceplaneAddict, that KSP, being a sandbox game (even in career mode really) has far too many possibilities for there to be a single storyline. People should make their own stories, rockets, spaceplanes, and whatever else they want. There are plenty of great stories in Fan Works and Mission Reports, just read some and if you're inspired, maybe make your own story. I think that's part of what makes KSP so awesome, the fact that you have your own space program, an arsenal of parts to play with, and a whole solar system to explore. You can do whatever you want, there's no storyline to follow, you can imagine what the Kerbals talk about while floating in their space stations or walking on alien worlds. I think that while a kerbal movie would be fun to watch, it would detract from the freedom KSP offers. I will say, though, that if they ever make a movie about me, I will demand 100% accurate orbital mechanics and star/moon/planet positions in the night sky, and that there be KSP references.
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