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Do either of the above Autopruner scripts create texture errors for modded parts that make use of stock textures? Or are they safe to use with the various Recommended/Suggested/Supported mods [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99966"]listed in the OP of the Realism Overhaul thread[/URL]?
I can't get enough of your mods, DMagic---your attention to detail, balance, and integration with other mods is just phenomenal. I'm slowly working towards creating a modpack (the first modpack?) for KSP, and so I'm trying to understand the mods in as much detail as I can. After reading through the forum discussions and online documentation (which is great---thanks!), I still have [B]just a few questions regarding the interaction between Orbital Science and SCANsat[/B]. [LIST][*][B]What SCANsat settings are ideal when using [B]SCANsat[/B] alongside Orbital Science?[/B] The [URL="https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/249#top-3b-scansat-scanning-mode"]SCANsat Documentation, §3(b)[/URL] describes [I]"two levels of SCANsat Scanning Mode"[/I]---one disables "Instant Scanning", the other disables "Stock Scanning".[LIST] [*]I DISABLED Instant Scanning, and my Orbital Science Magnetometer gained the "Start Ore Scan" option---so this is the setting I've kept. Are there any reasons why I might consider using another setting(s) instead?[/LIST] [*][B]Could you please clarify the "Resource Biome Lock" and "Requires Narrow Band Scanner" options?[/B] The descriptions in [URL="https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/249#top-3c-resource-setting"]SCANsat Documentation, §3(c)[/URL] left me with a few unanswered questions: [LIST] [*][U]Resource Biome Lock[/U] -- [I]"With this option active, biomes will need to be scanned from the surface to obtain accurate resource abundance reading on SCANsat maps."[/I] [LIST] [*]Must the biome scan be completed [I]before[/I] starting the resource scan? Or, will previously-acquired resource scanning data become more accurate after a biome scan is performed later? [*]What is meant by [I]"from the surface"[/I]? Is a standard orbital biome scan insufficient? [/LIST] [*][U]Requires Narrow Band Scanner[/U] -- [I]"With this active the zoom map will only display resource overlays when a suitable Narrow-Band Scanner is in orbit around the planet, and its orbit covers the region showed in the zoom map."[/I] [LIST] [*]So, to see resources in the zoom map, a Narrow-Band Scanner must be [I]currently [/I]in orbit around the planet---even if I've already completed a full resource scan of the planet? [*]Does the Narrow-Band Scanner have to be [B](A)[/B] directly over the zoom map location, [B]OR (B)[/B] on an orbit whose current trajectory (as shown by the blue and orange dots on the SCANsat map) flies over the zoom map location, [B]OR (C)[/B] on an orbit that has, at some point in the past, flown over the zoom map location, [B]OR (D)[/B] something else? [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][B]What is the [I]"alternate version [of the Orbital Telescope] available with SCANsat module"[/I]? [/B]How does it differ from the default version? Do I need to configure anything to enable it, or does it automagically switch to the SCANsat version upon detecting SCANsat is installed? [/LIST] Finally, an idea I had for the Orbital Telescope: [B]How about making the Orbital Telescope a large Science Lab-type structure that generates Science (or Data) slowly over time while in orbit?[/B] I think this would give the Orbital Telescope a unique feel, distinguishing it from other "bolt-on" science experiments---not to mention giving it behaviour that more-accurately models real-world orbital telescopes: big, expensive things that stay in orbit for extended periods, and contribute a steady stream of Science over the course of their missions. Thanks again for all your work on this great mod!
[quote name='Crzyrndm']All the things that make changes are in subdirectories of [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/tree/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs"]this[/URL] folder. The "default" subdirectory is the one containing all the additions to Filter by Function, the rework folder has a different setup for the stock subcategories. All of the extra [B]categories[/B] are individual .cfg's inside the "default" subdirectory. If you don't want it, delete it. The additional [B]subcategories[/B] in Filter by Function are in the [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/Default/StockCategories.cfg#L1-L17"]StockCategories.cfg[/URL] (along with the improved cross section and resources categories) The replacement [B]subcategories[/B] in Filter by Function are [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/StockRework/FilterbyFunction.cfg#L1-L16"]here[/URL]. Just remove that folder if you want the stock layout Filter Extensions uses two root config node types, CATEGORY and SUBCATEGORY [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/Default/Mod_B9.cfg"]CATEGORY[/URL] nodes set category name, icon, colour of its subcategories, which subcategories are present and in what order, and can restrict what parts show up in their subcategories using the same syntax as the FE subcategories [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L1-L14"]SUBCATEGORY[/URL] nodes do most of the work wrt which parts are actually visible. They only have 4 possible entries: name and icon, "showUnpurchased" to override the plugin setting, and a set of FILTER nodes which decide which parts are visible. The subcategories are referenced by name when setting up a category and can be added to as many categories as you like. tl;dr Once you have the name of a subcategory, just add it to the category of choice with a unique position (between 0 and 999. Duplicates will overwrite each other) and enjoy (NOTE: No position also works, it just gets added to the end of the list) [B]Writing a set of FILTER nodes to get the parts you want:[/B] Using the [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L155-L174"]Electric Charge[/URL] subcategory as an example, what I was aiming to do was improve on the stock Filter by Resource EC category by removing all the parts that often have a capacity of no significance (eg. engines with an alternator have one because of how the stock resource generation works, but that doesn't help the player looking for a battery) The parts I wanted [B]must[/B] have storage for the [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L164"]resource[/URL] Electric Charge [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L167"]and[/URL] [B]must[/B] [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L171"]not[/URL] be a part that only has EC storage as buffer (through experimentation this was determined to be [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Stock.cfg#L170"]engines, command modules, and generators[/URL]) If you're familiar with any programming languages, that would typically be expressed something like this [code]result = hasResource("ElectricCharge") && !hasModule("ModuleCommand" || "ModuleEngines" || "ModuleEnginesFX" || "ModuleGenerator");[/code] Each CHECK node contains a single condition a part must pass to be visible. Each FILTER contains one set of conditions. If a part passes all the conditions in a FILTER, it will be visible. Multiple FILTER nodes can be used when required (eg. [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions%20Configs/SubCategories_Control.cfg#L166-L192"]Manned Command[/URL], the KerbalSeat module doesn't have a crew capacity of one or more so it needs to be checked for separately), although the comma separated lists have made that quite rare now The majority of check types are listed in the first post, and I'll probably get some time this weekend to put together atleast a full listing of them (alternatively, check the [URL="https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/FilterExtension/ConfigNodes/Check.cs#L220-L261"]code[/URL] that handles the type)[/QUOTE] Absolutely fantastic mod---made even better by your clear explanations! I was having some difficulty understanding the relationship between categories and subcategories, until the above post cleared up all of my confusion and answered all of my questions. I'd actually suggest cutting-and-pasting it into the OP, perhaps under "further explanation"-type spoiler tags: I think it will fill in some of the gaps in understanding how to configure things for more people than just myself :) Thanks for your work on this great tool!
I have MATLAB for Linux, and would very much like a Linux-compatible build of this amazing app. I searched through this thread, and the main obstacle seemed to be a lack of people with Linux MATLAB willing to help. Is it merely a matter of compiling the code on a Linux platform, or is there more to it than that?
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First-time commenter, here, so bear with me as I thank y'all for your wonderful work on what's deservedly and obviously become a linchpin of the KSP modding community---thank you! I have one humble suggestion: I assume it's not controversial to say that the biggest early hurdle to overcome in career mode is the half-million kredit (kerdollar? keuro? kruple?) cost to upgrade R&D for the ability to purchase 100+ technologies. Of all the items locked behind this early hurdle, only one has really felt to me like it should be available before the expense of the R&D upgrade: extendible solar panels with the ability to orient themselves towards Kerbol. Any career mode game with RemoteTech basically requires upgrading R&D strictly and solely for that item before you can really get started with unmanned missions, whereas in games without RemoteTech, the impact of providing them a tier earlier would be minimal. So, my suggestion is to move the 3x2 extendible panel down to the 90-cost tier---it's less space-friendly than the 6x1 set, so there's still reason to upgrade---but it allows getting started with RemoteTech earlier than the current "single-panel, can't orient till you upgrade R&D" allows.
Ah! No problem---that I can do
Wow! Thank you very much for the quick response, and I definitely appreciate the configs you've sent me. I haven't yet had a chance to check them out, but I'll certainly do so and get back to you!
Absolutely love the work you've done on these mod expansions! I'm starting a new career campaign with a story-driven ultimate goal based on Mass Effect (i.e. an alien-built interstellar transport relay---and gateway to galactic civilization!---is discovered at Khato: prepare a civilian colony & transport hub way the hell out there). In short, your work is critical for the future of kerbality! Question: The 64K rescaling mod (which scales up the Kerbol system by 6.4x; here's the GameData folder on GitHub) is compatible with Outer Planets Mod, once you incorporate this 64K Config for OPM by Tellion. I was wondering if you've looked into providing compatibility configs for your expansions to OPM? I've tried to do it myself, but I'm not familiar with ModManager so I'm not quite sure which values to change---it doesn't appear to be quite as simple as multiplying all of the numbers by 6.4! Some of your changes do work "out of the box", but others don't, specifically: RemoteTech Expansion: 64K includes this RemoteTech config file, which automatically upscales the range of RemoteTech antennas by 6.4x using a simple "RangeMultiplier = 6.4" entry. But (possibly because of ModManager load order?) it doesn't seem* to apply to the new antennas added by your RemoteTech expansion. * However, I'm basing this on the descriptions in the tech tree, and I've read that those may be misleading. Should that RangeMultiplier value apply to your added antennas (regardless of what the tech tree says), or do they need to be modified separately? PluronKhato: While the solar orbit of the DunaIke binary system is scaled up and appears in the right place, PluronKhato is unaffected (and ends up becoming an inner planet under 64K). Should fixing this simply be a matter of multiplying the semi-major axis in your config file by 6.4, or is there more I need to consider? Such as... Moons/Barycenters? I'm not sure whether scaling is needed for moons or barycenter offsets for any of the systems you've changed (i.e. DunaIke Binary, PluronKhato Binary, Tilted Urlum's moons), or if they're already covered by the "across-the-board" scaling provided by either 64K or Tellion's configs. I realize I've been a little vague with the above---I uninstalled the 64K mod after seeing that it didn't work, so I can't easily check the details. But I am of course more than happy to reinstall and report back with more precise information on what is and isn't being scaled, I just wanted to check in before I do---in case you already know what has to be done (or indeed if it has already been done), and/or to see if you're willing to help with the config tweaks in the first place, what with you already on a mission to redefine "busy" for us mere mortals If so, let me know if the above details would be sufficient, or if there are any other tweaks you've made that I should verify are working alongside 64K. Again, thanks for all of your effort on these mods! It's hard to appreciate how awesome something like barycenters or Urlum's tilt are, until you're planning transfers or watching the sun do weird things in the sky
[1.3.x] SETI, Unmanned before Manned [Patreon]
Eunomiac replied to Yemo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I apologize for asking a question that's been asked many times before, but I'm still very confused as to what mods are appropriate to install in addition to those included in the Basic SETI pack linked in the OP. I love that a lot of balancing has been done around the tech tree, and I don't want to ruin the progression arc by including the wrong mods---I abandoned my last career playthrough because a few of my mods weren't balanced with the rest (e.g. KW Rocketry), and some critical components for unmanned missions were locked behind the first (expensive!) R&D building upgrade. That being said, the Basic SETI pack isn't going to be enough to sustain me: I'm planning for this to be an extended career mode run (which is why I'm trying to be very careful about balance even as I load up on the mods)! And "loading up" may be an understatement: I'm running in 64-bit on Linux, so RAM isn't a problem (... he says, optimistically). I've already started by installing the majority of Landwalker's Fifth Kerpublic Space, Science, and Luxury Travel Agency massive collection of mods, and I've also added in Deadly Reentry, FAR and MechJeb, along with KSP-Interstellar, Civilian Population (love that mod!), Extraplanetary Launchpads and Infernal Robotics. What information in the OP (and the comprehensive guide in the second post) is current, given that the BalanceMod is not updated for 1.x? That's my real barrier to understanding what to install--and, perhaps more importantly, what not to install. I have no idea what advice applies only to 0.90 BalanceMod games, and what remains applicable for a new career mode game. (As just one example: the career parameters of 60% Science, 70% Funding Rewards---are those tuned to BalanceMod, or SETI for 1.0?) I'd like to use AutoPruner to clear up some of the clutter from my parts menu, particularly since I'm including Procedural Fairings and Procedural Parts. I've seen a few pruning scripts in the forums, but I'm not sure which to use, or if any of them are still current. Does anyone have a current pruning script I could check out? Any other advice for me, pitfalls to avoid, that sort of thing? Thanks in advance! I'm definitely looking forward to starting a new career---one with a steady progression arc and a lot of content (And, as I play, I'm happy to report any issues I encounter, if that's the kind of thing you're interested in while putting together the Intermediate/Advanced packs)- 2,515 replies
Hello all! Recent new member, who loves space even more than the talking head in Portal 2... and knows just about as much about getting there successfully Quick question: The forum FAQ says I should be moved out of the "Curious George" group (and given permission to change avatar/signature, and post without delay) automatically after my third post... but that did not happen. Is it something a moderator has to do (I assumed no, from the use of "automatically")? I certainly don't want to be all impatient and such... but I am, alas, impatient and such
Yes: "[experiment] while splashed down in [biome]" and "[experiment] while landed at [biome]" are two entirely different experiments, with full science points available for each. According to [X] Science (a great mod that provides a checklist of all possible experiments), it's possible to both "splash down" and "land" in allof Kerbin's major biomes---so there's at least one oasis somewhere in the Desert to "splash down" in, and a spit of land in the Water to "land" on. The Field Research Contract Pack includes a number of contracts that give you the positions of some of these harder-to-find locations, with the objective to go there and do experiments. However, you don't get more science at those hard-to-find places---e.g. it's 5.2 points for observing Mystery Goo anywhere on Kerbin's surface, whether it's landing in Grasslands right next to KSC, or splashing down in a mysteriously-unfrozen lake in the Tundra. So it may not be worth the effort to hunt down both versions (except perhaps for easy ones like Shores).
Optional MechJeb Modules for FAR, NEAR & km_Gimbal 2/3 (July 16)
Eunomiac replied to sarbian's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Are the CKAN versions of MechJeb2 and the FAR Module compatible with each other? Although the OP says the dev build of MechJeb 2 is required for the modules to work, I'm wondering if that applies to the FAR module---it's the only module in the OP that doesn't specifically link to a minimum required MechJeb build. Or do I need to grab the dev build of MechJeb2 manually before installing CKAN's version of the FAR Module? (Apologies if this is a question that's been asked and answered; the thread search is bugging out on me!) -
[1.2.x] Kerbal Crew Manifest v0.6.4.0 (Dec 30th 2016)
Eunomiac replied to sarbian's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Fantastic mod---it's exactly what I was looking to find to get rid of the orange-suited veterans that tend to be immortal However, I'm having a strange bug that I suspect is due to a mod interaction of some kind (I apologize for that): Whenever I edit a kerbal, the profession shown at the bottom of the edit window rarely lines up with the kerbal's actual profession. For example, I tweak a kerbin's name (or keep generating new ones) until I get "Profession: Pilot" at the bottom, hit Apply, and then go back to the Astronaut Complex to check... and find he's actually an Engineer or a Scientist. This holds true even if I transfer him immediately into the ship waiting on the Launch Pad (i.e. I get a "no pilot" error when I try to activate SAS). If I transfer him out and then Edit him again, it still shows "Profession: Pilot" at the bottom of the edit screen. In case this is due to a mod interaction, I'll supply my mod list below. I'm not sure of the best way to do it, so in addition to an edited copy&paste from a .ckan export, I also happened to have a screenshot of my CKAN list from when I was comparing two installations. Hopefully one is helpful---and if you know of a better way to export a readable mod list, please let me know Also let me know if there is any more information I can provide (like a debug log or the like): Pastebin of Edited .ckan (my current list, but a bit hard to interpret as it uses abbreviated names for each mod)Screenshot of CKAN List (only slightly outdated---I've removed a few of the mods in here, and added in the notes mod) Thanks for your great work on this mod!