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Everything posted by dboi88

  1. Yeah it does already. It has around a 4 minute gap between putting them in then taking them back out. The dish and telescope also rotate randomly.
  2. Animation for the science lab is complete.
  3. I finished the animation i showed you i was working on.
  4. Roverdudes transport technologies mod works well for smaller cargo loads, like a couple of kontainers worth but sounds like you want to move a lot more than that and the relevant crew along with it. Which is exactly the problem that led me to starting my mod, keep your eye on it, it will allow you to transport 6 full 5m kontainers of cargo, a full habitation set up along with lots of other cool modules. It'll also have near 10,000dv with 1twr fully loaded so will get you anywhere in the system with reasonable burn times.
  5. Ok so the animation i made wouldn't import into unity and couldn't be used in game because i'd animated each individual object on it's own channel, doh! Basically i need to learn how to set up a rig to be able to animate in blender properly, at first i set up a forward Kinematic rig that would allow me to make an animation like i've done so far in about 30 minutes, but i've managed to get a inverse kinematics rig working, that imports into unity and works in KSP, so now i can make these sorts of animations in minutes. So expect lots of interesting animations in the final release. With a forward kinematic rig i have to manually tweak each object on the robot into position to record a key frame, starting with the swivel and moving along the arm until each part is in the correct location. With an inverse kinematic rig i can simply grab the claw and move it into position and the rig will automatically move the rest of the objects with it. You then set up the axis and angle locks on each bone. So you can move it like this. So then once i've set up an animation like this. It all shows up correctly in game
  6. Just the same as fuel. Alt click both tanks and press in on the empty tank.
  7. Its a cargo freighter [WIP]Coyote Space Industries - Cargo Freighter. These parts and animations are for the science lab. You'll have 8-10 modules to pick from and you'll have 5 spaces on the freighter. So you can make big cargo freighters, cruise liners, science vessels, and my favourite, contruction vessels. One of the modules will be a workshop for MKS/EPL/OSE ect. and you'll also get a launchpad module for launching newly built craft. I've not yet decided if i'm going to have the animation play randomly, or to tie it to a game event like loading science reports or transmitting back to kerbin. Only space lunches.
  8. Made a start on animating my parts for my WIP Mod
  9. Well I am extremely humbled! I took lots of inspiration from your own work to be fair. It's less than 3 weeks ago i was sat with your models open in KSP and trying to work out how you got stuff looking so good! Thisi s the 3rd project you helped me with and the second that you've unknowingly helped me along with
  10. All the modules completed so far together for the first time. @steedcrugeon I got it wrong, the transparent windows are KSP/Alpha/UnlitTransparent
  11. Yeah get it in there. Just make sure you kite both blizzys and stock examples. Example images are available on the KSPedia github
  12. This was actually one of those happy little accidents. I rotated the mesh in unity while i had the animation window set to record and then for AGES couldn't work out why my part was doing backflips when i turned the lights on! What's actually happening here is the animation scales up the emissive windows to cover the transparent windows in the first frame of the animation. The emissive windows are hidden when the lights are off behind the back wall and scaled really small. So what i've done is duplicate the windows in blender and apply two materials. In Unity i chose one with KSP/Alpha/Unlit Transparent, the other KSP/Emissive. You create your color animation as normal for the emissive windows. Then in the animation window you can set up any other animation you want that will happen along with the lights. So you set the scale at in unity and at frame one to be 0.001 which hides the window when the lights are turned off but at frame 2 of the animation scale the windows back to 1. The animation therefore scales the windows to 1, then lights up. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions about this, i'd be happy to talk you through in more detail if required
  13. No he's overriding the stock behaviour so we can hire all professions from the AC.
  14. The firespitter switchable texture/resource containers are working . . . .
  15. From the Wiki TAC-USI support (alpha) for 0.50.0 Created by forum user Paul23 The patch is still quite barebones: many USI parts become quite useless together with TAC (kerbitat etc). I have chosen to not do a 1-on-1 conversion of supplies -> (food/water/oxygen) with the agroponics. Rather the agroponics provides food and a small amount of oxygen. Actually the food/(co2 -> o2) distribution depends on the way you create the food (cultivate etc). I've done this to keep a bit in the spirit of both USI and TAC: different resources and a tree to produce those. I've also updated all containers, the non liquid containers contain food & waste. The liquid containers contain water/wastewater/oxygen/carbondioxide. To keep the same number of days/container for resources I had to "nerf" the amount of water by a huge amount. (Otherwise MKS would outshine any of the TAC water containers by a magnitude of 100) - however i might change this back if it interferes too much with USI itself. Download Please contact forum user Paul23 with any feedback or issues.
  16. Aaaaand the science lab model is finished as well, just a few texturing touch ups and the lights/unity setup. What do you think, should the robotic arm have an animation?
  17. I only started learning 3 weeks ago, download blender, gimp and unity and get going!
  18. I also finished making this, just a little detail piece for an upcoming mod
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