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Everything posted by dboi88

  1. Cheers, i really appreciate it.
  2. I'll try for a cross over.
  3. Cool. These the 3 sizes? I assume we're going to go with a PBSalike texture? @Nils277 do you mind me using elements from the originals in the tank textures?
  4. I'm not certain i'm following. Are you looking for a new texture for the 3 PBS container sizes that would be used if you switch to a resource not covered by PBS and that doesn't have it's own texture? If so i'll make a template style plain texture. We'll then be able to change colour/add names/symbols for all the resources once the list is ready?
  5. Does anyone have the time to add a bit of a road map and empty pages for more example crafts? I think if we get the pages up and ready to be filled in we'll get them filled up in short order.
  6. Who said it wasn't a cannon? I've discovered sharp and smooth edges last night, so it looks like this now. Instead of this
  7. We used to have this. It was called PlanetaryLogistics. It's going to hopefully make a come back at some point. OrbitalLogistics
  8. I've got a lot of photoshop experience and have done a good few re-texturing projects in the past. I've also got newly found modelling skills. I'd be glad to contribute as much as possible but with the freighter project, upkeep of the USI KSPEDIA and the Mechjeb project I'm stretched for spare time for the next few weeks. So I can't assist with plans. But if you ping me with a list of required textures models I'll get them knocked together for you within a few days.
  9. @Nils277 The wiki has some settings on GitHub. You'll have no idea but I used your KSPedia entry as a benchmark for the entry i made for USI, so cheers for that lol
  10. A little update, I've not much more to show but I've learnt SOO much over the past few days. Thanks to the guys over on the Dev Hole We are now going to have a set of 'detail' parts to be shared across all the interchangeable modules and freighter, so i don't have to keep creating the same tanks/pipes hatches ect, and will also be able to use shared texture space. Yay for optimisation. I'm also UV unwrapping and then going to texture these details parts now because i'm learning loads of techniques that i can use when finishing off the freighter model. So at the minute i'm concentrating on improving the details parts I've already made and modelling new ones. Here's the Science Lab Module!
  11. The text will be formatted and spaced more clearly as i add the content but here's what it looks like with some quick text and image over the top.
  12. @sarbian I've finally settled on a design for the template page. I'll stick with this if you are happy with it? I'm about half way though the content, won't be long now.
  13. Apologies can you please clarify what you mean and what your questions is. You say 'and I can fill this tanks with fuel in the VAB' but then you suggest the problem is that you can't fill them in VAB?
  14. Yep this is ultimately the way to go in my opinion. If it's resource dissapearing into Kerbin PL you can sort that by turning off warehouses in the VAB and turn them back on in orbit. Otherwise your cheating on your launches by only launching with half of the weight
  15. Gotcha, will see what comes of this then, I've tried coding, didn't go too well.
  16. Could i use this to add a shower to an IVA?
  17. Take a look at the bases and stations pack. It adds repair and maintenance contracts.
  18. Your likely missing a collider in unity if you can't pick a part up.
  19. It doesn't matter. Your engineer needs access to them. It needs warehouse enabled. Your engineer is technically scavenging them. Same with maintance for machinery and uranium.
  20. I've not managed to test anything yet but i can't see how the IntakeATM work's when there is no config file in CRP for it.
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