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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. My picturex100 EDIT: since there is no point trying to - - - Updated - - - Yeah, ignore first, think second happened to shelter
  2. Hello, my command pod (Mk 1-2) is currently sinking to the bottom of the ocean. It does not do this in stock. I suspect is has something to do with StockBugFixModules or StockPlus as it only seems to sink using these. Any help? - - - Updated - - - Quick update: It has something to do with these mods: Vens Stock Revamp Stock Bug fix Modules Stock Plus Alternis Kerbol, although I don't think it is this as oceans were fine.
  3. In answer to, what do you wanna call your star/ what is your system?. I think I will have: The star is Kod, named after its wobbling godlike appearance and its binary, Dok In orbit are a blue gas giant, a terrestrial planet with life and a comet that has escaped the star system and is now orbiting Kerbol at a peri apsis above Eeloo.
  4. Wow... 0 Just links that bore me... No offence!!
  5. Yes do that... But it is part of the Forum, so only moderators can change it I think. 6
  6. Just saying, I have contracts showing up for the barycenters... Fix?
  7. Hello! I really love this mod, but there are a few things I need to say: 1. The bug with Kopernicus and moving Kerbin should be stated in the original post 2. Eeloo and Vall should have a binary template with SigmaBinary mod. Just to make it more realistic Other than that, OPM is squashed into this and Eeloo is on a massive orbit around Sarnus and collides with Kerbol on quite a few occasions. Quick fix for this? And Trans-Keptunian too! And I would like the lighting to be dampened it is a bit bright... Edit: On that note, is Minmus supposed to have a SOI of 42km?
  8. It might be because of where I put the files... template.cfg comes before AlternisKerbol/Tylo (folder). And template2.cfg comes after AlternisKerbol/Eeloo. Both were in the AlternisKerbol folder. AlternisKerbol also only had :FOR[AlternisKerbol] so it's definatly bad MM coding on my behalf
  9. Ok good to know. - - - Updated - - - And by the way the binary system is fixed when putting @Kopernicus:NEEDS[sigmaBinary]:AFTER[sigmaBinary&AlternisKerbol] in the binary cfg.
  10. Ok oops My bad - - - Updated - - - Actually looking at that is it possible to make the Sun binary with Jool without setting PARENT_BODY? - - - Updated - - - And now rotations messed up WITH PARENT_BODY set to Sun for TyloDuna binary..
  11. I was trying to make a barycentre for Tylo and Duna from Alternis Kerbol mod. Ill give you the code for the cfgs, but they have not been changed: Tylo: // Apply this patch after the Kopernicus mod is loaded @Kopernicus:FOR[AlternisKerbol] { // We want to make Tylo occupy the point in space that Duna usually occupies. @Body[Tylo] { flightGlobalsIndex = 9288 @Template { @name = Duna } @Template { removePQSMods = VertexColorMapBlend,PQSLandControl } @Properties { biomeMap = AlternisKerbol/Tylo/PluginData/TyloBiomes.png @Biomes { Biome { name = Lowlands value = 1.0 color = 1,1,1,1 } Biome { name = Highlands value = 1.1 color = 0,0,0,1 } } radius = 1103000 geeASL = 4.035 description = Tylo is an insanely massive so-called "Superkerbin" planet. With four gees of surface gravity and a thin atmosphere, aerospace engineers fear it. Its atmosphere is so thin that it won't slow you down, but it is so thick that it will burn you up on re-entry. Some kerbals have even suggested that landing on Tylo is impossible, let alone returning. The Kerbal Astronomical Society claims to give three golden stars to the first kerbal to make the trip. @ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 18 splashedDataValue = 1 flyingLowDataValue = 9 flyingHighDataValue = 8 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000 inSpaceLowDataValue = 5 inSpaceHighDataValue = 4 } } @ScaledVersion { Material { texture = AlternisKerbol/Tylo/Textures/Tylo_Color normals = AlternisKerbol/Tylo/Textures/Tylo_Normal rimColorRamp = AlternisKerbol/Rims/ramp_red rimPower = 1.06 rimBlend = 0.3 } } @PQS { Mods { VoronoiCraters { name = 1 deformation = 900 voronoiSeed = 986 voronoiDisplacement = 0.1 voronoiFrequency = 24 simplexSeed = 123123 simplexOctaves = 9 simplexPersistence = 0.5 simplexFrequency = 120 jitter = 0.1 jitterHeight = 3 rFactor = 1 rOffset = 1 colorOpacity = 0.2 DebugColorMapping = false enabled = true order = 101 } VertexSimplexNoiseColor { seed = 45 blend = 0.5 colorStart = 0,0,0,0 //colorEnd = 1,1,1,1 colorEnd = 0,0,0,0 octaves = 12.0 persistence = 0.7 frequency = 2.0 enabled = true order = 9999994 } VertexColorSolid { //Thanks Probus. blend = 0.0 //color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0 color = 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 order = 19 } VertexColorMap { map = AlternisKerbol/Tylo/PluginData/tylo_newcolor.png enabled = true } VertexHeightMap { map = AlternisKerbol/Tylo/PluginData/Tylo_Height.png deformity = 21500 enabled = true } } } Atmosphere { // effectively the ambient lighting color for all objects on the ground of this body (provides a slight tint) ambientColor = 0.175,0.15,0.15,1 // sets the waveLength property in the AtmosphereFromGround component of the scaled version // From my picking around in the KSP assemblies, it seems this is fed to the shader in this way: // // shader.invWaveLength = Color( 1 / r^4, 1 / g^4, 1 / b^4, 0.5); // // Obviously the code for the shader is not available, and I don't feel like picking through ARB shader IL so we'll need // to figure this out experiementally. lightColor = 0.4632503906, 0.52200625, 0.55200625, 0.5 AtmosphereFromGround { outerRadiusMult = 1.032 innerRadiusMult = 0.958 } // General atmosphere settings enabled = true oxygen = False altitude = 80000.0 // Atmosphere Pressure // Values for pressure and temperature created with the handy-dandy Atmosphere Calculator by KillAshley // pressure (in atm) = multipler * e ^ -(altitude / (scaleHeight * 1000)) pressureCurve { key = 0 56.13405 -5.90216365E-03 -5.90216365E-03 key = 4000 32.5253954 -4.803547025E-03 -4.803547025E-03 key = 8000 17.7056738 -2.9398841E-03 -2.9398841E-03 key = 12000 9.0063226 -1.6466819E-03 -1.6466819E-03 key = 16000 4.5322186 -8.40161775E-04 -8.40161775E-04 key = 20000 2.2850284 -4.206522E-04 -4.206522E-04 key = 24000 1.167001 -2.10499225E-04 -2.10499225E-04 key = 28000 0.6010346 -1.061464E-04 -1.061464E-04 key = 32000 0.3178298 -5.36272E-05 -5.36272E-05 key = 36000 0.172017 -2.76446E-05 -2.76446E-05 key = 40000 0.096673 -1.4632525E-05 -1.4632525E-05 key = 44000 0.0549568 -8.039925E-06 -8.039925E-06 key = 48000 0.0323536 -4.5705E-06 -4.5705E-06 key = 52000 0.0183928 -2.763075E-06 -2.763075E-06 key = 56000 0.010249 -1.613525E-06 -1.613525E-06 key = 60000 0.0054846 -9.21025E-07 -9.21025E-07 key = 64000 0.0028808 -5.05525E-07 -5.05525E-07 key = 68000 0.0014404 -2.70075E-07 -2.70075E-07 key = 72000 0.0007202 -1.5235E-07 -1.5235E-07 key = 76000 0.0002216 -9.0025E-08 -9.0025E-08 key = 80000 0 -5.54E-08 -5.54E-08 } temperatureCurve { key = 0 279.19 -0.00802083375 -0.00802083375 key = 9600 205.8567917 -0.0011360735 -0.0011325715 key = 16800 205.8567917 0.0011325715 0.0011325715 key = 24800 258.2376548 0.000619018 0.000619018 key = 44800 258.2376548 -0.000853660375 -0.000853660375 key = 64000 178.2377912 -0.0011360735 -0.0011360735 key = 72000 178.2377912 0.000592218125 0.000592218125 key = 80000 219.1901023 0.000868255125 0.000868255125 key = 120000 0 -0.000562011375 -0.000562011375 } // Atmosphere Temperature temperatureMultiplier = 1.0 atmosphereMolarMass = 0.022 } @Orbit { // Moves Tylo to Duna's position in space. // -- Note the "@" on the front of referenceBody. This means edit an existing attribute @referenceBody = Sun // Other orbit stuff inclination = 1.22 eccentricity = 0.03 semiMajorAxis = 24708887045 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14 epoch = 0 color = RGBA(102, 63.75, 38.25, 255) } } } @Kopernicus:FOR[AlternisKerbol]:NEEDS[GalacticNeighborhood] { @Body[Tylo] { @Properties { description = Stumbos is one of the largest rocky planets on record. With a very thin atmosphere and a very high gravity, it would be quite the challenge to land on. Not enough air to slow you down, and so much air that you have to worry about re-entry heating. Luckily engineers won't have to worry about landing on it, because it is a distant planet lightyears away. } } } And Duna: // Apply this patch after the Kopernicus mod is loaded @Kopernicus:FOR[AlternisKerbol] { // We want to make Duna orbit Tylo @Body[Duna] { @Properties { tidallyLocked = true description = Also known as The Butterscotch Dot Next To Tylo, Duna has been a wonder to Kerbalkind for quite some time after its discovery. It was the first secondary planet to be discovered around a primary planet other than Jool. If it does have life on it, it is probably butterscotch flavoured. } Debug { exportBin = false } @Template { removePQSMods = VertexColorMapBlend,PQSLandControl } @ScaledVersion { Material { texture = AlternisKerbol/Duna/Textures/Duna_Color normals = AlternisKerbol/Duna/Textures/Duna_Normal } } @PQS { Mods { VertexColorSolid { //Thanks Probus blend = 0.0 //color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0 color = 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 order = 19 } VertexSimplexNoiseColor { seed = 45 blend = 0.5 colorStart = 0,0,0,0 //colorEnd = 1,1,1,1 colorEnd = 0,0,0,0 octaves = 12.0 persistence = 0.7 frequency = 2.0 enabled = true order = 9999994 } VertexColorMap { map = AlternisKerbol/Duna/Textures/Duna_Color.png enabled = true } VertexHeightMap { map = AlternisKerbol/Duna/PluginData/Duna_Height.png deformity = 11000 enabled = true } } } @Orbit { @referenceBody = Tylo semiMajorAxis = 34598850 inclination = 0.7 eccentricity = 0.05 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 135.5 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14 epoch = 0 color = RGBA(255, 185, 123, 255) } } } @Kopernicus:FOR[AlternisKerbol]:NEEDS[GalacticNeighborhood] { @Body[Duna] { @Properties { %description = Egar is a medium-sized moon orbiting Stumbos. It is colored a nice butterscotch color. It may very well hold life on its surface somewhere, because there's definitely some canalis. Maybe. It looks decently canal-like for sure. Hard to tell at this distance. } } } And the template: ////////////////////////////////// // Requires SigmaBinary 1.1.1 // ////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forum Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127820 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Kopernicus:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { // INSTRUCTIONS: // Copy this cfg anywhere into the GameData folder // Set the name of the two bodies you want to turn into a binary system plus the reference body @Body[Tylo] // Put here the name of the heavies body (eg: Pluto) { SigmaBinary = Primary // Don't change this line } @Body[Duna] // Put here the name of the lightest body (eg: Charon) { SigmaBinary = Secondary // Don't change this line } @Body[PARENT_NAME_HERE] // Put here the name of the body around which your binary system orbits (eg: Sun) { SigmaBinary = Reference // Don't change this line } } // Now sit back and enjoy your binary system // Sigma //////////////////////////////////////////// // You don't need to read past this point // //////////////////////////////////////////// // This part checks for a Finalize node inside Kopernicus @Kopernicus:HAS[@Finalize]:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { @Finalize:HAS[#finalizeOrbits[?rue]] { SigmaFinalize = True } @Finalize:HAS[~finalizeOrbits[?rue]] { SigmaFinalize = False } } @Kopernicus:HAS[!Finalize]:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { Finalize { SigmaFinalize = False removeFinalize = True } } // This part creates the barycenter @Kopernicus:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { +Body[SigmaBarycenter] { SigmaBinary = Barycenter @name = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/name$$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/name$ #/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Orbit {} @Properties { SigmaFinalize = #$/Finalize/SigmaFinalize$ } } // This part sets the Primary body @Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]] { @Properties { %solarRotationPeriod = false SigmaFinalize = #$/Finalize/SigmaFinalize$ } // Calculate the temporary SoI (only if it's not already explicitly set) @Properties:HAS[~sphereOfInfluence [*]] { sphereOfInfluence = #$mass$ @sphereOfInfluence /= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Reference]]/Properties/mass$ @sphereOfInfluence != 0.4 @sphereOfInfluence *= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ minSoI = 1 } // Fixes the SoI if it's too small @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[1]] { @minSoI = #$radius$ @minSoI *= 2 @minSoI -= #$radius$ @minSoI -= 40000 } @Properties:[#minSoI[>0]|#minSoI[0]] { @minSoI += #$radius$ @minSoI += 40000 } @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[<0]] { %minSoI = #$radius$ @minSoI *= 2 } @Properties { @minSoI -= #$sphereOfInfluence$ } @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[>0]] { @sphereOfInfluence += #$minSoI$ } // Set orbital parameters !Orbit {} #/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Orbit {} @Orbit { @color = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/Orbit/color$ @referenceBody = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/name$ @argumentOfPeriapsis += 180 // Set new semiMajorAxis %semiMajorAxis = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Properties/mass$ @semiMajorAxis += #$../Properties/mass$ @semiMajorAxis != -1 @semiMajorAxis *= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Properties/mass$ @semiMajorAxis *= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ } } // This part changes the SoI of the Secondary body when it's too small or too big // If the original body have the SoI already explicitly set, this part won't change anything @Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]] { @Properties:HAS[~sphereOfInfluence [*]] { %sphereOfInfluence = #$mass$ @sphereOfInfluence /= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Properties/mass$ @sphereOfInfluence != 0.4 @sphereOfInfluence *= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ %maxSoI = 1 %minSoI = 1 } @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[1]] { @minSoI = #$radius$ @minSoI *= 2 @minSoI -= #$radius$ @minSoI -= 40000 } @Properties:[#minSoI[>0]|#minSoI[0]] { @minSoI += #$radius$ @minSoI += 40000 } @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[<0]] { %minSoI = #$radius$ @minSoI *= 2 } @Properties { @minSoI -= #$sphereOfInfluence$ } @Properties:HAS[#minSoI[>0]] { @sphereOfInfluence += #$minSoI$ } @Properties:HAS[#maxSoI[1]] { @maxSoI -= #$../Orbit/eccentricity$ @maxSoI *= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @maxSoI -= #$radius$ @maxSoI -= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Properties/radius$ @maxSoI /= 2 @maxSoI += #$radius$ @maxSoI -= #$sphereOfInfluence$ } @Properties:HAS[#maxSoI[<0]] { @sphereOfInfluence += #$maxSoI$ } } // This part sets Barycenter's mass, description and SoI @Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]] { @Properties:HAS[#SigmaFinalize[?rue]] { @mass += #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Properties/mass$ } @Properties { // Set description description = #This is the Barycenter of the $/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/name$-$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/name$ System. // Set mass @mass += #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Properties/mass$ @mass *= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @mass *= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @mass *= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @mass /= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @mass /= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @mass /= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Secondary]]/Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ // Set Sphere of Influence %sphereOfInfluence = #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Properties/sphereOfInfluence$ } @Properties:HAS[#SigmaFinalize[?rue]] { @mass -= #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]]/Properties/mass$ } } // This part: // Sets the final SoI value for the Primary Body // Calculates the correct rotation period if the body is tidallyLocked @Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Primary]] { // Set final SoI value @Properties { %sphereOfInfluence = #$../Orbit/eccentricity$ @sphereOfInfluence += 1 @sphereOfInfluence *= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @sphereOfInfluence += #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/Properties/sphereOfInfluence$ } // If tidallyLocked fix the rotationPeriod @Properties:HAS[#tidallyLocked[?rue]] { %rotationPeriod = 0 } @Properties:HAS[#tidallyLocked[?rue],#SigmaFinalize[?rue]] { @rotationPeriod += #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/Properties/mass$ } @Properties:HAS[#tidallyLocked[?rue]] { !tidallyLocked = DEL %rotates = true @rotationPeriod += #$/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Reference]]/Properties/mass$ @rotationPeriod /= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @rotationPeriod /= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @rotationPeriod /= #$../Orbit/semiMajorAxis$ @rotationPeriod /= 5.91525585920849e11 // divide by (4*pi^2)/G @rotationPeriod != -0.5 } } } // This part adds an exception for ISRU contracts on the barycenter @Contracts:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { @ISRU { @RESOURCE_REQUEST[Ore] { Forbidden = #$@Kopernicus/Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary[Barycenter]]/name$ } } } // This part clears temporary stuff @Kopernicus:NEEDS[SigmaBinary]:AFTER[SigmaBinary] { @Body:HAS[#SigmaBinary [*]] { !SigmaBinary = DEL @Properties { !minSoI = DEL !maxSoI = DEL !SigmaFinalize = DEL } } @Finalize:HAS[#SigmaFinalize [*]] { !SigmaFinalize = DEL } !Finalize:HAS[#removeFinalize [*]] {} } EDIT: Okay, now it is working... Could there be any reason?? EDIT2: Wait, SOI and Rotation aren't working for Tylo: Soi is set to 87 quadrillion km and rotation is more than 233 years...
  12. Ive just noticed something: whenever I make a binary system that has two large objects the rotation period of the primary object is messed up. Any help?
  13. From what I've seen, bigger rockets. I haven't actually returned with kerbals yet, but if you want to, go big.
  14. Nope. Monster? - - - Updated - - - EDIT: monstah
  15. I return to Kerbin to see what I have done, and use the power of the multiverse to repair Kerbin. Unknown to me, the Sun just collided with Kerbol... But the Sun is only a few million tons heavier... *mind explodes*
  16. You know... 4/5 something useful in that link but the text just simply is weird.
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