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Everything posted by RandomUser

  1. Would be cool idea. Would be cooler if the article wasn't revived from three years ago.
  2. Well, in terms of usefulness, Kerbal Engineer for certain. Other than that, I don't use many other mods. Though, out of the few others, I do use Procedural Fuel Tanks, which is insanely useful in a lot of situations I think.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if this WAS true. When I first started playing KSP, it took me a while before I even figured out just how this orbit stuff works. Months it had taken to get to the Mun as well, and that was using Mechjeb. The way I initially thought it worked was, and I'm not joking, launch, and then point towards the Mun. And I did that far to many times to even find it funny. Perhaps I should have read a tutorial? In my 300 or so hours of KSP, just recently have I visited Moho, Dres, Jool/moons of Jool, and Eeloo. This rapid progression was mainly as the result of finding out that Nuclear engines really were useful, and not just some crappy engine that takes a long time to get you anywhere. Except for the fact that I went to Dres without using the Nuclear Engines, somehow. And although I really want to go back to Jool or Eeloo, I always find myself asking the same question. Why? What is their that I haven't seen? Once you've landed on a planet in KSP, you've seen all their is on that planet except for Easter eggs. Only reason I even considered going to Bop was because of the Dead Kraken easter egg. Other than that, I wouldn't really want to bother going to these planets, unless it's something incredibly cool, like my planned Eve station, which is going to be worked on soon.
  4. Not sure the U.S. Government occasionally stops by and starts drawing checks in NASA's name, unless I'm missing something. In all seriousness though, this would be cool. Would need to be optional, but cool. Now to figure out how to career mode...
  5. Boosting FPS isn't really necessary anymore, unless of course you're on a old laptop or something of the likes. My file server running a Core 2 Quad with a GeForce 545, note the lack of "GTX", can run the game exceptionally for such an old PC, and this was back in 1.0.5, without 64 bit. Only PC I've had yet to start screwing up is my laptop, which sucks a lot. My current rig is a i5-3470, GTX 750 Ti, 1TB HDD, with 16GB of DDR3 RAM. I have yet to get unacceptable frame rates, and this is running intensive visual mods like Scatterer and Stock Visual Enhancements, and around 8k planet textures/skybox. Considering I'm only running an i5-3470, I can just imagine what you can get out of KSP on an i7 with a 980 or something.
  6. One so far, not sure of many others really. To be honest, I didn't really think about descent profiles, but now that you mention it, I might as well do a quicksave and some testing.
  7. I've managed to bring a shuttle to Eve, potentially with enough Delta-V for return to Kerbin even. However, I still cannot figure out how you'd actually land it, and actually go into Eve's atmosphere, without exploding of course. Really I wouldn't be surprised if it was practically speaking impossible, without some incredibly convoluted system not worth putting together.
  8. Revamp? I've been hearing about these parts being revamped, but don't know where to find any info? Are they redoing all of them?
  9. I was listening to the Interstellar soundtrack yesterday. I ended up getting some epic action song while landing my shuttle. The song was so epic that one of the shuttle's wings sheared off. I almost landed it, but I crashed to fast, so I reloaded a quicksave and purposefully sheared the wing off again and got everything in tune to the song, actually landing it as well, albeit in the water.
  10. This would be awesome, sure, but it'd have to be made difficult. I agree that requiring an Engineer, assumably Level 4-5, would make the most sense. I imagine deflating something as large as that and re inflating it is no easy task, hence the Engineer. Though, I think that for a good majority of the players, something like this wouldn't necessarily cross their mind, as most of them likely won't be trying to do a huge run throughout the Kerbol system in one go. Though, for the more advanced players, this would be incredibly useful. I think it really all comes down to whether or not this is even slightly feasible, if it is to go according to actual Physics, without being some completely over engineered design that makes no sense. Whether or not that is the case though, I think that this would be a great idea to implement.
  11. For basic science equipment, I'd say solar panels work up until Jool. My Laythe lander was able to do all of it's experiments with just solar panels, during sunset. The equipment was fairly basic, thermometer, goo canister, Science Jr., pressure equipment, etc. Seems to have worked for me. As for the EC load, I'm not certain, but pretty small on just that. Though in and past Jool, I try to keep electric usage to a minimum, no unnecessary SAS, etc.
  12. Hmm. For a lander on Eeloo, I find that mine is more than capable with the basic solar panels that is has at the moment. however I have yet to see it transit to Eeloo's apoapsis, which very well could leave my two landers dormant.
  13. When you think of how NASA has yet to go to Mars, and how you've "Conquered all of the Kerbol system", after which you realize that unlike Kerbals, you cannot strand Humans on other planets with no food or water, immense radiation, and the on and off electricity because you "forgot the batteries".
  14. The solar panels seem to work fine far out. I mean, they aren't nearly as effective as they are around Kerbin, obviously, but I find that a few panels works well even on Eeloo missions. Then again, the only mission where I had brought out equipment that needed a lot of electric charge was to Laythe in a Science save I'm working on. It worked for the most part, but I can see the low input being a problem for the more bulky equipment used for gather science.
  15. You sure? I accidentally exited the game confusing alt-f4 and alt-f5 almost 3 times in a mission, and started right back where I was (I think) But yeah, would be a cool feature.
  16. Sounds just like mine. Went to Eve using a craft designed for Duna, that I built using a tutorial (while back, was still a noob at interplanetary missions) everything worked until I got to Eve and tried to land. That is of course, when I learned that Eve had an atmosphere way to thick to simply fly into. Needless to say, I didn't survive and had to then redo the entire mission with a heat shield. Funny to look back on, cause now I know how to build a capable craft and land, all with relative ease.
  17. Reminds me of yesterday when I was going to Laythe in the Science mode. Built the best craft I could with the unlocked parts. I put all the science equipment I could on it too, and was ready to take off. And soon I was there, orbiting Laythe. The only problem was I forgot to put on any parachutes, a ladder, and even forgot to symmetry the fuel linings on the lander from the main tank to the 4 external tanks. So I ended up having to land a around 7-8 ton lander with nothing but 4 terrier engines in an atmosphere, where they are least effective, while trying to use the fuel transfer tool to get the engines tanks with the fuel they required. Needless to say, it took a fair bit of quicksaves and reloads, before I finally landed it on the Northern Pole of Laythe.
  18. Hmm. I'd like to know as well. I came up with the name on Steam, and have stuck with it for a while now. Think I was just lazy though.
  19. Depends on what parachutes you're using, some are incredibly weak, with others being quite strong. Parachutes like the Mk2-R Radial Mount Parachute are pretty good. It also depends on what kind of capsule you use. I assume you're using the Mk16 parachute, which is a bit weaker, I wouldn't recommend it using it.
  20. I had not one fail. But two fails in one mission! How awesome right? I finally built a craft cable of going to Jool, and to have delta-V to spare! I flew it all the way their, and even circularized my orbit around Jool with around 3,800 m/s left of delta-V! How nice the Nuclear engines are. So all sounds just fine, what went wrong? Well, unfortunately I made the mistake of not paying attention to which direction I orbited in. What is wrong with that though? Well, if I want my lander module to work like a satellite to Jool, then it's fine. Unfortunately I wanted to use my landing module for landing on Laythe. However, went you orbit in the exact opposite direction of your target, you end up getting encounters on around 7,000 m/s. Meaning I couldn't get into orbit without using all of my Delta-V, and burning for over an hour. That is a bit of a problem. Then it struck me. Can I get to Eeloo? Put a maneuver here, prograde there, etc. Yes, I can got to Eeloo! So I go to Eeloo, get into orbit, and land even! Now all to do is plant a flag and take a screenshot! How hard can that be? Well, needless to say, it can be very hard when you're blocking the hatch. Worst part is I was blocking it with an RCS port that in no way would hold the door down, because it was both smaller than the hatch and near the middle of it. So there I was, on Eeloo, not even able to step outside of my landing module. After which I just cheated and used whack a kerbal to smash the RCS port. Slightly cheating, but after all that, might as well.
  21. I've ventured to Bop in search of the Deep Space Kraken! It was a fun mission, enjoyed seeing Bop. Alright I'm lying, Bop is very boring. Their is literally nothing to see on Bop except hills, rocks, and dull looking terrain. Fun stuff.
  22. Space shuttles are awesome when you overcome the design impossibility challenge of building one that doesn't 360 degree flips once you take off. Right now, I'm using them to lift modules up to a Mun station.
  23. More varied and higher quality terrain would be cool, I agree. But the game needs a planet that is even harder than the rest. Landing on any of the objects in KSP is relatively easy depending on how easy you make it. For example, do you want to do a return mission? Do you want to do a Jool V challenge? For me things like that make it more challenging, which is nice (even though I've never done a Jool V challenge, or a return mission for that matter). But, getting to the planets is rather easy. I got to Eeloo the other day without even intending to go there. So far the game appears to have an analog for our planets, Moho/Mercury, Eve/Venus, Kerbin/Earth, Duna/Mars, Dres/Ceres, which is even in a sort of asteroid region, just like our Ceres, and are both dwarf planets too. after which comes Jool/Jupiter. Am I missing something? Certainly. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Now, am I saying the game needs to have some massive expansion that adds all these planets? No, not necessarily (Despite how amazing that would be), what I am saying is that their needs to be something way farther out than Eeloo, for which what comes to mind is Neptune or Pluto, maybe Saturn, just for the rings.
  24. Today I have finally reached Jool, its moons Laythe, Vall, and Pol, went to Eeloo, and Moho. All using the same rocket design. Arguably would've been cooler if I used the same rocket the whole time, but for someone who is just now getting to these places, that seems like it'd be a little too much for right now. Anyway, was pretty interesting.
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