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Posts posted by Gilph

  1. On 4/17/2023 at 2:51 PM, Zalym said:

    How well does MKS scale with Career Mode Funding and the Community Tech tree in terms of the gameplay? I've read elsewhere that the parts are fairly well positioned with the CTT. But, does working through the tech tree help "teach" MKS--a seemingly quite difficult/complex mod--in a sensible manner (from just getting supplies slapped on a capsule to later on opening up the ability to recycle/mine/build baes etc) ? 

    Or could it be better to just open the tech tree via cheats and have all the parts available to work out how they function via trial/error and the helpful guides in say Science Mode for example?


    On 4/17/2023 at 2:53 PM, RoverDude said:

    That's really up to you to be honest.  But it's designed with CTT in mind for those doing a career playthrough.

    There is really no need for cheats. What you describe is just sandbox mode.

    I had found the best way of learning all of the abilities of MKS is to use sandbox mode, make ships, and land them on Minmus flats to see how they operate. Once you get a feel for it, start a career save and prioritize the pieces that are important on how you play. I've learned that I used some components more than others, and incorporated KPBS and SSPXr, so pick whatever path seems most attractive to you

  2. On 3/26/2023 at 10:30 PM, Arrowstar said:

    Thanks!  You bring up a great point.  Here's what they would look like at 50 px x 50 px, which would be their approximate size as an icon.

    A) 367xrpp.png

    B) DSUQXf1.png

    C) YZmVgwv.png

    D) vUq7n11.png

    I should have shared these as well. :)

    They are kinda cool, but less of a match of what TOT does than the original. so my first vote is to keep it, second will be D


    On 3/29/2023 at 1:36 PM, Arrowstar said:

    Hey everyone, I've got some more news regarding visual changes to KSPTOT.  The other day I decided I was finally interested enough in adding a dark mode for the software, so I created what I call "visual themes".  These are user definable sets of colors applied to most UI elements that make up the KSPTOT GUI windows.  Going forward, KSPTOT will ship with two themes by default: the typical light theme and a dark theme.  However, there's nothing stopping you from using the Theme Editor to make your own. 

    You can access the Theme Editor from the main KSPTOT GUI (View -> Edit Themes).  It looks like this.


    Every type of editable widget has its own tab where you can set colors.  (In the future, I could also do fonts, but I'm leaving that out for now.)  An example representation of a GUI with the selected theme as currently defined is shown on the bottom of the window.  Here's I've got a "blue theme" defined, but there's nothing stopping you from going all unicorn vomit rainbows if you really want, haha.

    You can select and apply a theme by double clicking on the theme in the list box on the left or by checking the Active Theme checkbox at the top of the UI.  The effects take place across every KSPTOT UI instantaneously.

    I think Launch Vehicle Designer looks particularly good in a dark theme, but all tools and windows have this functionality.


    Let me know what you think!

    Dark mode looks really good...

  3. Good Morning,

    Getting closer. I was able to make a bodies file (the fclose warning occured when I did that), but the import into the 2 burn orbit change still throws the error.

    FYI: I don't need the new PR functionality, 1.6.9 works for my use. This is not time sensitive for me, so there is no urgency on my part.  Are you able to reproduce?



      _  __ _____ _____ _______ ____ _______ 
     | |/ // ____|  __ \__   __/ __ \__   __|
     | ' /| (___ | |__) | | | | |  | | | | 
     |  <  \___ \|  ___/  | | | |  | | | | 
     | . \ ____) | |      | | | |__| | | |  
     |_|\_\_____/|_|      |_|  \____/  |_|  
    KSPTOT v1.6.10 PR4
    MATLAB (R2022a) Update 2
    DATE: 2023/03/17 07:44:34
    Warning: The fclose method does not close the connection. Instead, clear the interface object to close the connection.
    Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: Write to KSPTOT Connect failed: Expected input number 2, data, to be nonempty.
        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\writeDataToKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'writeDataToKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 50

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 46

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 11

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack.m'
        name: 'orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack'
        line: 4

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\kspTOT_SingleUIs\OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.mlapp'
        name: 'OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback'
        line: 877

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+appdesigner\+internal\+service\AppManagementService.m'
        name: 'AppManagementService.executeCallback'
        line: 138

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+matlab\+apps\AppBase.m'
        name: '@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event)'
        line: 63

    Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

    Error in getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect (line 16)

    Error in orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack (line 4)

    Error in OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App/getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback (line 877)

    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)

    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)

    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.


  4. The warnings went away, but the same errors seem to be there. I tries to create a bodies file and it was not successful either

    Edit1: I just tested with 1.6.9 standard release and all looks good.


    KSPTOT v1.6.10 PR4
    MATLAB (R2022a) Update 2
    DATE: 2023/03/16 22:18:01
    Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: Write to KSPTOT Connect failed: Expected input number 2, data, to be nonempty.
        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\writeDataToKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'writeDataToKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 50

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 46

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\getBodiesINIFileFromKSP.m'
        name: 'getBodiesINIFileFromKSP'
        line: 8

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\kspTOT_SingleUIs\mainGUI_App.mlapp'
        name: 'mainGUI_App.createNewBodiesFileFromKSP_Callback'
        line: 321

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+appdesigner\+internal\+service\AppManagementService.m'
        name: 'AppManagementService.executeCallback'
        line: 138

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+matlab\+apps\AppBase.m'
        name: '@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event)'
        line: 63

    Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: Write to KSPTOT Connect failed: Expected input number 2, data, to be nonempty.
        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\writeDataToKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'writeDataToKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 50

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 46

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 11

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack.m'
        name: 'orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack'
        line: 4

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\kspTOT_SingleUIs\OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.mlapp'
        name: 'OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback'
        line: 877

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+appdesigner\+internal\+service\AppManagementService.m'
        name: 'AppManagementService.executeCallback'
        line: 138

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+matlab\+apps\AppBase.m'
        name: '@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event)'
        line: 63

    Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

    Error in getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect (line 16)

    Error in orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack (line 4)

    Error in OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App/getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback (line 877)

    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)

    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)

    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.


  5. Still errors, but slightly different. Trying to load orbit into the 2 burn orbit change tool


    SPTOT v1.6.10 PR4
    MATLAB (R2022a) Update 2
    DATE: 2023/03/16 19:18:06
    Warning: ReadAsyncMode is not a valid property for this interface.
    Warning: ReadAsyncMode is not a valid property for this interface.
    Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: Write to KSPTOT Connect failed: Expected input number 2, data, to be nonempty.
        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\writeDataToKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'writeDataToKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 49

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 46

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 11

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack.m'
        name: 'orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack'
        line: 4

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra1\KSPTrajector\kspTOT_SingleUIs\OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.mlapp'
        name: 'OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback'
        line: 877

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+appdesigner\+internal\+service\AppManagementService.m'
        name: 'AppManagementService.executeCallback'
        line: 138

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+matlab\+apps\AppBase.m'
        name: '@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event)'
        line: 63

    Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

    Error in getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect (line 16)

    Error in orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack (line 4)

    Error in OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App/getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback (line 877)

    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)

    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)

    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.


  6. Hey @Arrowstar, hope all is well,

    Just finished creating a new 1.12.5 save and installed MATLAB and your pre-release10. I'm getting this error when trying to import an orbit on the flight screen:


    SPTOT v1.6.10 PR3
    MATLAB (R2022a) Update 2
    DATE: 2023/03/16 00:00:33
    Read doubles from KSPTOT Connect failed: Expected input to match one of these values:

    'little-endian', 'big-endian'

    The input, 'bigEndian', did not match any of the valid values.
        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra0\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\createTcpIpClient.m'
        name: 'createTcpIpClient'
        line: 34

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra0\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\ksptot_connect\readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'readDoublesFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 17

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra0\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect.m'
        name: 'getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect'
        line: 11

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra0\KSPTrajector\helper_methods\gui_setup\orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack.m'
        name: 'orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack'
        line: 4

        file: 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\me\mcrCache9.12\KSPTra0\KSPTrajector\kspTOT_SingleUIs\OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.mlapp'
        name: 'OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App.getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback'
        line: 877

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+appdesigner\+internal\+service\AppManagementService.m'
        name: 'AppManagementService.executeCallback'
        line: 138

        file: 'D:\MATLAB Runtime\v912\mcr\toolbox\matlab\appdesigner\appdesigner\runtime\+matlab\+apps\AppBase.m'
        name: '@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event)'
        line: 63

    Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

    Error in getSingularOrbitFromKSPTOTConnect (line 16)

    Error in orbitPanelGetOrbitFromKSPTOTConnectActiveVesselCallBack (line 4)

    Error in OptimalTwoBurnOrpoodleange_App/getOrbitFromKSPActiveVesselMenu_Callback (line 877)

    Error in appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 138)

    Error in matlab.apps.AppBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(appdesigner.internal.service.AppManagementService.instance(),app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 63)

    Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent
    Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

    The whitelist is OK, but it's weird I have no MATLAB path in my environment variables. Things run fine without, the errors are only if I try to use connect.

    Appreciate any help, thanks

  7. On 4/5/2022 at 5:09 PM, minkar81002 said:

    Also, I am also not sure whether I am supposed to additionally install KAS, in order to have flexible piping between modules and such. It seems that KAS usually goes with KIS, but then again in the MKS change-log, it says for the TBD 1.5.0 that KIS support is, or will be, deprecated. So I'm not sure if I need to install KAS or Infernal Robotics, both of which are recommended on the main page of the GitHub page.

    MKS was specifically designed to NOT require any pipes between modules, due to the Kracken showing up with large interconnected buildings. Things like Local Logistics, rovers, etc allow for transfers within certain distances without piping. I do know that some players do not like the implied interconnections and really need to see pipes, but they run the risk of their bases shaking apart violently.

    Now, WOLF is how to take full advantage of the virtual resource environment, which requires a learning curve and practice. The older school local/planetary/orbital logistics are still possible and complement WOLF, and there is a lot of info on that in the forum. You just need to patiently search and read some of the guides that were written, and test a lot on Minmus. Hope this helps.

  8. On 10/12/2021 at 7:33 AM, Alien21 said:

    I see a lot of nice space stations here.....hello guys just a question, I will upload later my station photo's. Is complicated try to build a space station around another planet? I have already achieved the target to build a station around Mun and Kerbin, but if I would instead build something around Duna or something else? All suggestions will be appreciated!

      @Alien21  In addition to all of the good stuff already posted, I wanted to add that my space stations are also refueling stations, so they are basically sticks. I would launch them into orbit with mostly dry tanks to save weight, refuel them in orbit, and have it burn to my destination. It requires a beefy engine to do the transfer, which may not be needed in the future, but it's pretty simple. The stick part does have a bunch of ports so you can also expand, as previously suggested.

    If the burn time is a problem with low TWR, I'll add a stage with small tanks but efficient engines and enable crossfeed. Once everything is fueled, I'll have the engines use up all of the fuel in their stage, and then use the fuel from the station. When the burn is 95% completed, I'll disable the crossfeed and jettison the stage. This way, I can have a smaller engine on the station for capture and maneuver. Takes a bit of planning to make sure you have enough fuel for your destination, But I've managed to get to some far away places doing that.

  9. 21 hours ago, Parmenio said:

    10.8 supplies per Kerbal per day still a good number?

    Yep, it's a configurable item, but that's the default. If you look at settings.cfg in the Life Support directory, kerbals consume 0.0005 supplies per second, by default. There are 21600 seconds in a kerbal day, so that works out to 10.8.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Kharn said:

    I'm a little confused on Quartermaster functionality. 


    I've contributed to planetary logistics with Ore and LFO using a multi-ship mining/refining base in Mun's Farside Crater. 

    If I put a refining base in Mun's Midlands, with a Quartermaster in it, and turn on Planetary Logistics for its storage modules, will it automatically draw Ore from the quantity the other base uploaded? Or do I need a specific component on the Midlands base to get the Ore,  like a Ranger,  Duna, Tundra, etc part?


    How do I get the LFO out of the uploaded quantity if I'm not using it in an industrial process? 

    Hi, the short answer is, yes, things that get uploaded to PL can get download to other factories in other biomes if there is a demand for it. It is a pull function.

    The longer answer is that you have to do some planning. You will need to calculate how much ore is being consumed per Kerbin day and have roughly 2x of storage in your refining base (as a general rule of thumb) in order to run at continuous capacity. Also, you will need to first load the FC mining base first to allow the catch up processing to send the ore to PL before you load the Midlands vessel  to pull it.

    WOLF is designed to reduce or eliminate those details and make things more straightforward.

  11. On 5/17/2021 at 10:29 PM, KSPrynk said:

    Both the long and short 1.875m habs have the same crew support and life support timer capacity, and need balancing, as I'm guessing all the habitable parts do.  I thought @RoverDude had a tool/cheatsheet for how to consistently scale newly created USI-LS compatible parts, but I'm at a loss trying to find it in the USI-LS and MKS GH Wikis at the moment....

    I just put a link to an old 2018 version of the balance spreadsheet in the MKS forum, if that helps...

  12. 46 minutes ago, rudemario said:

      MKS version v1.3 was the "current version" for 10 months. Does this mean drills were unfunctional for 10 months on the newest version? Based on my testing that doesn't turn out to be the case, which means that's not the answer.

    It turns out that Roverdudes comments about the drills are true and are not anywhere on the Functions page on the wiki. It appears that when you activate a second separator on the drill, it increases the thermal output to just the perfect degree to limit yourself to the same resource throughput as before. So if I was mining 9 dirt per second, adding a second separator of dirt will bring me down after the heat builds up to approximately 9~. This was only confusing as this was not mentioned on the wiki. It makes perfect sense that the Drills were previously setup in this way to simply allow you to split throughput between 5 resources by having a bigger drill, but the amount of resource mining is already chosen by how big of a drill you chose for the mission. Simply activating one bay is enough.

    This does not appear to be a bug or broken at all. It's just un-intuitive and not mentioned. Drill throughput is chosen by the drill size and adding more separator bays just splits the output between the amount of resources chosen. It just looks like heat goes crazy by accident, when it's a feature as a way to limit throughput.

    As to why I'm not using the latest pre-release:

      Reveal hidden contents

    My job only gives me just a few hours some nights to play KSP or any game, that's if nothing else comes up, and I've spent the few hours over the last month slowly learning MKS's components so I can plan out a forward operating base to launch rockets into the EventHorizon mod which adds Interstellar (2014)'s Gargantua system, orbiting a black hole. I've spent many many hours learning the core systems and I don't really have much time, and I've already spent time learning how Extraplanetary Launchpads works, how long it should roughly take to build, how much MaterialKits I would need, how long it would take to mine 150,000 MaterialKits etc for a certain class of ship etc, how hab works, how the ranger stuff interacts compared to the tundra stuff. I don't want to spend another 15 hours over 2 weeks learning how Ground Construction was removed, if Extraplanetary Launchpads even still works with the MaterialKits/SpecializedParts patch, how the new balances to the resource gathering works, how the new WOLF system works, how 1.11's inventory system coincides with KIS/KAS. I prefer KIS/KAS's system but Roverdude deprecated support for KIS/KAS and have to relearn that system and find some other way to tether parts etc given how there isn't much documentation for the new 1.11 MKS system and other issues caused by 1.11, seeing how I'm almost ready to start playing my Gargantua mission after spending the last month learning how everything works and doing tests. It's simply because I've already invested so much time in learning so far and due to my limited hours I'd like to start playing MKS since I've only had the time to keep up with learning this version over time. (Also Extraplanetary Launchpads not working would be a problem since I prefer being able to build a rocket completely from scratch in-situ).

    If something is a bug I don't expect support for it, I just want to know if it's intended functionality or not so I can understand MKS's mechanics so I can have fun.

    That's actually good information that I wasn't aware of. Thanks

    But, none of the above considers the bonuses problem, so just remember that if your drill, after bonuses, is running at 150%, you will need 150% of power and cooling per drill.  That's the only thing that really got me. Sometime not levelling Kerbals to counteract the bonuses was my only option.

    I have not used the pre release Constellation, but I am using 1.4 with the single bays  for drills and manufacturing without any issues. Gameplay is roughly the same for everything else, and it's somewhat future friendly.

  13. On 5/18/2021 at 7:32 AM, Kerbals_of_Steel said:

    That's why the newest builds went away from having multiple bays on the drills. Stock thermal management is garbage.


    On 5/18/2021 at 9:33 AM, rudemario said:

    So, the most productive drill setup would be 1 drill with 5 bays, but the thermals accidentally and unintentionally limit the performance, meaning 5 drills with 1 bay is more efficient?

    Edit: Basically, I'm just curious what the most or more efficient setup is for drills

    The answer is, essentially, using the current version that only allows one resource per drill.  You still have to watch out for various bonuses that may increase your drill output, which causes more heat.

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