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Everything posted by Gilph

  1. HI, Tried to update to 1.2.3 on my KSP 1.2.2 save. Pretty sure all went OK with the update, but when I look at my bases, the terrain is very different on Iota and Ceti. Some of my bases are floating in the air and on Ceti, the nice flat spot I was on is now a steep hill. Any thoughts?
  2. When you say vessel B is manned, is it a pilot? The pilot is required to push to PL if you are using the Logistics module. As of this version, the easiest way to have a remote drilling site push resources into PL is with a MPL. All you need is a vessel with the -A drills, a container with PL enabled, power, and a MPL. The drills fill up the container and the MPL will push to PL. Note that the PL has two separate functions: an automatic push function and a resource conversion function. You actually do not need to use the resource conversion if you don't want to. I had that case recently, so I used the smallest MPL, took the machinery out to make it lighter, and things got pushed to PL just fine.
  3. Yep. Happens to me all of the time. I believe the catch up processing thinks it's running out of something during the six hour periods. I have a few theories, but my best guess is that it may have to do with using multiple tanks. Chemicals and Silicon are the two largest volume things that get consumed. From a vessel perspective, it looks like you have space. But Warehousing is on a per tank basis. If you use multiple tanks, my guess is that catch up processing doesn't consider all of the available space correctly in the calculations. When I switched to larger, single tanks, the problem did seem to go away.
  4. About 25-30 seconds with GPP and about 30 mods total. Go Samsung SM950 Pro.....
  5. Sorry, catching up on forums. Voicy99 was correct, but to be very clear, a pilot is not required to be resident in any specific vessel. I have a cluster of six vessels in my base, five logistics modules, and only one pilot. All works fine. Actually, the pilot in in the Hab vessel, the only one without a Logistics module. The pilot just has to be in a 150M range of the vessels to enable the function.
  6. This. Very Much. Don't want to say how many times I forgot to press the button. Double check the top of the window to make sure you actually set it correctly, then check it again.
  7. Having it in the right place is good, but it's not the only consideration. If you use custom textures and cfg files, they were moved from the Gamedata\scatterer directory to the Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Scatterer and Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Configs directories. I needed a few times to get everything where it belonged, including needing to edit GPP_Scatterer.cfg to use a custom sunflare when the old install had a separate .cfg in the scatterer directory that is no longer needed.
  8. Is the GPP_Scatterer directory under Gamedata\GPP set up OK? Also, is GPP_Scatterer.cfg under Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Configs correct?
  9. I hear that...my oldest was a poor grad student for 7 years, Now, she is a poor post doc. No, have almost identical install, without Planetshine. Just doublecheck the locations of things. With the new MM install structure, things need to be the right place. Maybe go one install at a time?
  10. Have often considered to do a "MKS for Dummies" like section, but it's hard because the USI suite is very flexible and I've noticed that very few people approach it the same way. To restrict people's imagination by giving the impression there is a limited way to use it would not be very helpful. You have to ask yourself why you are interested in using MKS in the first place and go from there. Here are some things to consider: MKS is designed to build colonies consisting of individual bases (vessels) and provides the capability to manufacture resources to keep Kerbals alive when life support is enabled. Life support can be enabled by USI-LS. Don't try to use other LS systems in the beginning. All aspects of life support can be turned on or off, made easier or harder, etc. Configure it the way you want. MKS without any LS becomes a construction exercise, similar to other base building mods. Other USI mods support advanced construction if that's your goal. The best part of MKS is that, by following some rules listed in the wiki, you do not need to interconnect your bases to share/transfer resources (with very rare exceptions). This is to prevent the physics engine from getting too stressed out and causing large designs to shake, jump, and explode. Many people interconnect them anyway and take the risk. Once all these things get sorted, then use the wiki for the more detailed kinds of things to know (like when is a greenhouse not a greenhouse).
  11. You will need MKS to manufacture fertilizer. They have at least three different ways to manufacture fertilizer Mulch is different than fertilizer. The MKS wiki has a lot of information that describes these resources.
  12. Probably not...GPP does not have performance issues per se, but your computer does. Your system is barely enough for stock, low res gameplay. 1GB of video memory is not good, while 12GB of system memory is low, but not terrible. Other than reverting to stock planets in low res, your best bet is to avoid any visual enhancements.
  13. I just downloaded the Flyby Finder version that has GPP support. Tried a few Gael-Otho-Grannus flybys with no luck yet. Have to play with the time windows a lot more to get something good. Also just installed a Near Future, SpaceY, and USI propulsion mods. I now have an interesting collection of plasma, ion, and nuke engines with their associated fuels. I guess it will take a while to make sense of it all
  14. Hi, have had some issues with PDUs in the past, but was never able to track it down consistently. Some of the ways I got around it are: Put an Engineer in the PDU and restart the game. The PDU needs an Engineer to enable the Power sharing function, but does not need it after that. Moving it back to the PDU looks like it resets the PDU functionality, at least for me. If you power a vessel with a nuke, and your vessel draws more EC than the nuke can handle, you would think that a nearby PDU would supply the extra EC needed. It works fine when the vessel is active, but after a warp and catch up processing, my vessel looks like it ran out of EC (drills stop, etc). Seems like solar panels do not have this issue, only nukes. Is this your situation? I just stopped that design and used either large local nukes or no local power at all. There is not any way to define your power consumption and power supply hierarchy that i can figure out. Flow control doesn't work.
  15. Good candidate for adding to OP under FAQ, along with other mods that will always be incompatible.
  16. Highly recommended. Mission Planning is tough to use, but the other utilities are amazing, especially Rendezvous Planner. @rasta013, have you gotten TOT to calculate a good Grannus intercept? Mine seem to be no smaller than a few hundred years.
  17. I just watched the YouTube video from Kottabos. It's on the original GC mod, which has a few extra things not bundled with MKS, but is does a good job to introduce how you use it.
  18. Hi, these ideas are all great, but I can't help but to think we should look at this at a more architectural level. These things were blacklisted to protect them from automated transfer processes that may transfer things in a way that will break things, especially during catch up processing. So, I think it's time to take another look at the automated processes to make sure they work, as expected, during catch up. There are a lot of things going on in your typical unconnected collection of vessels that make up a colony: Warehousing shares resources with their in-range neighbors, but it appears to happen at the individual tank level (not at the collective vessel level), which causes the occasional problem. PL also pulls resources from their virtual tanks, but using a separate process. Those two different ways of sharing resources don't always work together seamlessly. PDU power sharing doesn't always work correctly. If you have a local power source attached ( like a nuke) that is too small to supply all needed power, and you expect that a PDU will make up the difference, it doesn't always work in a catch up situation. Local Logistics is a great feature, and it does work at the vessel level, but has issues with the automated processes kick in and will undo transfers automatically that you just made manually. Maintenance is a fine mechanic, but you do not get to specify the source of the transfer, which kind of defeats the purpose of blacklisting these things. Add the fact that tank flow control doesn't always work, tanks locks aren't always respected, local storage on resource converters can complicate resource management, etc. So, I would suggest that the developers take a look at all of these features to see if they could be optimized, especially during catch up. Catch up is the default processing mode for almost everyone that has resource converting vessels, and making sure all these capabilities run nicely is pretty important. Thanks
  19. There has been some good answers to this, but I think the best answer to this is that it's done on purpose. I watch RD's Twitch channel on occasion and remember some comments in the lost forum regarding this. It's always been the case that the Mk1 should support Mun missions, but something additional is needed for Minmus. The Hab settings provided an additional level of difficulty and progress to go to the outer moon. I don't really agree of syncing supplies to hab, because they are two separate problems. Of course, if you do not agree to that philosophy, the settings can be changed. In fact, I have a Galileo Planet Pack career save going, which changes the distances of the two moons. So, I changed the Hab multipler from .25 to .45. This allowed me to use the Mk1 to get to the closer moon, but not enough to get to the outer moon, which kept the original spirit.
  20. That's a good rule of thumb. Most of my catch up issues went away when I started to do that. The exception being Silicon production in my GPP save. I have more than enough tank space, but I always run out of Silicon, which is odd because I produce enough Silicates locally that I don't need either warehouse or PL transfers. I have an odd suspicion it may be due to having 2 Silicon tanks on the vessel, a 2.5 and an ISU. I don't think multiple tanks are handled smoothly in warehouse and PL processing. Need to try a little more testing.
  21. To do exactly what you are asking, then @voicey99is right. But, you can use PL in a somewhat indirect way as the storage. If you have a vessel making Machinery, and you have Logistics module, then the excess Machinery will be pushed to PL. If you have vessels nearby that need their Machinery replenished, then each of them need a Machinery tank with PL enabled, Logistics modules, and a pilot in the neighborhood. Lock the Machinery storage that is local to your resource converters. This will force the Machinery consumption to come from the Machinery tank that has PL enabled. Once that tank goes low, it will pull Machinery from PL.
  22. I think that, with all of my landed vessels, I had one issue with the terrain and MJ. If my landing spot is surrounded by high ground, I just start my descent higher. As to the ascent, I just lower the TWR until I can do the gravity turn nicely (at the expense of deltav), and never needed wings for stability. I only use LFO boosters (see Kestrel lifter in Kerbalx), and just started using the SpaceY stuff to get the good engines. I used the bigger Karbonite SRBs once to see how well they worked, and they got me high enough to use a vacuum based engine to get into orbit. It is a bit like flying a house, but if you balance the COM in the VAB, it's usually pretty easy. The secret is hitting that 10k altitude freakin brick wall at the right angle with as little AoA as possible.
  23. Not really...you'd be surprised how much heat they can tolerate. What made that really work was sticking a landing engine in the middle with landing legs around the core, and stick fuel tanks on the top. After I land it, have an engineer go and turn all that landing-specific stuff into Materialkits, including the landing engine and legs, and it sits nicely on the ground. If you balance the landing TWR to about 1.5-1.8, MJ can land it to within 1-2 meters.
  24. No, this was my first. Those other units I flew there and used MJ to land them, so they had to be balanced and manageable. But, now that this was a successful test, I may rethink my designs a bit.
  25. If by water, you mean 27000 MaterialKits (for this vessel), then yeah. The building on the right side with the Inflatable workshop is a dedicated MK factory. I figured that splitting my manufacturing between two separate bases (one that is MK only, and everything else in another) was useful for two reasons. One was this case, where building things using GC, and inflating things like habs, would take a lot of MK. The second is that, in making machinery, MK is consumed 4X more than SP. Using the dedicated workshop makes it at a little over 3x rate than a Assembly bay, iirc., so the balance is a bit better. That box was only 24T, so I think I'll be using it for those far away places.
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