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Everything posted by Gilph

  1. As an FYI, I reshuffled processing and was able to repaint two 2.5 tanks for Silicates, totaling 9000 storage. All works now. Until @RoverDude works his magic, I'm using 3.75 tanks for Silicates and Minerals, 2.5 for Chemicals and Silicon on the bigger factories.
  2. I have this base that I'm testing some power designs. I have some nukes attached to bases when they are very high in power consumption. But, if I have spare capacity, it gets somewhat wasted, so I wanted to see if I can share the excess as a PDU. In the screenshot, I have a nuke with a Power Coupler attached to make it a power distributor. But, the base does not use the nuke at all, it pulls all of the EC from the other external PDUs first. If I do the same with a real PDU, the base will use it for local power first, and then share the rest externally. Is there a way to force that behavior with a nuke/coupler combination? Thanks
  3. I have 9 different bases in my colony, so I go the disconnected route big time. There are other issues than FPS, especially if you want to do a lot of manufacturing. Storage tanks have to be large enough to hold 6 hours of resources to support catch up mechanics, especially if you rely on resources from PL and other bases. I am tracking down why I always have zero Silicon after a few days, even though I produce a net positive amount. I think it's because my Silicates tank is too small. With all the bonuses and large load, I need over 6000 per day and I only have 2500 storage. I need to test with bigger tanks, solely to support the 6 hour requirement.
  4. I used to think the Tundra habs were underpowered also, but they do have a great benefit...they don't consume Machinery. I've created a few Machinery-less orbital stations and interplanetary taxis to good effect. The inflatables are good for conserving weight during transit and then using separate stores of MaterialKits to inflate and Machinery to keep running.
  5. 17.5 is really nice. Scanned Kerbin. visually good looking, no errors in log and runs very smooth. Very nicely done.
  6. It's been discussed at length...I don't foresee any significant changes. The costs are set that way for good reasons
  7. Because there are way too many ways to buff performance. In the last few months, we had: 90% ish nerf on hab EC 500% increase in factory output Kolonization bonuses Unmanned MPLs that output at 1000% None of the things you mention are unrealistic, there is just too many of them. And, they cause things to break when they increase too much. I've been reducing all my factories down to 100-150%, not only to prevent meltdown, but because I just dont need all that much. I also turned all my efficiency parts to Materialkits. It would be nice to reduce the inflation.
  8. Edited issue with screenshots and USI save: https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/issues/1189
  9. Poop ton = 48000 to be exact. And they have to be within scavenging range, no pulling from PL directly. I had to land an empty 3.75 MK Kontainer, use local logistics to fill it (local tanks to Kontainer, PL to local tanks), and then it inflated.
  10. I had made that point earlier. Not sure if that is the intended behavior. If it is, there are other, better solutions. It all makes good sense at 100% load. It does not at 481%
  11. I would definitely give the bonuses a nerf in lieu of a governor. Seems silly to earn something one way and then take it away in another way
  12. I have Geology:221, Botany: 180; Kolonization: 174 (rounded). That gets me to 442 and I run at 481. Regardless, it still creates a large Machinery upkeep logistic issue. If you cannot pull from PL, and cant transfer using Local Logistics from a supply lander, it doesn't seem useful. If you are making Machinery in a large manufacturing base, getting it to remote locations is pretty complicated. Since the drills are very OP with the bonuses, I am turning off the converters and land more refineries centrally. The drills will upload to PL and the refineries, attached to logistics, will just do the resource conversions. It's not what was intended, but it's the best way to run at the moment.
  13. Ahhh, that's a good idea. I'll play around with reducing the supplies resident locally to see if that's the issue, although I dont really see that behavior in any of the other resource conversions. I'll try and record numbers. it would be about 7 big screenshots.
  14. But my rate of mulch conversion far exceeds my mulch production. With the base active, I can process all of the mulch in 3 hours that accumulated in 20 days. If catch up processing included agroponics, I should never have the amount build up to that level.
  15. Separate topic...is Agroponics/greenhouse included in catch up processing? When I return to my main kolony after many days, I am hip deep in mulch, which is kinda gross. Even the base that has the big agroponics Tundra part has mulch in the local tanks, and that should never happen.
  16. Nope, all of the ten bays are set to Chemicals. I have a 3 MPU and a single MPU in different places on Minmus. and all of them are running at higher loads with no efficiency parts.. I guess that's the issue? BTW...thanks for the responses.
  17. True, but that is at 100%. With the bonuses, each bay runs at 481%, which matches your math above. I did not account for the higher load.
  18. Anybody notice how fast the MPUs are burning through Machinery? My 5 MPU machine that i posted just burned 1200 machinery in 90 days. They run at 962% load with 2 bays set the same. This is a bit of a problem. I dont mind landing an engineer to perform maintenance every few months, but I would also need a large tank of Machinery nearby. It's easier to go back to Duna logistics modules with the new drills and small Machinery tanks. Land a Pilot and Engineer; the engineer can perform maintenance and the pilot can pull the machinery from PL.
  19. I hope not...the drills are a bit OP, I think the MPU is fine for what it does.
  20. My Chemicals romance This is an 8% node, and only 1 small drill is a hair short of feeding all 5 MPUs, so I run only 2 of the 4 shown
  21. This is perfect. Thanks very much. It could also be the Kerbal Mafia hijacking the shipment en route... I think that you need both the Kontainer and the part storage for the issue to happen. If you see this happening on a base that has only part storage and no Kontainers, please let me know. Thanks
  22. Hi...I have done that, but this is a little different (I think). It's easy to see, but hard to describe. I'm looking to see how to make a youtube video easily and try to describe it visually. After some more tests today, it does look like a scavenging issue. All other functions seem to behave correctly and respect the locks when enabled. Without knowing the internals, it looks like when scavenging is enumerating the storage tank IDs, it switched the redi-pak and NFP IDs. Whenever scavenging executes and pulls recyclables from a remote tank and tries to store it locally, it puts it in the NFP tank, not the redi-pak. It's not respecting the lock on the NFP tank because it's treating it like the redi-pak tank, which has no lock. But, everything else other than scavenging is not affected. When the Recycler uses up everything and tries to pull from the NFP tank, it cannot because the lock is enabled.
  23. I can confirm this. In addition, some rather strange behavior with respect to tanks and scavenging that's similar to this. I have a base that contains a NFP, a recycler (both have recyclable storage disabled, and a Redi-Pak with only Local Warehouse enabled. The design is that the local recyclable storage is off on all parts except the redi-pak, and the Redi-Pak will contain all local recyclables and scavenge from all the other bases to feed the Recycler. When I make it active, there are recyclables in the NFP storage, even though the storage is disabled, and the redi-pak is empty. This is the exact opposite of what should happen. Over time, I see the recyclables get lower and scavenging starts to pull from the other bases. But, instead of that content going to the redi-pak (enabled), it goes to the NFP (disabled). In short, the NFP storage is acting like a warehouse enabled tank that ignores the disabled setting, and the redi-pak looks like a non warehouse container. It appears that the scavenging is transferring to the wrong tanks and ignoring the disabled setting. I know it's hard to explain. I'll try to get some screenshots and put in Github. Thanks
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