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Everything posted by VaPaL

  1. @StrandedonEarth and @todofwar A great portion of it was done by Dextre and Canadarm2. Dextre had problems with 2 bolts, but I don't know if this alone was the reason for the EVA or just added some tasks for the Astronauts.
  2. @CAKE99 Thanks! But unfortunately I can't install anything on my PC
  3. So, as the title says, do you guys have some good and reliable proxy site? Here at my work a lot of sites are blocked, even some that I would need for work. I used proxfree.com for a while but it got blocked and I not sure if I'm willing to risk getting some random one on Google as I was already told they are prone to be infected. Thanks!
  4. Yes but a lot of this longer swords wasn't carried in scabbards. Though what limits you carring any sword in a scabbards is the length of your arm. If it's long enough for you to pull the sword out of the scabard, then you it's fine. That's why carrying a sword in the back is stupid, you can't pull it out.
  5. Starting today at 12:05 UTC, Shane Kimbrough and Peggy Whitson, will start a 6,5 hour long EVA to change some batteries on ISS. http://spaceflight101.com/us-eva-28-preview/
  6. I understand that we should not talk about religion, but about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and other similar concepts are also forbidden? I imagine the answer is yes, because, even not being a religion, it was created as a result of a religious discussion. Anyway, asking don't hurt
  7. There's RealPlume. I chances the plume to look more realistic, but I don't know about shock diamonds.
  8. You remember the country? It would help a lot. Or at least what part of Asia. Also, it will take you some time, but you can check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Spiders_of_Asia
  9. What's the hierarchy in the forums? I imagine something like: 1-SQUAD 2-SQUAD Staff 3-Global moderator 4-Moderator 5-Users Is it right? And if so, who is SQUAD? I mean, somebody is behind it. What 'power' and responsibilities each one have? Thanks!
  10. The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son
  11. Yes, my understanding is that cosmonaut is astronaut in russian, but for some reason, instead of treating it as a trasnlation, it's treated as another thing. But this is off topic. RIP John Glenn
  12. I agree with you, but I think it's more like each scenario is unique, and have to be analized independently. I on the surface it may seems one thing but when you get a little bit deeper in it you see something that can change drastically your thoughts on it. But, I think it's safe to say that airlift has spoiled some governments. If you stop it, because it's more sensible and logical and a better long term solution to build a road, the local gov/authority/responsible organization will blame you for stopping the aid instead of building the road. And may, sometimes, prevent you to build the road, because they want you there or want that group people to be dependant. It sounds childish, but man, I've already seen some childish govs, or whatever, out there.
  13. @Jonfliesgoats I get what you're saying, but I don't think airlift prevents investments on roads for instance. Reducing the use of airlift won't necessairly make the money go to another investment. The only reason airlift is there it's beacuse nobody built any road to start with and may never will, for one reason or another. Maybe because the terrain is so harsh that building and mantaining a road would be as costly as airlift or even more. Or the local government don't want to help a certain village because the are from a certain tribe or something like that or the government simply don't want to build or let someone build a road but accepts airlift. Road transport could be dangerous, so investment in security would also be needed. We get to a point where if all investments weere made, the need for aid would cease beacuse the country itself would develop. Somethings are not that simple IRL as in paper. You can't assume that airlift prevents investments, it may be true in some cases, but not always, not even in the majority.
  14. I always thought about that, but never find a really practical solution. I was reading about selective compression, how to make building or scenes that even scaled are to big fit in your model and still look realistic. But even then, 6 cities sounds like a lot, if I'm able to keep them would be great but that may not be the case There're some other stuff that I would like to put in the rural areas, like a suger cane processing facility or a big fertilizer facility that Vale has between Ribeirão Preto and Uberaba. CSN may not even have a city around it since it is basically a whole city itself. Don't know, it still early planning, but as you said, I hope I'm going in the right way
  15. @Cydonian Monk @adsii1970 @Shpaget While progess is slow remaking my old layout, I'm spending some time on planning my future one. I studied a lot about Brazilian railroads and changed my mind about what I would like to do. I would like to be as prototypical as possible, but that would mean to have only unit trains (there are almost none manifest trains here, since there ins't many industries that are connected to railroads). So I decided to expand the use of railroads a bit, but keeping it realistic. I decided to model part of FCA, MRS, ALL and EFVM railroads (this Imgur album has a map). There are 8 cities that I would like to model (all in the map). Their RL production that uses railroad are: -Ribeirão Preto: sugar and ethanol going to Santos (seaport) (export) -Uberaba: soybean and sugar going to Santos -Santos: seaport (grains, ethanol, containers) -Hortolândia: passengers cars for urban trains and metros, freight cars, other railroads products -Volta Redonda: biggest metallurgic industry in Brazil (CSN) -Belo Horizonte: a lot of iron ore mines in the region, ore going to Vitória (seaport) (export) and Volta Redonda/passengers to Vitória -Divinópolis: main engine and car shop of FCA, all heavy maintenance take place there -Vitória: seaport (iron ore, iron pellets)/Passenger to Belo Horizonte This gives 2 sugar trains, 1 ethanol train, 1 soybean train, 2 ore trains, 1 passenger train and eventally one container train leaving Santos. I'm researching local industries in each city to expand the rail activity. I thinking between 3 to 5 industries per city, except for Santos and Vitória (the seaport would be big enough) and Volta Redonda (CSN is almost the whole city) I know I won't be possible to have all 8 cities in my layout, I also know that there're some problems with this selection: -Ribeirão Preto and Uberaba are very similar (int terms of productivity) -Two seaports scenes (although different) -Divinópolis and Hotolândia are kind of useless So it can be shrinked down to 5 cities (still a lot). The problem is that only Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão will have industries to need manifest trains and I would like to have one more city for that. So, what you guys have to say about it and some suggestions would be very much appreciated. (OBS: space is not a problem, I have a 10x4m space that can become 10x10m, maybe more) EDIT: the untitled image is Santos Soybean and sugar seaport, Imgur is having problems saving it
  16. It'll come back shortly, don't know why either
  17. I personally think they are changing the fairings settings Another 5min delay
  18. Reason for the delay elaborated b the YT chat LOL
  19. 6min hold due to an anomaly SpaceVids.tv is also streaming on YT
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