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Everything posted by VaPaL

  1. But then you will end with a system that is constantly changing and would be even messier.
  2. I don't think it's because they are messy, nor blame our biological nature. Measurements are just a way to reference something, A fits this amount of times inside B (or weight this amount more than). This need was fulfilled with what people had and knew at a specific time, as time passes, knowladge increases and need to a better and unified system arises, the units change. If we make everything planck based as @kerbiloid suggests, who knows, maybe 100 years from now it will be as stupid, arbitrary and made up as the one we uses now.
  3. Yeah, that what I meant to say, but for reason I got confused and said reputation!
  4. Yep, I knew only from the bar forward, never heard about anything ealier than that! Very cool!
  5. Thought that might be something like that, but didn't know that the gram came earlier. For me, it was something like the meter, someone take a of some length of wood and said that for that time on, that would be 1 meter (loose and jokingly speaking). So for mass, someone take a bunch of some material and said that it was equal to 1 kilogram (instead of gram). Well, good to know, thanks!
  6. So, I was thinking, why the unit of mass in the SI is 1000 units (grams). Why what was defined was the KILOgram, not the gram itself? No other unit uses a prefix, they are just the plain unit. Anyone know what is the historical reason (if any) for this. The the base mass was 1000 grams, not just 1 whatever unit? I know it doesn't change ANYTHING, it's just something that annoys me and got me wondering why.
  7. Reputation, it is, but it should update autmatically, I think it was because I was about to change but gave up, so I as clicked on the box, it counted as been modified! @Gaarst Thanks!
  8. There is a way to make the rank go back to the default one? For some reason mine is not updating and up to now I haven't think of anything better EDIT: i.e. I assuming that they still follow this list posted by RIC in the first page of this thread: 0 Curious George 5 Bottle Rocketeer 25 Rocketeer 50 Rocketry Enthusiast 100 Spacecraft Engineer 250 Sr. Spacecraft Engineer 500 Junior Rocket Scientist 750 Rocket Scientist 1000 Senior Rocket Scientist 1500 Capsule Communicator 3000 Flight Director
  9. Based in what I've read here in the forums, I follow a system that have launch vehicles names, missions designations and spacecrafts names (if any). The launch vehicles are separated in families according to core diameter and the members of a family are classificated with roman numbers. Missions are designated in accordance of the type of spacecraft they are launching and the number of that launch. a)Contract Satellite b)Comunication Satellite c)Probes d)Landers e)Rovers f)Manned g)Stations h)Bases i)Other Spacecrafts can receive unique names if I see fit (size, complexity and importance determines if it will receive a name or not). So, an exemple: Alpha III - Discovery 6 - Hipparchus | Light Launch Vehicle family with upgrades for added capability - sixth probe mission - a large mapping probe containing all SCANsat scanners. Alternatively you can save the Launch Vehicle as a sub assembly a give its nane there, the spacecraft as normal craft save, and use only the mission name as a 'craft' name after the final assembly (prior launch).
  10. Yep, I know, what I mean is, a stopped ship has the stabillity problem, a moving ship has the problem of having a different horizontal speed. There are solution for both, I just don't know if there's a good trade off. It might just be the same in the end.
  11. Thought the same, not only that but it can flip the booster if it suddenly gains lateral speed from a bottom impulse. But probably the speed will very small and it may only start moving few seconds before touchdown. But I'm still a little intrigued about their decision, let's see how it will go and wait for more details in the future.
  12. As I understand, from dthe link I posted, it will be moving during the landing. "One interesting caveat and difference to SpaceX’s ASDS will be that Blue Origin’s booster will land on a moving recovery vessel for added stability." But I might be misinterpreting this.
  13. There's a 3 stage version, the 3rd stage is cryogenic. EDIT: "The 82-meter tall two-stage vehicle will be used for heavy-lift missions to Low Earth Orbit while high-energy deliveries to GTO and Beyond Earth Orbit would be handled by a 95-meter tall version sporting a cryogenic third stage powered by a version of Blue’s BE-3 that is already flying on the New Shepard. " More on: http://spaceflight101.com/blue-origin-shows-off-be-4-engine-announces-first-new-glenn-customer/
  14. Immersion! Being in control of the main character ( actions give a much deeper immersion to whatever world you are in. Once I started playing terror/horror games, movies stopped scarying me, it's been a while that I'm searching for a movie to give me the sensation tha some games gave me. Freedom, I can do stuff that a can't do IRL, be launching a rocket or GTA stuff. Experiencing other worlds/realities/universes/times. I can be flying an X-Wing or in a medieval castle, be a wizard. So in a way it expands on and upon your imagination, giving it a more 'real' feeling than just being a thought on your mind to something that your eyes can see and you can interact with.
  15. @linuxgurugamer Yes, it's not a modpack by definition, but it fulfills the role of it. The creator packs what he likes to play with and offer it to others, and someone looking for a group of mods that work together and have something in common find the content they want. Everyone gets respected and you don't need to use CKAN or have a all the mods on CKAN.
  16. I'm not a modder and I didn't know about modpacks until this thread, but if I undestand right the problem could be solved by banning modpakcs as a compressed file containing the mods and, instead, be done providing a link to the autors thread, for exemple: What do guys think? I only gave a quick read on the thread, since it grown a lot since a last visited it. I've some posts suggesting things more or less a like what a said, but not this way exactly, but sorry if I missed something!
  17. How does the rules are elaborated? Squad only, Squad + mod team or mod team only? By 2.2b it's permited political/ideological/relegious posts if related to space flight? For intance, law enforcement on space. And by 2.2h discussion about EM Drive is forbidden or not? There are still a lot of discussion about how it works and everything. Still in 2.2h there is one more question that I prefer to ask via PM to prevent confusion and/or non-OP related discussion, to whom may I ask?
  18. @Galileo There are some know compatibility issues with version 1.1.6 and some other mods? Since I updated I'm having some issues, like the background flickering or when in HKO or around Mun/Minmus the atmosphere (?) of Kerbin flickers on one or both sides of the screen. I updated other mods as well, I will try with 1.1.4 and see if it is there or not. I also had some problems with the KSC not loading, but haven't tracked that down yet, but appears to be related. Here's what I see flickering: And here is my mod list (with EVE 1.1.4, but I will test tomorrow): If you need anything else to help you track the error, please let me know, and if I miss something on my part, sorry Great mod BTW, make KSP some much more nice to play EDIT: There are some mods that KSP-AVC don't list:
  19. @Nils277 After the last update, I'm encoutering a MM error on Container_USILS_small.cfg. Just tested with the old version and everything went fine. This is my mod list (note that KPBS isn't updated because I was testing with the last version): If you need anything else to help you track the error, please let me know, and if I miss something on my part, sorry Love this mod BTW, great work EDIT: There are some mods that KSP-AVC don't list:
  20. @severedsolo The chances are calculated per part or vessel? I'm asking because I had 3 hits in one flight and 1 hit in the next with only a 2% chances it seems I'm being hit more often than I should. If the chance are per parts that explains it a lot, a 100 part vessel is expected to be hitted twice. I saw now that there are a new version, but since the changelog doesn't mention anything about this, I don't think it matter for this case. I gave a quick look for this in the thread but didn't found anything about, but sorry if this was already mentioned.
  21. Yes, it will last longer, but just because it will take longer time to perform 36 orbits. The limiting factor for Juno are the number of 'dives' it can make into the radiation.
  22. The helium valves performed oddly during a systems check, taking several minutes to open so, due to risks of putting the spacecraft in a least favorable orbit or even damaging it, it was decided that Juno will remain in it's capture orbit. It will perform 12 orbits until the planned mission end (July 2018) instead of initial 36 planned orbits, but a mission extension is likely. The science collected will be almost the same with the bonus of a more extensive study on Jupiter's magnetosphere. More details here: http://spaceflight101.com/juno-to-remain-in-elongated-capture-orbit/ Also, some more discussion about Juno here:
  23. @VikingStormtrooper Yep, I have a Celestron Omni XLT 150 Reflector with some eyepieces of the same series (not the best ones). When I bought it some years ago, my house was almost leaving the city, so light polution was still a problem (only half of the sky is somewhat decent) but at least I was able to keep my night vision intact. Now the city has 'caught up' and is hard to see something more than planets, the moon and some binary stars and clusters (I'm still able to see Orion Nebula though). I would like to take it to the countryside, but I need to improve the box that I storage it. I know it's not needed, but I would like a safer and more cushioned way to transport it, so it keep aligned for longer. Time is another factor, I have very little time these days
  24. I'm a mechanical engineer and I'm currently working on a small turbopump for a second stage engine! Besides that I used to do some skywatching when I had more time and was planning on going into astrophotography as a hobby.
  25. Portuguese English And a little bit (ver little) of German
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