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Everything posted by Irenicus

  1. So, where is my love ISS :(( Why all links for download is dead? :(((
  2. Hello!! Thank you so much for this mod But where I can get space telecope Hubble and ISS? ^)
  3. Hello!! Thank you for mode.. But.. Where I can get some RVE?
  4. Hello! Where I can get RemoteTech config for RSS?
  5. Okey, Okey... What a number version I must will use? 1.2.1?
  6. Yes, it is was new installation. But I tried remove all mods and run KSP.. Nothig change I have Kerbol.. Not RSS
  7. So, here is my log file http://dropmefiles.com/o9faA Fnd list of my mods
  8. I have ModularFlightIntegrator...:( Okey,I wiil show you the log file and the mode list.
  9. Hello! I install this mode, but nothing change Ihave Kerbol system :^( The mode was installed to KSP\GameData.... I have Kopernicus, RSS texture, module manager and Real Solar System
  10. Thank you for Cassini! And.... Looking some remote tech config for Cassini...
  11. That different I playing with RO+RSS+FAR
  12. And after launch the shuttle nose not moning left and right up and down?... All is stable? PS Are you using RSS+RO?
  13. May be will need: open the archive and put folder Canadarm-1.71 just in GameData folder... And this all? Becouse for now, I open Canadarm-1.71\Canadarm\Gamedata\Canadarm and put folder Canadarm in GameData...
  14. E:/Games/KSP/KSP64x/GameData... That my folder..
  15. And some note: CCE engines (left and Right) (when main engines out of fuel) have very little DELTA (by MJ) - 868 m/s and time of burn is over 20 min... Are it is normal?
  16. It is ok.. It is not wrong. I has used canadarm on 1.0.5. All was good. Now... In the 1.1.2 it is not working.. I don`t know why
  17. Hello! The canadarm not worl in KSP 1.1.2 I dont understand.. Why?... I has instaled: Modulemanager, Infernal Robotics, Kerbal Attachment System. But I can`t see a part of Canadarm in the game I seeing only part from Infernal Robotics No one part from Canadarm mod
  18. Hmmmm.. Thanks.. I wii not repeat this in KSP I dont know how I do this..... So... I must build a new rocket for my mission...
  19. Hello Mike!!! I glad to see you againe!!!! Where I can get a Shuttle Launch Pad?
  20. There is a problem I've been using this mod . I build a rocket Atlas 5 (552). I want to help her and fly to Juno probe to Jupiter (as it was done in real life) . However , was build the Atlas 5 rocket , I saw that the rocket has a total of 11,000 DELTA ( MJ mod) . This is too little for such a mission . It turns out that the rocket does not meet the opportunities. For my travel to Jupiter I must have 24K DELTA
  21. So, Cassini not ready yet? In RO (v 1.1.3) has already config for Cassini probe:)
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