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Everything posted by Irenicus

  1. Nice mod, but where I can get RO for version 1.1.2? RO not work with version 1,1.2 . Play with RSS and WITHOUT RO it is.. Not good .......Not good And.. How rename Kerbin to Earth? And.... May be who is know where I can get a good SKY BOX for RSS?
  2. Hmmm... I am using EVE and Scatter from first post pingopete https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/fcc42a6c7faafbec1f8656a04e59faa86de8f8c7/x86-EVE-Release.zip?raw=true I have Win 7 and KSP 1.1.2. (x64) And I can't open EVE GUI. Pressing ALT+ZERO and nothing....:( Also I have RSS:) Later... Well. I get another version EVE and it is OK. I at last have GUI - ALT+0. BUT: Now I have another problem... I can`t see any changes... I get altitude over 100 km and I can`t see RVE The Earth (name Kerbin) not change
  3. So... THE RVE does not work in version 1.1.2 , because not run EVE GUI (ALT+0) We'll have to wait for update :(
  4. HI! RVE not working in 1.1.2 I was install the mod, get to launch pad, pause the game and pressing ALT+E (for take EVE manager menu) but not happening I not have the menu EVE... So, I can`t run RVE
  5. áonstruction continues But I have a lot of comments. No instructions for installing modules. You do not know which module should be atach with a docking port and what a module with using KIS . You have to lose a lot of time if you want to understand that . It's annoying
  6. Let me insert here my screenshots ISS? Maybe this will help someone in the construction of the station. And I want to thank everyone who helped me ! Thank you!!!!!!! ISS - it is great mode!!! Difficult to build but very interesting!!!! Shuttle SSP + ISS = my dream about space!
  7. It is not mode It is pack for texture replacer and convert me for lower memory usege If you want I can give you that pack. Okey, sorry for that.
  8. No wait, it is dock wituot KIS The KIS need only for attach S0
  9. Hm... But on this video without KIS... Docking as just dockport..
  10. AAAAA!!! I DID IT!!!!! It is very.. very difficult... How I wiil install another parts P1, S1 and others? Againe I must will have 5 kerbols?
  11. I don't how I do this. 5 kerbals... I will must control all of them:( But they drift and fly away:(( Also I will must controlled move part S0 FlyMeToTheMinmus: Are you complete this stage? I mean attach Truss S0. And you also using KIS for this, right?
  12. 5 kerbins!!!!!! How I will must control them??( I use one, another flying away:((( But I was collected all of them in 1 point. After I was use G, but the truss S0 have yellow color and I was recive message: too far... May be it is happening because my truss S0 moving too far? - - - Updated - - - I will must constructing this station!!! )))
  13. I understand you. But 1 kerban cannot do this. When I use G, I see messege: Too heavy. bring more kerbin 5>1
  14. Hmmm....If I correctly translated from English...I wiil try.. And.. May be you can show me a screen this operations? Or video... I never use KIS So... I will build new ship with KIS invetory and truss S0. Thank you for answer!!!
  15. Here.. The video.. What is wrong? What I must do? How attach P0?? Will show me please.
  16. KIS? This mod? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113111-1-0-4-Kerbal-Inventory-System-%28KIS%29-1-2-2 How this mod will help me attach P0? And I already have KAS
  17. But how it is possible? This parts ( I mean parts s0,s1 and other) of ISS have some properties "docking ports?" How attach the part S0 without dockport to modules Z1-Unity-1?
  18. Mike, update for ISS- I can install it? Because I already beginning building ISS.
  19. I was look a video and screens, where is attach part P0 without KAS and dockport. 1 sec. I will found the link. here and here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45692-ISS-Construction-Journal-Image-Heavy/page2 ( see post #15)
  20. Continie bulding ISS using Shuttle and Canadaarm Canadaarm - it is ok. Nice Realy cool Last update removing all problems Mount a module as you wish The Shuttle - nice! but not enough to fuel gor get to orbit and no stable... Nose moving up and down.. Left and right International Space Station... The construction... And I ask something in theme for ISS Community.. May be somebody will help me? Thank you
  21. Hello!! I constructing ISS. But I can't understand: how on orbit I must will attach without dockport parts ISS: S0, P1,P3 and other? How I can do this in space? I know it is possible only on the ground, in hangar..
  22. Okey, I will post in ISS theme:) The fix will needed for module Z1. Because this part already have dockport, but hi not work:( I don't know why:(
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