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Everything posted by Dogenutt

  2. It's allowed, welcome to OverPowered Watching
  3. Top 11 heavies in TF2? @TedwinKnockman66 Come on up!
  4. Reinhardt uses shield! Its super effective! (Ignore the Lucio, he is always irrelevant)
  5. 7/10 Rather interesting quote there
  6. I fixed your camera into a degraded version
  7. Banned for banning a raging sandwhich
  8. You ninja'd me! \ I smash your little DVD repair kit
  9. Maybe not @legoclone09 I summon you!
  10. Banned for spamming the ban hammer
  11. Duna III Duna I was a probe sent to duna in 140 days, Duna II was a unmanned lander sent to duna in 350 days, And then Duna III a rover sent to duna in 1 year and 450 days. The Duna ™ Series is mostly about exploring Duna as you would expect in any science fiction, Which this is a science fiction right? Duna I Duna I was a probe that went around Duna and Ike all in one neatly packed mission! *Note the probe is a scansat and died very fast when it entered the DARK SIDE* Duna II Duna II A bold idea that landed on the approved area! Lacked any scanning equipment also the mobility on this is the same as a stubborn donkey Duna³ Duna³ Is a rover sent to duna for biome hopping or simply Duna driving and only 500 science was gained from this mission while a similar rover mission the mun got up to a 1000... Maybe that is why most people never go interplanetary... Just maybe.... Duna IV So far no actual mission data for this... Because this all being designed and planned! Duna IV is a manned landing mission to mars Duna and back! The spacecraft itself is going to consisting of two vessels the mothership and the lander which the lander will land in the polar regions of Duna and perform the experiments and then bring the experiments on board the mothership via the science to process the data and send the science home and kerbals! And that is the end of this chapter in this era! Eve I It is already a thing it's just that the fact that Eve is a nasty planet and it's even nastier moon, The exact same craft as the Duna I probe, But this instead of the polar orbit Duna I is in this is in a equatorial orbit, meaning that I failed to scan out the whole planet not to mention it suffers the same issues as Duna I... Batteries as soon it goes into the DARK SIDE it dies very quickly, perhaps quicker than a potato battery, well we did use potatoes for batteries and lets say things didn't go well for the poor potato... Eve II Again like Duna IV but this time nothing is really planned out for this mission So that is it for this report of science! and potato energy! and faulty solar panel science! So what about getting these crafts? Well I'll be glad to post the links for them but I don't think anyone is really going to enjoy a slow moving craft... So if you(s) want the crafts then I will make a uhmm what now? Oh right a separate post for all the technical stuff and downloads! (The DARK SIDE is a dangerous place)
  12. My crimes in KSP are: Using hyperedit to skip all the hard work (I don't do this anymore since that killed the fun) Say I'm not going to overbuild... But I do it anyways and I have a 2.5 lifter stager for a tiny 0.625 probe to eve.. Although having 4k Delta V is nice for a lifter stage. Forgetting to pack batteries and turning on infinite POWAH so I can do my scan sat biome mapping without being interrupted. Say that I use delta V read outs... I don't do the math and just assume that 10k Delta V is good enough for a orbit around duna! Using hyperedit to skip a long rover trip... by teleporting there! (C'mon now we have done that at least once right? (Or just assume kerbals have the technology to make their own teleporter? They have SAS modules that break the laws of physics)) And now for my BIGGEST CRIME IN KSP Blaming the kraken for everything... Yes you heard that correctly
  13. Don't you remember that KSP has a anti modding software?
  14. A decoupler caused all of this... Or a staging failure... This is was my first attempt at a manned Duna landing.
  15. Well here is my first screenshot!
  16. Banned for saying that you are a train engineer, while you are nothing than a SpaceCraft Engineer!
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