What to do in this situation?
This is a game revolving around situations and how to solve them!
No, this is not of one those children's PSAs or TV shows, you can make any situation and solution as long it doesn't conflict with the forum rules!
How to play this weird thing?
Answer the above poster's situation before you make your little situation, also you can rate the answer (rating is optional)
How to make a situation? Simple, it does not need to be KSP related and it can be pretty much anything... well you know stuff that doesn't cause moderators to lock up the forums
You can also use pictures!
(You can also 'solve' a situation in any way as long as it is somewhat logical and relevant)
Remember that there is no right or wrong answer! (Although you can say the outcome of their action, please refrain from writing walls of text )
I'll start!
( It's a tradition by now for the OP to start off right?)
A rover wheel has broken off and you are flying off over Gilly after going off a hill too fast. You can either get the wheel, bail or even better; wait it out!
(Please do make any corrections if needed!)