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Everything posted by Dogenutt

  1. I will find you chuck norris @The Raging Sandwich
  2. Banned for having more posts than rep
  3. That is how I fix these issues, just break them and get a new one for free! (if you have warranty)
  4. Spam is good for you, and so are viruses!
  5. Coge Memes in avatar (Get it Cat Doge Coge? No? well then...) 9/10 Minus one point for stealing my lines
  6. SpaceX can only go so far so why don't we send it with voyager I?
  7. 2/10 Needs more tracer Needs much moar tracer And I have Overwatch already it's the fact that I need to finish my placement matches
  8. Why is your background full of doges?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dogenutt


      Well how much did it cost?

    3. legoclone09


      Precisely infinite fire Spesos.

    4. Dogenutt


      I didn't know that you had money that keeps producing infinite spesos to paid off a never ending debt... Wait you pay taxes for this? 

  9. Summoning people isn't easy you know, takes years of practice and research. *Screams gibberish* @legoclone09
  10. Welcome to the forums of kerbal communications! Hope you have a wonderful time!
  11. Banned for breaking the doge rules TWICE!
  12. Sounds like the kind anthem I would have! Great Job!
  13. Banned for not posting enough on here
  14. 10/10 Clearly angels and reapers don't get along very well
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