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The Optimist

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Everything posted by The Optimist

  1. I sent a tiny probe consisting of a Science Jr, some mystery goo, a transmitter, a few thermometers and give or take 20 battery banks. It`s en route to Jool atm
  2. For most of my landing attempts, I use the Maxo girders in a 8-symmetry thing to help slow down the ship to parachute speeds. For some reason, I decided it would be a good idea to make them double as solid fuel rocket holders. Well, that turned out to be a bit of a bad idea, as it turned out. At 28000 meters, I decided to decouple the rockets and start my 2nd stage ignition. But I attached the decouplers to the ship, not the tips of the girders. As I prematurely jettisoned the rockets, they flew towards poor Rodbart's capsule instead of falling outwards. Well, on the bright side, I'm sure a little bit of him made it into space... We learned something, didn't we.
  3. Whenever I try to use the radial symmetry to build a ship, every time a component 'locks on' to the bottom of, say, a FL-T8000, it's the only one that is actually placed. I've tried toggling radial/mirror mode and the other function, but it doesn't make a difference. What's wrong and how can I fix it? - - - Updated - - - It appears that this issue is specific to the TR-18A decoupler
  4. Failures are just a chance for learning I learned a lot when the parachutes on my Mun mission's return capsule deployed at 110000 meters.
  5. A miscalculated trajectory, a solar panel left open and a lack of heat shields has claimed the lives of Bill and Jeb. Noooooooo How can you get them back? I tried to change the config file for the save, and I think I may have corrupted it. Help?
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