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Everything posted by astrokerb

  1. I wonder what people like that guy will say when city lights are visible on the Moon.
  2. I was trying to watch a sounding rocket launch from the Wallops Flight Facility, which was supposedly going to be visible from my location in ********. When five minutes had passed since when it was supposed to be visible, I checked my NASA app and saw that the ISS was going to be visible in two minutes. I ended up watching it instead of the launch.
  3. ...where people go to beam up. The antimatter containment facility....
  4. I am not pressing the aforementioned button, Press the button for a 90% chance of becoming omnipotent but also a 90% chance of destroying every inhabited planet within 200 light years.
  5. ...is frantically being converted to an offshore wave energy and geothermal plant following new environmental regulations. The underwater colony...
  6. An insane dictator trips on the potato, making them angry.
  7. ...is filled with an infinite number of guests but has only one revolving door to the parking lot. The vertical farm...
  8. ...has no escalators or elevators and is on the 300th, 301st, and 302nd floors. The observation deck...
  9. How do causal loops start? What causes not-life to become life? Are time, space and thought the same thing? What causes Big Bangs?
  10. ...covering the entire surface of the Moon and suffering a breach, making it appear to be a star for a brief period of time. (It was a fusion reactor) The SETI building...
  11. It's the same as The Force Awakens. They just made the giant evil ship ten times as big and said it was a new movie. Not to say that isn't good, though.
  12. ...but it has been taken to the third dimension by Sphere and has caused A Square's mind to implode, forming a (three dimensional) black hole. The building is the Vulcan High Command...
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