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Everything posted by astrokerb

  1. I do say, what is this incident you speak of? And who is this Green Iron Crown fellow?
  2. I just got it! Kerbfleet is Starfleet and the Kerbulans are the Romulans! And Kerbulus is Romulus! I'm a little slow
  3. ...that is certainly not the location of a secret time travel research base. Definitely. The building is a secret time travel research base (unrelated to the one that's not in the townhouse)...
  4. ...That removes the souls from its employees and is run by an evil cat. The building is a syndicate...
  5. ...but the NOMS system has taken over the ship halfway to Jool. The building is a Radio station...
  6. ...where the missiles are covered in grain. The fusion reactor...
  7. ...where you check in at night and sleep during the day. The building is a pet shop...
  8. I am fully capable of starting a dream as a lucid dream, and I have a 72% success rate of changing a non-lucid dream into a lucid dream. About 43% of my dreams are lucid automatically. Oh, and 12% of my lucid dreams are about Star Trek. For some reason, I calculated these statistics in a particularly boring lucid dream. .
  9. ...rather dismal. The wind farm...
  10. First Contact is, by far, the best Star Trek film, and is likely also the best in every other universe that has Star Trek somehow.
  11. ...being upgraded to a mystery shed. The starship (which I consider a building)...
  12. ...that sells farms as medicine. The building is an Ivy League school...
  13. What mod is that? ...in a town with 300 residents, in a county with 2,002 residents. The building is a row house...
  14. ...where the actors watch the audience perform a play. The building is a biodome...
  15. ...for dead things. The building is a moon base....
  16. @Spaceception Your book is coming along nicely! The plot makes plenty of sense, the characters seem like they're likeable, and the science is realistic. Although, as a part-time political scientist, I must ask: are there any politics other than the Mexican Civil war?
  17. ...researching how to convince the government to fund it. The airport...
  18. ...sells baked goods invented by Klingons. The ICBM silo...
  19. ...is the architecture building. The building is a farm...
  20. ...wait, how can water vapor own property? The building is a portal...
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