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Everything posted by Star-Eagle

  1. @SuicidalInsanity Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm glad you like the ideas. With the endcaps could I suggest having a thicker version with an airlock for the mk2 size, this I think would be especially useful for mk2 rovers or surface bases. I would suggest the same for the mk3 but I think that would look a bit silly scale wise, perhaps instead a very short mk3-2.5 or 3.75m adapter plates to mount docking rings onto, this is something I could see being very useful for space stations made with mk3 parts. With regard to the long term habitation modules, the ideas you and CptRichardson mention are pretty much what I had in mind,a two deck part with a bunk room/dormitory on the lower deck and some kind of common room/lounge on the upper deck. Maybe something with a few comfy chairs around low tables, a small kitchen and dining area in one corner and maybe a small library/study area in another corner with desk and book case? Perhaps these ideas could be used in the mk2 parts if they were split-up? i.e separate bunk-room and lounge parts. I've also had a few more ideas that might be worth considering; 1. mk2 & mk3 stairs, something like you would see on small private jets or maybe just some kind of hatch opening we could mount the existing ladders to so they would be usable with the hatch open but shielded from the air stream with the hatch closed. 2.mk2 & mk3 six way hub, I think this was suggested before I can't remember if you said it was do-able in the mk2 form factor or not. 3. mk2 & mk3 vertical t hub, basically a hub with two attachment points on the horizontal and one at 90 degrees in the vertical. These I think would be very useful when combined with the other hubs for large stations or multi hulled "mother-ships". Edit: 4. A telescopic extending docking port, similar to the existing in-line ports but with a much longer reach to enable a greater distance to be maintained between a large ship/space plane and a space station. As always feel free to accept or reject these ideas as you see fit, it is your mod after all.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I'm glad you like the name the other one I was considering was Star-Knight but I've already used that on another forum. @Starhawk, It'll be a while before I get my rig, I've got enough for a decent machine right now but I'm thinking of saving a bit extra and going all out on a great rig. @Dman979, I can't recall if I downloaded an actual whackjob rocket or a whackjob scale rocket from someone else, though to be fair my machine was a few years old and it wasn't exactly a top of the line model ether.
  3. SuicidalInsanity I used you your MK2 mod for a bit before my computer went boom on me and I loved it and have been following your threads since the start even thought I've only just signed up on the forum. If you don't mind I have a few suggestions for some for parts; 1. MK2 & 3 end caps/cover plates, the standard rocket parts have flat adapters that can be used to cover the exposed structure on their ends but there doesn't seem to be a similar part for the space plane parts. This isn't as much a concern if you're only using them to build aircraft but the parts in your mod make these form factors viable for for other uses such as space stations which can end up with exposed ends which can be visually jarring, I would also suggest having a thicker one with with an airlock of some sort. 2. MK3 science lab, I know this was discussed a while back but I had an idea that might make it viable without being overpowered. As I understand it the Mk3 form factor has enough space to allow for two decks. If this is the case would it be possible to have a short, two decked hull piece set up with the lab on the bottom and a small service section/cargo bay above for the instruments or probes? 3. Long term habitation modules, I know you've said you don't like doing IVAs but I think that these would be vital for anyone using your parts for space stations or deep space ships, these might not be viable for the Mk2 form factor but the Mk3 should have enough space for some kind of cabin module.
  4. Hi guys and girls Just signed up on the forum, I've been a casual KSP'er until recently when my computer blew up on me:mad: (mind you I was using a Whackjob rocket at the time:wink:). I'm currently saving for a games rig and waiting for 1.1 to come out like the rest of you, so I thought I'd get my KSP "fix" on the forum. I'm looking forward to being part of this great community.
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