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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. Nothing to do with mods, this is a stock thing. Struts cause this (and possibly fuel lines, since they use the same compound part/endpoint technique). The exact circumstances are not entirely clear but it seems to happen most often with struts that have lost their endpoint. It's been subject of other threads already a few times.
  2. I've seen these things happen too with 1.3.0, not yet with 1.3.1pre. Another thing I've seen disappear a few times is the gizmo buttons in the top left in the SPH/VAB, which I've been able to make reappear by switching between the Build/Actions/Crew tabs. Unfortunately I've not been able to reproduce it at will, which impedes making a bug report about it. I have a suspicion it starts happening when my game has been running for a long while already. With the better overall performance of 1.3.0, I can leave the game open a good bit longer (I'm talking hours), and the longer my game has run, the more I start seeing text from different places in the UI disappear. That said, it doesn't offer much of a bug report for the devs to work with.
  3. You have to can launch it unmanned. That's why the requiremnent specifically says 'build'... it checks for how it comes out of the VAB/SPH. Funny how that works... one gets something to work a certain way every time by pure coincidence, and it just gets stored as 'knowledge'. Never mind my blabbing, the others gave the answers that work in ALL circumstances.
  4. The flag fabric is composed of a patch of Kraken skin, which is found in abundance randomly all over the system, left behind when the Kraken shed to make place for its new yearly coat. Obviously it is completely space resistant, and it is widely known to be touch-sensitive, so all the Kerbal need to do is trace the message over the surface with the tip of their gloves with a specific vibration frequency for the chromatophores to get stimulated and turn deep dark, even causing some of the muscle cells to contract causing the 'embossing' effect. Left to its own devices it will then retain the pattern almost indefinitely, which is why Kraken skin quickly became the Kerbin equivalent of parchment since the very first kerbals decide to document a game of tic-tac-toe. It's also the staple wrapping for Snacks(tm), and explains the relative popularity of the odd cuss word 'Krakensnacks!' amongst kerbals.
  5. JPL posted there are no modder's notes so far. That in itself is a pretty good indication for no breaks. But pre is for testing such things... I'm sure people will report in in the next few days. See also:
  6. Kind of makes sense even for the not-so-new player (maybe me, sometimes, lil bit ). finish editing latest contraption go to runway and eagerly hit space as the last of a long semi-subconscious default get-ready-for-launch sequence (engage breaks -when will that be an optional starting default?-, pin resource panel, map view, focus Kerbin, zoom in and rotate to expected ascent path, optionally target Mun to enable the AN/DN indicators, back to flight scene, enable fine controls, enable SAS, max throttle, optionally deploy flaps.... ready? SPACE!) wonder for a second why nothing is happening muttering about the throttle default being wrong and trying 'z' a few times unsuccessfully ... checking everything for fuel crossfeed/priority issues ...? checking everything for lack of control ...?? banging head on desk as I discover I -again!- left all tanks empty because of (re)checking CoM in editor revert to editor to ask for a refill... Ok, so maybe it's not the throttle setting (as often) anymore , but uhm, yeah, maybe some day we get a per-craft pre-configurable 'default ready for launch sequence', if only to save our poor keyboards and mice from a lot of wear and tear during craft development cycles.
  7. Quick and to the point. It's never easy, is it? Well, I'll just anxiously sift though future change logs for more gradual additions to the AG goodness. Safe to say they'll always be welcome additions.
  8. Pretty much how I feel, but let's not forget it's just a default and still available in the Settings menu for us to change to whatever we personally prefer. The best kind of options! I do wonder about the EVA maneuver nodes too though.
  9. Working on fixing all our control issues, I see. Oh and Yesh!! Ahem.. I mean... uhm, oh look, we can now AG to switch command/flight directions... Speaking of AG goodness: Thank you. Not to sound ungrateful, but why is the ability to add stuff to action groups not... well, standard, for everything? I'd be very hard pressed to find any particular action on any part that I'd go 'nah, I'd never ever assign that to an AG, I'm good.' Seems like a potential for more simplified coding if this was standard behaviour for all part actions... Aww, no more end of days timers? Another battle won on the OSD (obnoxious symmetry deviations), thank you. Although it was becoming a bit of a mini-game in the editor (how many moves to get a completely symmetrical mesh of strut connectors). Were these related? Either way, this should remove a source of confusion for people spending lots of time on complex craft in the editor (is that part offset, or unconnected...?). Lots of enticements to move to 1.3.1!
  10. Actually... you got a ship with parts that have been hand-edited with non-stock values. Technically, that's not only still 'cheating', it violates the 'All stock' requirement (rule nr. 1).
  11. No entiendo qué quieres decir, y así de memoria no me puedo figurar la causa del problema. Estoy bastante seguro de que lo que he explicado es (era?) la solución, pero quizás pueda responder alguién que tenga CKAN instalado y lo pueda verificar directamente.
  12. El diálogo que abre es para buscar el directorio del KSP que quieres añadir a la lista, en tu caso la instalación de KSP 1.2.2 que quieres usar. Lo identifica por el archivo buildID64.txt.
  13. Hace tiempo que no uso CKAN, pero si no recuerdo mal, CKAN guarda en su configuración los directorios de las instalaciónes de KSP que has usado, y por defecto asigna una de ellas como la 'principal' para usar automáticamente cuando lanzas el CKAN. Si no quieres que haga eso (o si prefieres que te pregunte siempre al principio qué instalación usar), necesitas cambiar esa configuración. Lo puedes cambiar mediante 'File->Select KSP Install...'. La 1.2.2 quizás no la tienes en la lista todavía, tendrás que añadirla mediante 'Add new', y si quieres que inicie directamente con ella, asegúrate de seleccionar 'Set as default'.
  14. My guess: I think the order is set by the internal number it gives hangars when first created, similar to the numbers it assigns craft as they are first uploaded. Which would mean that changing the name won't reorder them, but you could delete and remake hangars in your newly desired order for it to 'take'.
  15. @katateochi While testing, I think I may have found a tiny bug/nuisance of the KerbalX Mod: Normally, once you have logged in with the mod once it will store the KerbaX.key and use that information to log in automatically next time the game is started. However, when switching back and forth between KSP versions 1.2.2 and 1.3.0, it forgets its cached credential information and forces me to login again at first game load. This only happens the first time after starting the different version: start 1.2.2 - KX Mod asks to log in start 1.2.2 - KX Mod uses cached info start 1.2.2 - KX Mod uses cached info start 1.3.0 - KX mod asks to log in (!) start 1.3.0 - KX Mod uses cached info start 1.2.2 - KX Mod asks to log in (!) It seems as if having logged in with one version immediately invalidates the cached credentials of the other. It's not a big issue, I only noticed it due to working on two projects that required me to use different KSP versions, which I don't really expect to happen all that much. But I figured I'd mention it to you, in case it was some easy fix.
  16. Have you tried reload on the page, directly after (auto)saving? Seriously, try it. The same with the bigger thumbnail on the craft page listings. You need to force a new request for the page, because otherwise it (not sure if the browser or the webserver) will think there is no change and the new thumbnail will not be fetched and shown.
  17. I just tried three separate times again... it works. You may need to reload the pages where the thumbnail shows for the image to update... but it does change.
  18. When you 'Edit Craft' on the page in question, the chosen thumbnail image is shown as a smal icon in the top, right next to the button to add a 'Description' container. Clicking on the icon will let you select one of the other images on the page (or of the albums) as a new thumbnail and listing image.
  19. Es posible que la intención sea de practicar el lenguaje, creo que vale la pena animar el esfuerzo. Además, añade vida al subforo.
  20. You already have the stock answer. Since you also asked about mods: Haystack Continued (last built for 1.2.1, but it's reported to work for 1.3.0) It doesn't hide, but it allows you to pick a ship to switch to from a list There is (was?) one other mod with similar functionality, VesselSwitcher I think the name is, but I can't find its thread.
  21. Es que en español las explosiones son más ruidosas, así que nos tenemos que concentrar!
  22. I just tested it (got a few downloads, tried all buttons and windows, uploaded a craft)... I got no errors and all seems to work as expected. It probably does not have localized texts though if you use KSP in something other than English.
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