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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. The Saturn V and Mobile Launcher are getting close to release. The last major component of the Launch Umbilical Tower (or just the tower), the hammerhead crane, is done. It decouples and can rotate 360 degrees via a built-in reaction wheel (the "motor" ). I suppose a moving hoist trolley will be next, but not now. Also various visual details have been added to the launcher base and tower, like the elevator blast shield, deck hatch panels, the major pipe group on the tower, and various bits in the tower representing equipment blocks. Screenshot of the whole thing: Hammerhead crane demo: Short launch demo, to just after clearing the tower:
  2. Made the tail service masts: And I only now realized that I had the colors on the F-1 fairings reversed, the result of using an alternate texture for the fairing that after doing more changes resulted in it not being needed...but forgetting to change the fairing, and not noticing it all this time. Well, fixed that (as you can see above), and here:
  3. Progress: All the swing arms are done. Short launch demo: Also added the ground-access elevator to the mobile launcher base, now the full crew boarding procedure can be done, as seen in this test I did, using a simple crew van that I threw together for these kinds of tests. Approaching the pad: At the pad: And the boarding demo (it's a little rough, this was the very first time I did this with the new launcher) Next to do are the tail service masts (three of them around the flame hole, and they are not the same as the hold-down arms) and the hammerhead crane, plus various visual details (pipes, odd bits here and there).
  4. Progress on the swing arms for the tower: The service module (#8) and the two S-IVB arms (#7 and #6) are done. VAB pic of the two S-IVB arrms: Full-tower pic with the currently completed arms: And a short launch demo of the three arms in action...I know, only three arms so far, but I just had to see how it looked.
  5. Tried out an alternate method to retract the arms: animating them in Unity. Eliniminates all sorts of setup and performance issues. Works great too The disadvantage is that the five arms that retract at liftoff will have to be action-grouped along with the launcher base decouple, instead of being staged.
  6. I just realized that I never took a screenshot of the whole Saturn V and mobile launcher assembly...so here it is with the crew arm attached
  7. The crew arm was the first arm to be made, and it's now largely complete (save for a few visual details) and working. And it retracts as well, just used the existing .cfg file for the previous version of the arm...only for the new one there is simply a thrustTransform object in the the arm, no need for a micro SRB. The other swing arms are next on the to-do list, and having made essentially my own red-colored girder, the other arms will be using it as their core.
  8. Progress: The Saturn tower is mostly complete, except for the swing arms, which are the next major step. Crew elevator is working:
  9. N1 will be done...eventually...not any time soon Started work on the Saturn mobile launcher base, can still have more visual details added, but enough has been done that I can start work on the tower. On the pad Just have the S-IC on it for positioning purposes. The launcher base will solve the tricky alignment issue I had with attaching the tower directly to the S-IC, and using launch clamps for the hold-down arms. The clamps had to be precisely positioned on the S-IC or the whole assembly would wobble when spawned on the pad. Now, the base gets attached to the S-IC and the tower to the base, and only the base sits on the pad.
  10. The Saturn V model work is done! Currently undergoing flight testing and rebalancing. The S-IC was the the last stage completed, with remade sep motors. Modified Space-Y Ratite engines are being used for the F-1s. On the pad, the only way I could get a full screenshot Next up is the mobile launcher and launch umbilical tower remake to truly complete the Saturn V. They will also be used with the milkstool for the Saturn IB.
  11. The S-IVB is almost done, aside from the umbilical panels for the tower swing arms, which will be added when the tower is rebuilt. Also almost finished is a redone version of the S-IVB interstage, which I had made as a test part a while ago. Now it has "corrugation" lines and some interior detail. Still have to add the separatons.
  12. More progress! Saturn Instrument Unit completed S--IVB stage in early WIP The stack so far: Still a lot of detail work to be done on the S-IVB, as well as remounting the Rhino-turned-J-2 engine, but the base is done.
  13. Well, I've been wrecked by the flu the past few days, but all it is now is a cough and stuffed-up nose, and even that is starting to subside. That means I can work on modelling without falling asleep every hour. Next up for the Apollo-Saturn remodel is the SLA (Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter. It's mostly done...at last I can ditch another Space-Y part Showing colliders...yes, it's hollow. I settled on a split-type combo unit, with the four retracting panels attached to the base (like with the real one), but the panels do not decouple right now. That is possible to do, and I may make that version at a later time. This was for the sake of simplicity. Also needs some non-critical details, namely some stuff in the bottom to hold the LM decoupler mount. Oh yes, there's a built-in decpupler for the top node that attchaches to the Service Module...and it works too! No need for a separate decoupler (one of the annoying things about the Space-Y conical cargo bay).
  14. Well, the flu knocked me out from doing anything but sleeping for the past few days, but I'm finally feeling better, so the Apollo SM rework continues. Added the High Gain Antenna, with deployment via Unity animation.
  15. Started work on the Apollo Service Module, hs progressed nicely: Those pics still have the stock RCS quads, I'm now working on replacing them. Also, this SM is J-type mission-ready (Apollos 15, 16 and 17) with a SIM (Scientific Instrument Module) bay already in place. It's currently behind a welded-in panel, but when the rover stuff is made available, the door will be jettisonable, with a snap-in SIM rack also available.
  16. For comparision, this is what the current Saturn V-Apollo looks like, made (via .cfg custom welding) from stock, Space-Y, CCC and FTP assets: Aside from the F-1 (Space-Y Ratite) and J-2 (stock Rhino) engines and maybe a few other bits, all of it will be replaces with my own custom models and textures. The tower will be its proper red color and have a true crew elevator (the 1.0.5 version of the tower had one, but the whole tower was extremely laggy in KSP 1.1/1.2+). So far on the checklist, the CM and LES are done...next is the Service Module.
  17. The Apollo Command Module rebuild is almost done, save for rebalancing the RCS. Parachutes and docking port have been installed. I had to make a design decision in favor of "KSP Real" when it came to the drogue chutes. My CM has three instead of two, as having two 90-degree attach nodes present with 3-way stack symmetey enabled was a big pain, so I just added a third drogue node to keep things simple and to utilize the stack symmetry. Making custom docking ports in Unity is also a big pain, and I couldn't get one to work during the Soyuz rebuild. So I did the same thing as I did then, burying a stock port (in this case the Sr. Clamp-O-Tron) in my own visual objects, but this time I went furthur and added my own custom collider on top of the stock port's, thus almost hiding the stock model, but still having it provide the "guts". I also gendered it with the Soyuz, this one is type Apollo, so it won't work with anything else...except the matching drogue part.
  18. Thanks! Been working on the Apollo remodel, has gone through numerous revisions and dead-ends (trying out ideas that didn't really work). Some Command Module WIP pics: Like the other things, this isn't going to be an exact replica, concessions will be made for simplicity and the way KSP functions. The area of interest now is the forward compartment area and the parachute arrangement. I'm using stock parachutes, no way am I making custom ones (which I understand to be a huge pain in Unity). The actual Apollo CM had the main chutes on three sides of a square-shaped area; well, KSP's stack symmetry doesn't work that way with three nodes at 90-degree angles, they have to be at 120 degrees. So my main chutes are at 120-degree angles. The drogues are using the stock 1.25m node-stack drogue model, very much resized smaller. They won't be in the same place as on the actual CM, and I'll add a separate mounting part for them so I can enable 2-way stack symmetry for them (can only have one stackSymmetry value per part .cfg). The RCS "ports" are only single, compared to the double ones on Apollo. They were double at first, but KSP uses double ports for every axis, which induces a large amount of off-axis torque. So, when combined with the fact that the Apollo CM's RCS was actually 2 separate sets of 6 single thrusters, with one set only needed and normally used, I made my Apollo CM to have single-thruster RCS, which elimnated the off-axis torque problem. Oh, I am using the Mk1-2 pod's IVA just so there will be something, even though it's nothing like the actual Apollo interior. I am not making IVAs either, so since the Mk1-2 pod will be deleted once the new Apollo is ready, I've decided to keep one reminder of it.
  19. @Nightside Currently everything is being designed for stock scale, as one of the original goals I had was to make mostly realistic rockets (the Saturn V was the main target at the start) that were balanced for stock scale "out of the box". Eventually I will add configs for different scales up to 6.4x, which is why the part scale is 64% of the real ones. Much furthur down the road is a total remake to real-scale/10x. Yes, many of the stock and mod parts I will be keeping and incorporating (won't be many) into this overhaul will have their masses changed, usually more than they were. Things like solar panels, batteries, science intstuments and (if I keep them) standalone reaction wheel modules wil be much more massive, as well as more costly and less powerful/effective. This is to addresss one of the problems I see with the stock Lego-syle: there has to be a stiff penalty for slapping all sorts of stuff onto a rocket or spacecraft. The idea to is use only what's on-board.
  20. Updated the OP with a note saying that the full version, when completed, should not be used with a existing saves or carft files, because they will be broken hard. Even this initial partial Soyuz release has some changes that could make for rude surprises.
  21. Ok, a bit late, but I have more screenshots from the VAB of the Soyuz: More design notes on the Soyuz: The third stage is set up to do hot-staging if desired (and it's highly recommended). Basically put the third stage's icon (engine) right above the icons for the side-booster (stage 1) decouplers and "LOX vents" (a hidden, effect-less SRB) in the staging stack, followed by the interstage and aft skirt, as shown i the screenshots. At around 15 m/s of delta-V left in the core stage, start the third stage, then decouple the intestage, then the aft skirt. Originally I made the parts by custom-welding stock and MRS/CCC/FTP models in the.cfg files, disabling most of the CCC and FTP meshes. However, the glaring lack of a hollow part or tank in all-Soyuz orange eventually led me to try my hand at 3D modelling a KSP part, since I just had to have such a part for the engine fairings. It was a success, and so I thought "why not the rest of them too?", and so I made most of the Soyuz parts myself. I even made the RD-0124-style engine, using a couple of base objects and assembling them in Unity (which is basically real-time custom welding, makes it so much easier). The launch pad is also almost entirely my own creation, just uses a couple of Squad models (XL truss girder and panel). The RD-107A/108A engine still use an MRS engine model, and the verniers use the stock Spider model; another MRS part is used on the descent module. The Soyuz-KMA KS5.80 engine is the stock Spark repurposed. This may all change in a later version if and when I decide to replace them with my own models,but for now I didn't want to learn about emissives and such, and so the "KRD-0124" has no pretty FX other than the plume, but the other engines still have glowy stuff
  22. Thanks, fourfa! This has been in development, in various phases, for over a year, ever since I reached I point where I got tired of the normal KSP style. And I should have included this in the OP, and will add it: One of the I guess not-so-minor changes is that most spacecraft and aircraft cockpits, both manned and unmanned, will not have reaction wheels in them; RCS will have to be used. The Soyuz is the first custom spacecraft to be like this, but I've alreay removed them from the Mk1 pod (which will end up becoming or replaced by the Mercury capsule). The Mk1-2 pod was the base for my Apollo CM, but it will be replaced and then deleted, so it remains as-is for now. The exceptions will be space stations and such that have Control Moment Gyros in reality, like Skylab (which I have made but it needs to be remade; it had CMGs in the Apollo Telescope Mount for fine-pointing and tracking) and ISS-type stations (which will be quite some time before I get to it...if I ever do). The stand-alone reaction wheel modules have already been altered (way less torque, way more EC usage, way more cost) in the initial release, but eventually they will be reduced in number and restricted to the late-career/tech tree phase...if they remain at all that is, I may just end up removing all of them. Curreently in the initial release, there is nothing to stop the attachment of a reaction wheel module (or something else) to the top or bottom of Soyuz modules, so can't stop the "Christmas Tree", especially in Sandbox. Surface attachment has been disabled for all the Soyuz parts (except the launch pad base), which will be a standard feature for almost everything, so there's that at least.
  23. Soyuz-KG and Soyuz-KMA Spacecraft Craft file (1.3): https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2lkrafk9xyuujd/Soyuz Full.craft?dl=0 Assembly and launch videos and more to come... The tech tree for the Simple Overhaul is still mostly uncompleted, aside from a few early changes that I've retained for now, but I added two separate nodes for the Soyuz-KG rocket and Soyuz-KMA spacecraft. The KMA spacecraft is the middle version of a planned three, and is based (sort of) on the actual-TM/TMA versions. I gave the coloring of the thermal insulation blankets that cover the Orbital Module, Descent Module and forward part of the Service Module (the white aft part is covered by radiators) a very slight bluish tint to help visually distinguish it from the planned KS (based on the latest Soyuz-MS) version, which will have the deep charcoal-gray-black color the real one has. The docking port is a separate part, and the included custom Soyuz one is intended to be used. It is a gendered port, and docks to the also included drogue part. However, if you wish to use the stock Clamp-O-Tron port, it will work (though look weird) as I've modified the mass of it to match my Soyuz port, as it also acts as ballast to balance the RCS. The Service Module contains my own custom Hygo Fuel and Hygo Oxidizer (based on hypergolc) resources, and is meant to use the altered stock "Spark" engine, which has been converted to be the hypergolic "KS5.80 Spark", based on the actual Soyuz engine. It has 12 Kn thrust, though, compared to the real one's 5 Kn. For now it is the only Hygo fuel-type engine in this initial release version of the Simple Overhaul. The RCS for the Soyuz spacecraft is in three components: The Service Module contains the the roll thrusters, there is a separate aft skirt assembly which contains the yaw and pitch thrusters, and another seprate assembly which holds the translation thrusters. Each set of thrusters should be set to the appropriate axes using the actuation toggles in the VAB. The Service Module also has an integrated Microgravity Materials experiment, and functions like the stock Materials Bay (though with no animated part). Only 20% of the science points can be gained by transmitting; to get the rest, the data must be retrieved via EVA and brought back to the Descent Module. Their is an access "panel" on the side of the SM which has a ladder (no visual component for it, just the collider setup) to make this easier. The EVA hatch is on the Orbital Module, it is the round plate on the lower part of the module. Important note: The Descent Module uses electric charge, much like a stock probe core does. This represents the power used by various systems like life support, computers and such, and will be a standard feature for all manned spacecraft in the Simple Overhaul. As a result, the game treats it like a probe core, and if you manually lock the batteries or run out of EC, you will not be able to unlock them or control the vessel, even if there is a Kerbal aboard. To counter this, I have enabled hybernation for the descent module, so you can timewarp and not run out of EC. The Soyuz-KG rocket is generally based on the Soyuz-FG, but has an integrated RD-0124-style engine ("KRD-0124 Hound", it's not an exact replica, but greatly simplified and stylized) in the third stage that is actually used on the Soyuz 2.1. Sorry, no Fregat-type upper stage yet. The Soyuz rocket uses the included KRD-107A and 108A engines, plus separate verniers. Both main engines and verniers use my custom KeroFuel and CryoOxidizer resources, and currently are the only Kero-type engines in the Overhaul, so others will not work. The main engines use a Modular Rocket Systems engine model as the core for now, but that may change at a later date if I decided to make a custom model. The verniers use the stock Spider model, but are node-attached. The Soyuz is designed to be launched from the Baikonur stand-in launch site ("Kaikonur Kosmodrome") of my Overhaul, which is at 45.2 degrees N latitude, as well as from my 24-hour rotation period Kerbin. It has just enough delta-V to put the Soyuz-KMA spacecraft into a 100km orbit. Launching from other sites or from a faster-rotating home planet will result in extra delta-V leftover, which could be used to reach a higher orbit or put an unmanned payload into orbit. Next up is the Saturn V, Saturn IB and Apollo; they already have been made, but using the earlier method of .cfg file welding of stock and mod models. I'm now going to remake them with (mostly) custom models like I did with the Soyuz.
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