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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. During one of the 1.2 development Squadcasts, I asked if the "N/A" for the maneuver node burn time was going to be fixed, either in 1.2 or later. NathanKell replied that the reason it has never been fixed is that it would basically require KER being made stock--it's that complicated of a calculation, requiring delta-V be figured out possibly across more than one stage, the way KER and Mechjeb do. And of course, we all know what why KER has never been in the stock game. However, he also said, confirming what was posted/said previously, that the fuel flow overhaul in 1.2 was a necessary major first step in putting a delta-V readout or KER-alike (and no more "N/A") in the stock game. So, with new devs, there is some hope, small as it may be.
  2. Yes, there was a Squadcast last week.
  3. I've been closely watching this discussion, as Take Command is a necessity for the revamped tech tree I've been making, because I have it that the command seat is the only way to have a "manned" craft in the early career; the actual pods and cockpits come several tech tiers later. Without being able to spawn directly into the command seat, you're limited to only unmanned stuff...which is the intent actually, but I want to do some crazy experimental "manned" stuff too...like putting a reduced-size Flea onto a girder, attach some stubby wings and elevons, put on a command seat...and launch; very quickly you get the Juno parts and basic landing gear, enough for some primitive flying action.
  4. It is a transition period with most of the coding and content devs gone (the ones who are left--like TriggerAU, sal_vager and Squelch--are mainly Q&A), something I said during the last Squadcast and UomoCapra agreed. It's going to take time to rebuild the coding team, and maybe then the devnotes will be something like the past ones. However, something does seem to have changed with the whole Daily Kerbal thing, and maybe in Squad in general. None of the other daily features (Fanwork, Video Wednesday, etc.), have had a new post, aside from one Modding Monday one--last week. All the fun stuff seems to have gone away, replaced with the canned marketing speak.
  5. It looks like he just massively edited the stock tree, creating the new horizontal-branch layout by moving the stock nodes around and adding the new HP Tree-specific nodes to fill it out. That might actually be the better way, to just edit the stock nodes and use them for other purposes, though I think you should be able to delete nodes with, e.g. !RDNode:HAS[#id[basicRocketry]]{}
  6. Hmm, would !TechTree{} delete the stock tech tree? Otherwise I don't think there is a way to simply delete the stock tree with MM in one simple command. You just have to edit/redefine/move the stock nodes around; check out @pap1723's Historical Progression Tech Tree for an example of redoing the whole stock tree into something very un-stocklike.
  7. @ThePhoenixSol, Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted and forgot about that. Also, ah, that's what you meant. I had that same thing happen in 1.0.4 with Nertea's Station Parts Expansion and Community Tech Tree, the parts would be duplicated, some of them 3 times, others a whole bunch of times. I never found out what caused that problem, and forgot exactly what I did to fix it, but I did delete the @TechTree:AFTER[CommunityTechTree] portion of the included CTT patch (all it did was to unhide the hydroponics and recycling nodes). All I know is I got the parts to stop being duplicated. As for your second issue, something similar happened with the latest KWRocketry and KSPInterstellar updates, both of them were creating the same tech tree node, and a doubling of the icon like you have was the result if both mods were installed.
  8. Yeah, on the Squadcast on the 20th (live from the Squad main office with UomoCapra and Badie, plus Squelch on voice), I asked who will be the new lead dev for KSP, and the answer was they are doing interviews.
  9. Planet mods require Kopernicus, which has not yet been updated for 1.2. So until it is, all planet mods are on hold.
  10. There is a long-standing bug, reported here by @bewing and confirmed by @Squelch in the chat of the last Squadcast (asked by me, I'm AlphaMensae on Twitch), in the spring equations of PhysX, that causes the landing gear to be extra bouncy. I think there's more to it than that, but that's the root cause, and Nvidia has yet to fix it. Nothing Squad can do about it, as it's not a KSP problem...unless you want hacky workarounds of the sort like blocked wheels to come back.
  11. Yes, the + sign allows a part to be copied to a custom category, which are created/accessed from the Advanced Mode button in the VAB/SPH--that green arrow in the upper left of the part list. Without any custom categories, the + sign doesn't appear. Some mods, like SpaceY, create their own custom category (which you may not even realize if you never use Advanced Mode), and so there will be a + sign on all parts. Mods that add a custom category usually have a sub-folder for it, so if you don't want the + signs, simply delete that sub-folder from the main mod's folder.
  12. Modular Rocket Systems has a 1.25m cargo bay, and yes, plenty does fit in it. Think small sats and probes, 0.625m-based
  13. Yep, started a new sandbox save every time I made a change. The first time I used :AFTER. on a test case of moving a single part to the Start node, the part appeared in Start. So now I use it for every moved part.
  14. Hmm, I'm also using Community Tech Tree, as I moved stock and mod parts to other stock and CTT nodes. The parts didn't show up in the CTT nodes either unless I use :AFTER.
  15. Do you mean the parts you moved to the Start node (or any node) not showing up there? I had the same problem, and I solved it by using :AFTER[Squad] in the @PART declaration. Not sure if I was doing something wrong or is there is something I don't know about, but using :AFTER[Squad] made my moved parts appear in their new locations. There is a nice list of the stock tech tree nodes on the wiki. Most (but not all as I saw) of the icons are stored in /Gamedata/Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons. As was mentioned, /Gamedata/Squad/Resources/TechTree.cfg has the actual names of the icons used.
  16. By "activate" I think he meant using those parts as the origin point, and autostrut them to the desired target...like a command pod root part . What you don't want to do is go crazy and autostrut everything, this is counterproductive and will cause the game to slow down; not as much as real struts would, but still a performance hit. That is why you have to be strategic in their use, like with the real struts.
  17. Just need an F-1-like engine to use it with. Sure, you could get one from elsewhere, but we need a SpaceY one.
  18. Yep, ideally you want the autostruts to run through as many parts as possible to the target. A good example is using a command pod as the Root part on a rocket, and autostrutting tanks and boosters to it. That way you won't lose the autostruts when you separate stages. Yeah, autostruts (and the Rigid Joint Attachment option) are only available with Advanced Tweakables turned on. I guess the thinking that this was a tool for more experienced players to use, and would confuse and clutter up the right-click menus for newcomers (like all of the other AT options).
  19. Autostruts literally create an invisible massless strut between the origin part and either the root, heaviest or grandparent part (toggleable), and has the effect of creating a joint that cuts through any connecting part(s). There's an option in the debug console that shows a visualization of the autostrut (an orange line) so you can see exactly where it's going. From what Mu said on a Squadcast a few months ago, they apparently work something like what KJR does, as he said @ferram4 would understand what was involved in adding them, since he dealt with similar issues with KJR. They were initially added in 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 (by @Arsonide) as one of the workarounds for the wheel problems with Unity 5.2.4, and were an automatic feature of landing gear. The side effect of them greatly strengthening whatever they were attached to soon became utilized by two notable Twitch KSP streamers to create large non-wobbly space stations and other structures. The autostruts became popular enough that in the 1.2 development, they were retained (all of the other wheel workarounds were removed) and expanded as a selectable option for all parts. They do need to be used strategically, with understanding of part hierarchies, to get the full effect. In comparision, Rigid Joint Attachment simply turns on Unity's Locked Joint mode, so they won't bend as much, but are not 100% rigid. Think of a strand of dry spaghetti compared to a wet one.
  20. @ThePhoenixSol, this might be a bit late, but here's an example of how to edit and add tech nodes in the tech tree. Note, you need to use HAS[#id[tech tree node id]] to alter tech tree node names.
  21. Oh yes, so many little things added or improved. I agree with everything mentioned here already, plus: The new Puff engine--now looks like a mini AJ-10, the kind the shuttle's OMS used (also the Delta II's upper stage, and of course the Apollo Service Module engine), just smaller. And of course, the new RCS sounds and plumes!
  22. Ok, this is late, but yes, just drop it into Gamedata. Initially, we were told that modders would have to finish the parts and write the configs, but as it turned out the released parts are complete and ready-to-use, .cfg files included. ============================ Ah, I seem to have slightly misrembered the 1.1 devnotes concerning Porkjet's revamp, as I went back and searched for all mentions of it. Here are the three relevant quotes on it: Dec. 22, 2015: (I thought I saw 1.2 being mentioned all that time ago as the target for the revamp) Jan. 5, 2016: Mar 1 2016: That was the last mention of the revamp. And then there was this note on the PBR lighting model: Feb. 10, 2016:
  23. During the final months of the 1.1 development period, the devnotes said that Porkjet was starting the planning for the rocket part overhaul, which was to be in a future version--1.2 was never specified. With his departure, the whole thing is up in the air. Maybe another dev will pick it up, maybe there will be a whole different kind of overhaul, maybe nothing at all. I suspect the parts we did get--just the 1.25m engines and tanks, plus the Mk1 pod--were all he had completed before his departure, it would explain a lot. The parts are just like a parts mod, simply put it in Gamedata. They don't replace the old stock parts, they just get added to the existing ones. Some simple Module Manager patches can replace the old versions with the new ones.
  24. Oops... > Rocket part revamp of course. > Terrain and environmental graphics upgrade. > Career mode overhaul, not more tweaks of the contracts system, but a whole new approach. I'd love to see a true multi-role space program mangagent career, where you can choose to play as : 1) Administrator: Manage the budget, hire astronauts, decide what the goals are and plan the appropriate missions, which are then handed off to the... 2) Chief Engineer/Designer: Research the tech, and then design and build the appropriate vessels/vehicles/etc. for the missions you receive from the "boss". All needed crafts are handed off to the... 3) Flight Director: Run and control the missions with the crafts you receive. This is done from mission control, the actual crafts are flown and operated by the... 4) Astronaut: No planning or building, you fly the crafts in the assigned mission, doing and completing the planned tasks and objectives. Ideally, you would be able to play just one role, all of them, or pick'n'choose which ones you want. The other roles you don't play would be controlled by the computer...or other players--Multiplayer hook! The only contracts that would appear in this new system would be those for commercial satellite launches.
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