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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. Yep, Elon's fanta...er, plan IS insane And the Vector has, what, not even a third of a Raptor's max thrust? And there's 42 of them. Just note that the planned launch thrust of the BFR is around 3.5 times that of the S-1C stage of the Saturn V...
  2. Well, I have some thoughts on what the first two exapansion packs could be: 1) There already is an officially-sanctioned ULA (United Launch Alliance, a Boeing-Lockheed joint venture that launches the "legacy" US rockets, i.e Atlas V and Delta II/IV) mod pack in progress. The parts are apparently all done, and it's in ULA's hands, but no news of when it will be released. Something tells me it's because it's being set up as the first of these new KSP expansion packs, rather than be released as just another mod. 2) More speculative, but could a SpaceX partnership and expansion pack be next? All the Falcon9, Falcon Heavy and maybe even the BFR/MCT (or if you will, the ITS) parts you could imagine! Maybe this is why we haven't gotten stock large Falcon9-type landing legs yet.
  3. Yup, he was one of the signees of the departure post. Interestingly, both him and Taniwha (who also left) joined the dev team during the 1.1 development period, sometime around when 1.0.5 was released.
  4. Yup, it does appear we now know why the "Porkparts" were released separately. Unless Porkjet plans to finish them himself and release a version as a mod, we won't see the rest of them. I've been going through the devotes for 1.1 when it was still in development, and on at least two occasions it was mentioned that Porkjet was starting or continuing the planning for the rocket parts overhaul, so it WAS going to happen at some point...not any more, unless someone else picks it up. As for who's still there, Roverdude and Nightingale are (though Roverdude is truly a remote contractor, he has a big thing going on aleady with his USI suite of mods), and on the QA/dev side there is TriggerAU and sal_vager.
  5. Aren't/weren't most of the KSP devs remote contractors anyway? How many actually were working in Squad's HQ in Mexico City? I I know Roverdude is a contractor, and Porkjet is in Germany; looking at the others, NathanKell is in New York City (he appeared as a guest on the Das Valdez-EJ_SA Twitch stream from the Intrepid Museum), Arsonide is in Texas, I think Sarbian is in France, and Taniwha is in Japan. On the 1.1 launch party streams with Das Valdez, the only Squad staff who appeared on camera were Dan, Pablo and Andrea on the first day, and Felipe himself on the second day. If that PCGamesN report has any truth behind it, I can see the devs who left saw their job complete with 1.2--which does look like what 1.0 should have been--and decided that was it, time to head for greener pastures elsewhere. Then again, it's also reasonable to think that they saw no furthur challenges in KSP, and again, look for something else.
  6. It's not just parts that can be modified or cloned with MM, the tech tree (edit, move and create new tech nodes) and experiment definitions (edit the stock science experiemts and create new ones) can be modified as well. Oh yeah, and resources too.
  7. Speaking of PQSCity and MapDecalTangent, I've been making alternate KSC sites for KSC Switcher, but am having a problem with the KSC facilities and buildings being too high above the ground; there is too much of that underlying "pad" showing, and rather than having a short gentle slope like it is with the stock KSC, the slope is much longer, and there is a break where the slope angle gets steeper. What are the correct settings for the offsets to recreate the stock KSC appearance. Looking at that pic that@Galileo posted, it appears that the offset(s) for at least MapDecalTangent may be far higher than I had supposed, if it produces a giant crater like that without PQSCity.
  8. For Windows: Double-click on the Hyperedit .zip file, that will open up the 7-zip window. Double-click on the Gamedata folder, that will reveal the Kerbaltek folder. Copy the Kerbaltek folder to (Your KSP folder name)/Gamedata, you can either just drag it over or use the copy-paste functions. That's it.
  9. Yep, it's for Block II. But it doesn't look like it will happen, as Orbital ATK's new advanced SRB is now looking like what will be used. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/02/advanced-boosters-towards-solid-future-sls/
  10. I actually deleted my post since I had a brain-lock and forgot the engine being addressed was the Poodle, not the Twin-Boar. . It's the new Twin-Boar model that looks like the F-1B. But... The F-1B is a proposal for the SLS Block-II Advanced Booster; the Block I that will launch first will use 5-segment versions of the shuttle SRBs.
  11. Yes, from what you said, that will delete all the '+' symbols since it appears that was the only custom category you had, the one provided by SpaceY.
  12. @Higgs Ok, after a bit of testing, it turned out I slightly misremembered something. Custom categories can be added if you enable Advanced Mode in the editor (that large arrow in the upper left of the part picker), but the '+' symbols don't appear until you actually add a category. I've always used custom categories, even when I had just stock parts, so forgot that little detail. SpaceY adds its own custom category (enter Advanced Mode to see it), so that's why you're getting the '+' symbols. Just delete the "Category" folder from SpaceY's folder in Gamedata, and that will remove the '+' signs.
  13. That '+' in the corner is for putting the part into a custom category, it's a stock feature, been there for quite a while now.
  14. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/PartOverhauls.zip
  15. Looks like it was partly inspired by the Titan Transtage. It's such a vast improvement over the current Poodle, an a horrid abomination so bad that I've banned it from my KSP.
  16. Not just activating the auto-struts, but the fuel-flow overlay, fuel flow priority adjustment buttons, the previous actuation toggles for RCS and gimbals, and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting. If you want to keep things simple, leave Advanced Tweakables off. Turn it on if you want to...well, tweak things Landing gear/wheels invisibly autostrutting to the heaviest part on a craft was introduced in 1.1.2 as one of the workarounds for the 1.1-Unity 5.2.4 wheel problems. Soon, this ability was utilized to reinforce large ships and stations by carefully applying landing gear to the appropriate spots. This became popular with KSP Twitch streamers EJ_SA and Das Valdez, enough so that @NathanKell said that it might not go away in 1.2 when Unity was upgraded to 5.4 and all the workarounds weren't needed. Turns out that not only was autostrutting kept, it was expanded to all parts and made a "legit" stock feature.
  17. The full option setting name is "Allow Part Upgrades In Sandbox", and was explained by @NathanKell and/or @Arsonide as being a hook for career-altering mods that let you upgrade part stats after you unlock them; presumably the setting is to make these upgraded parts available in Sandbox as well.
  18. Oh, I have quite a few custom part categories, with many of them furthur (or soon will be) divided into sub-categories. I started doing this since I found the stock Structural and Utility categories very unwieldy, and it grew from there; now I don't use the stock categories anymore. My categories are: > Crew (all parts with crew capacity) > Fuel Tanks (LFO, LF nuke (from Fuel Tanks Plus), Mono, minus the plane LF tanks) > Engines (rocket engines only, though might put an aero-engine sub-cat) > Control (probe cores, reaction wheels, RCS, fins) > Atomic (nuke engines&reactors, RTGs) > Building (basic building "blocks", girders & panels, thrust plates) > Separating (decouplers, docking ports, stage adapters) > Launching (clamps, fairings and rocket nose cones) > Landing (heat shields, parachutes, landing gear&legs) > Surface (wheels, ladders, mining stuff, whatever else is used on the ground) > Electrics (things that produce, store and use electric charge, includes antennas) > Science (all science instruments) > Cargo (cargo bays, I have mod cargo bays so needed a separate category) > Aero (all the other plane stuff minus the cockpits, includes the jet LF tanks)
  19. Yes, it makes the lights blink when it's transmitting...in space obviously, not the editor
  20. Oh, that's due to Mator using the ignore max temp cheat (actually, all the cheats) on his 'lil Vector-powered Mk1 pod explorer craft. That's one of the actual ground stations you connect with your sat/craft.
  21. And to answer the question, yes, the ground stations on Kerbin DO have an actual object attached to them:
  22. Yes, @RoverDude popped up in Mator's stream, and said they were interstages.
  23. Ok, something new that wasn't announced either: Fairings have a new feature!
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