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Everything posted by Fluburtur

  1. The other day I was playing with one of my tubes radio and power went out in my house, I was just trying to see if I could actually hear a radio station.
  2. You greatly underestimate the power of.... [SIZE=1] dramatic effect [SIZE=3] ORE TANKS![/SIZE] [/SIZE]
  3. Well you could cut your fuel by half and replace it with ballast, then you would get something and still be able to travel an insane distance. Plus the cupola bay is gonna slow you down a lot, and you don't want to travel 500km (my approximate approximation of what you will at least do) at 10m/s.
  4. I crossed the 1000km line of my submarine travel, im not turning crazy yet.
  5. Part 6 of the journey (gotta figure out why I have 7 folder then) and I have some great news for you WE CROSSED THE 1000KM LINE That's right! We are exactly at 1002km right now! One third of the way according to Red Dwarf but I think the voyage will be slightly longer. Now let's move on to the actual report, I wanted to do something a bit special this time so let me know what you think about it. There, I think it's not bad to add a bit of story to all of this. Now the useful infos, this time I travelled only 120km since we stopped on that shallow (thank you Captain Vlad, + I love your name) In case you missed it our total distance is 1002km and your met time is 2d,0h,47m. It got reset when I refueled the sub with the boat. I think I will really put a rig here, it's unlikely there is ore here but who knows? Anyway I hoped you liked this and see you next time!
  6. Absolutely, you can refuel however you want as long as it's not cheating. Want to drill an asteroid and then send a refuel pod? That's ok. You make me think that I should add "number of kerbals on the ride" in the award/scoring system :sticktongue: EDIT: I changed the rules a bit, they should be more clear now.
  7. Spam the ore tanks and make sure they are full. It may takes a lot of try to get something that works but my sub is basically just a bunch of ore tanks with some fuel and 4 engines on the back and some wings to control it.
  8. I suggest using VesselMover by Bahamutod, sometimes it just slams your things in the groud if they are big but it usually works like a charm.
  9. Part 5 of the report, this one was a bit slow to come because I was a little less motivated. I did 189km this time, making the total distance travelled 882km. The MET time is 2d,0h,9m. I encountered another place where the bottom of the sea is not that deep (can't remember the word for it). They seem to be very common at the shores of the desert. My refuel plane also took of from Black Krags, first time he doesn't go from the KSC. I would like to use Area 51 but it's very laggy for some reason. I also think I will do two pre-drops next time, just to see the result. If you want to know how Tricia Kerman is not bored, here is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5i55WwqU-3OJWpr8hK-_Uqwm7jgigM_N
  10. @SpaceplaneAddict like I said in the first post, you can submit alternate routes and I could modify the land rule for this one. I could add awards like "speed boat" for your suggestion and "grand tour" for the path im going for. @Azimech you got me there but you are a little close to the land. I think someone posted a bit of the ressource file of the Ocean where it says there is 0 ore.
  11. You can do that but your sub with turn into a boat over time and you will have to refuel the ore and you're gonna have a bad time doing that. But well, I should stop to tell everyone how to build subs, im sure there are far better desings than me.
  12. That would be good but what if you can to deploy your parachutes in a certain order? Like drogue and then normal ones?
  13. Im totally making a MK1/Rafale cockpit when I have money Throttle on the left, ministick on the right and a control screen in the center
  14. Yes, that looks stable fast and agile. A pretty good craft.
  15. I use it often to refuel my submarine, so far I didn't get any problem but the Kraken gets angry at my refuel pods after I leave them and smash them into pieces.
  16. This would float for me, also there is no ore underwater so you should put those drills and converter aside and do refuelings like me. My experience with cargo bays also shows that they like to float a lot and I would use wheesleys instead of pathers, better fuel efficiency. But do whatever you want. (maybe check my mission log to see what my sub looks like, so far my experince says "simpler is better") And yes you can take as much screenshot as you want, I would also encourage you to make a mission report in the appropriate forum. Good luck and have fun +SpaceplaneAddict, I allow you to teach wizardry to the young submariners but I would like to see do the challenge too. BTW good luck on Tylo.
  17. Well since it's easy to have a vertical speed of less than a meter per second and I would still suggest watching what your sub is doing (you know, coasts exists as well as area that are not deep) You can easily let your sub going by himself for more than 70km, he will eventually start to go up again because of the curvatuer of the planet and you sometime have to turn. I could modify the MechJeb rule but it would take a bit off the challenge, plus it's far less boring that it seems.
  18. Wow that's really impressive, I should make myslef a MK1 cockpit one day. Good luck on this
  19. Well, since you can't actually go around Kerbin in a circle because a continent is in the way you have to go back and take a different route to go back to the starting point. That's a good occasion to see some stuff, I never expected this to be this interesting but I really love driving my sub. Only last time I saw an eclipse and what looked like regular land but a few meters underwater. We never know what adventure awaits.
  20. How fast do you go? I tried to make a special sub for my challenge using a cupola but it's slow as hell, I think the drag underwater is something like 10x bigger than in air. also it would be nice if you considered participating in my challenge hehe, a heaven for submarine lovers
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