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Everything posted by Fluburtur

  1. The buoys is just a suggestion, you can use whatever you want to trace your journey, even nothing at all but it's not recommended.
  2. Yes, never go EVA underwater or you will destroy the universe. I dont' know how many time the speed of light this is and I don't wanna know it.
  3. I was very hyped for this part and used it to deliver a droppable fuel tank for mu submarine, I had to try for 30 minutes before my stuff stopped exploding for "colliding with the ramp" but it works now. This part is good.
  4. 1) Yes, you can put markers and stuff like that to plan your travel 2)You should don't mean you have too, it would be nice but other ways to see your path are fine too and a video is also a good idea. I added a link to the Persistent Trails mod in the main post.
  5. Welcome to the Kerbin submarine circumnavigation challenge! What is this? Well like the title says you have to sail around Kerbin in a submarine (or optionally a boat) following the map below There is a little bit of everything here, open sea sailing, deep dive in the crater and a lot of coast following. Rules: Well, you just have to do it. No hyperedit or such of course expept for getting in the water directly at the end of the runway. You must play as stock as possible for the challenge. Don't touch land (you can still touch the bottom of the ocean) You must tell me the name of your glorious submarine, what category you are entered for and how many passengers you have on board. Mods allowed: Any esthetics mods Mechjeb as long as it doesn't pilot for you Parts mod as long as it's fair (no OP props or balast) I would encourage you to use Peristent Trails Surprisingly enough you can use KerbinSide, if you don't wanna have a flight around the planet just to drop some fuel. What you must not have: Pretty much everything that changes hydrodynamics What you should absolutely do: Have a map or something like that so we can follow your path (ex: screenshots in map mode linked together) Have refuel mission (like dropping a fuel tank from a plane near your surfaced submarine, and please do a screen to show your epicness) you may do this the way you want, but again no cheats. Have fun, do nice reports like those Categories: Heavier than water: Lighter than water: -Fluburtur underway with KS60 Seal. Crew: 1 -Lego8_bit with Gargantua refuel-er. Crew: 16 Boat: I dont' know how to do the scoreboard, it could be based on mission time and distance with maybe a multiplier for epic refuelling or stuff like that, tell me how I should do it. You can submit mods that add ore under the oceans but everyone shoud use the same if you do, you can also submit a path for Laythe or alternate paths for Kerbin (which will be noted "alt path n" in the scoreboard) That is about everything, this is the first challenge I make so it's maybe not perfect and I might change stuff along the way but hopefully we can have fun with this because I will be doing it with you. Feel free to suggest stuff EDIT: Here is the promised badge, I used this image as a base
  6. That would be absolutely psycho indeed, lacks a bit of open see sailing but you get to dive very deep. And you can't mine underwater because there is no ore so you would need to have tons of fuel, go electric with rover wheels or have refuel mission. Imagine go and drop a fuel tank to a surfaced submarine in open sea I could start a topic and make it an independant challenge if you don't mind.
  7. Nice Do you think a Kerbin (or Laythe) submarine circumnavigation challenge would be a good thing to try? Peoples seems to like to drive around planets for days so swimming could be a thing too, only a bit less dangerous
  8. Use the rotate tool, also sometimes if your wheel is under an engine nacelle or something like that and it gets a bit woobly your plane might go crazy on the runways so also add struts.
  9. if you mean size just look at the size of the ones in my signature, it's the standard size for badges. As for design I don't know, maybe something simple like the K-Prize one but with a submarine. Maybe different badges for different levels like "deep dive" or "fast sub" if you feel very good about it. I coudl help you design them if you want.
  10. Could someone make a badge for this challenge? Cuz you know, badges are cool and stuff
  11. I was trying a new plane and landed it on the water, turns out im makes a good submarine I think I get the deepest dive award on Kerbin
  12. I downloaded most of the mods but I think I should wait for them to get updated, I also made the Joolian sat but it looks ugly, not enough kerbal. I will take a shower and hopefully I will have a good idea
  13. You are right, it's a bit weird. Im currently downloading MechJeb to get performance reading about my rockets such as DV and TWR and Scatterer to have pretty planets, once it's done I will prepare my missions. Im also thinking on printing that on transparent paper to help me.
  14. 60 the negatives seems to be playing, that's good for us
  15. 48 I played a bit of KSP but I might be too tired to fully enjoy it, I might play a bit tomorow
  16. I made a new save file and remplaced the persistent file with the one from my old one and copied my favorite plane, works like a charm. Now let's play all the night!
  17. I made a backup of my save file (can't lose that one sat) and im re-installing the game. Hopefully it won't persist because im already dead inside.
  18. The Laythe colony will not lack a submarine, be assured
  19. Thanks for your replies, I think I will send a sat in the Joolian system to get the hang of it and maybe to scan some stuff and start to assemble a vessel in orbit. I haven't build anything in orbit since a long while ago so it will be a good revision. I will be posting pics for sure.
  20. 31 my mom made a cake, I accept to give some of it the the negativers that convert to positivism
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