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Everything posted by RocketSquid

  1. Mission log: KSS Explorer: Year 90, day 75 Craft status: RED ALERT--Waking all bridge crew "What is it this time..." Grumbled Valentina. She was starting to wish she wasn't on the bridge crew. "The Explorer has been placed into RED ALERT status," Responded the computer "And why exactly has this red alert occurred?" Asked Wernher Von Kerman. "Calculations suggest that the onboard snacks will be fully depleted by year 97" "Kraken! That's bad!" Exclaimed Gene "Not to fear, herr commander. I have a solution!" Proclaimed Von Kerman. "My advanced agricultural system has been kept in storage for all of these years because we assumed the snacks would last. If we deploy it, it would provide us with 12 years worth of snacks in the 10 years left in the journey." "Okay. Now we just need Jeb and Bill to deploy it," Said Valentina "Yes. That could get tough," Replied everyone on the bridge.
  2. Maybe contracts for a given planet should start becoming available after a "Reach" contract is completed and/or accepted. All "Reach" contracts have no expiration dates, and pay mostly in reputation. They would be available from the start. They don't have any real criterion other than that you get a craft into that planets SOI.
  3. The vector's advantage isn't high thrust, or even high TWR. Its vectoring and TVR (Thrust-to-volume-ratio, A term I made up) are the best of any rocket engine, meaning it is disproportionately powerful for its size. Fortunately, its weight, cost, and high tech level make it balanced.
  4. This happens to me on every laptop I use. This is because vibrations in the case (e.g. from typing) affect the trackpad, which registers them as cursor movement.
  5. I have had this problem before. One of my boats mysteriously vanished, leaving no trace of anyone aboard. I've started calling it the silent kraken, but I haven't been able to check it. If you are willing to cheat a bit, you can bring the lost kerbals back, but the ships are gone. You'll need to retry the missions for that. I have not been able to find out what happened, but this is definitely a problem. Also, I for some reason feel like quoting Dave Bowman on this: "Oh my god! It's full of stars!"
  6. The new forums are having problems because they are new. However, Squad has been rolling out fixes at an extraordinary rate. A week ago, you could barely post because of the onslaught of 502 errors. 3 days ago, old links didn't work. I assure you, if you place a man in a red room, he will complain that he wants it blue. But when you repaint it, he will claim he liked it red. People, in general, do not like change unless it directly benefits them. Even harmless change is hated.
  7. This challenge is simple. In the scenario "Asteroid redirect mission, part 2", catch the asteroid and bring it to a planet other than kerbin. As expected, you can only use the vessel provided by the scenario. This is a maneuvering challenge, not a construction one. KER is allowed, but no MechJeb or other auto pilot. Leaderboards are by destination and will give time taken to reach it.
  8. I fortunately was prepared for this and backed it up beforehand. I'm just glad I won't have to do a clean install.
  9. This is only in this forum because I have mods installed, the problem is not with any of the mods. I recently edited one of my sfs files, and now the game will not load any saves, including unedited ones. The saves folder is still there, as is all of the data inside, but I can click "Load saved game" a hundred times over with no response.
  10. Kerbal duck boat was a failure. It barely moved, on water or land. The first prototype was fast, but destroyed the runway and itself.
  11. I think realistic physics is a must, but life support is not terribly necessary. I agree that it would certainly add challenge, but if you want that sort of challenge just set a timer and blow up your craft if it's in space for too long. Life support either needs to be simple, e.g. "Snacks", renewable (with something like a farm, or even something very kerbal like a "Snack Kitchen"), and adjustable, like re-entry heat, or else it needs to be abstracted slightly better, for example, you need at least 2 more seats than kerbals, or kerbals require electric charge. Meanwhile, for construction purposes, I agree. Not every part should be a white cone or cylinder. We already have that odd sort of kerbal construction with the I-beams and structural panels.
  12. I would say it needs updating. Drag has changed completely.
  13. Okay. I assumed as much, but I saw several other mods that added resources but did not have any configs other than part configs. I realize now that this is probably due to some sort of dependency Edit: On further inspection, it actually has water as well as several other resources my mod will probably use. Thanks for the help!
  14. I am designing a mod, and I am considering implementing water as a resource. However, I do not know how to add a resource to the game, and a search through the game folders has been fruitless, as none of my other mods provide any insight to how resources are added. Does anyone know a quick way to add resources?
  15. I have to agree. This would be a kraken-sized task, but would be very, very helpful. I think it should be based on traffic, pages that are linked to more often should have redirects set up quickly. Threads that very few things link to should probably just get a "We're sorry, this link has burned up in reentry." message or something similar. This could be made into a community project to make it faster.
  16. I'm designing a mod that will add several new engines. Would it be better to base an electric fan on a stock jet engine or a stock rocket engine? This is just for the .cfg file, I can do the .mu myself. It will probably end up looking like a fan air intake, in fact I'm currently using the circular intake as a placeholder texture.
  17. I seem to have EVA-d in a strange, foreign part of forum space. I know not what I will find, but I shall explore all the same.

  18. Eve, as we all know, is a tough planet to escape from. That is what this challenge is about. To complete the challenge you must: 1. Land on eve. The lander must be manned, and have a capacity of at least 4 kerbals. 2. Perform an EVA. At least one kerbal must get out of your lander and plant a flag. 3. Optional surface operations. You can skip these, but they will provide a useful score boost. [spoiler=Operations] -Set up a base: The base must be able to hold at least 6 kerbals. Additionally, you'll need life support, either from an actual life support mod or a stock stand-in. If you go for stock, you need at least 1 air intake and 100 ore capacity for every 2 kerbals. If you go for modded, it needs to be able to support the on-board crew for at least 1 year. -Science it up: Perform at least 3 experiments other than EVA or crew reports while on the surface. Points based on science earned (or science that would be earned if you were playing in career). -Rover journey: Land and drive a rover. It must carry least 1 kerbal. Points based on distance traveled, top speed and kerbals on-board. -The deep purple sea: Land and drive a boat. It must travel at least 100 meters and carry at least one kerbal. Scored similarly to the rover challenge. -Circumnavigator: Circumnavigate eve. You can use a rover or a plane, but it cannot leave the atmosphere. Points based on time and kerbal capacity. [/spoiler] 4. Takeoff. Lift off from eve. You must bring back all of the kerbals you sent, unless you made a base, in which case you must bring up at least half of the kerbals that landed. The kerbals can switch vehicles, and do not have to use the original lander. However, they must return to kerbin, or reach a space station in kerbin orbit. [spoiler=Scoring] Part 1: +10 points for every kerbal aboard. -5 points for every part destroyed on landing. Part 2: +10 for every kerbal leaving the lander. +20 for planting a flag. +20 for planting a flag more than 100m from the lander Part 3: +20 bonus for completing all optional operations. [spoiler=Operation scoring] -Base: +10 for every kerbal with life support. -5 for every kerbal without. -Science: +1 for every 5 science. +2 for every different type of experiment. -Rover: Top speed+(kerbal capacity*5)+(distance/20) -Boat: Top speed*2+(kerbal capacity*5)+(distance/15) -Circumnavigator: 25 + (10*capacity)+ 150/time (in minutes) [/spoiler] Part 4: Size: Bonus of up to 30 if very small. Penalty of up to 10 if excessively large. Crew: 5*capacity+10*kerbals onboard Bonuses: +50 for SSTO, +25 if reaching high EVE orbit, +50 if returning directly to kerbin without refueling or transfer. Up to +30 for aesthetics. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Leaderboard] Best total score: 1. 2. 3. Best Lander: 1. 2. 3. Best Ascent vehicle: 1. 2. 3. Best looking craft: 1. 2. 3. Best surface vehicle 1. 2. 3. Best base 1. 2. 3. [/spoiler] My mission is coming.
  19. Hydrofoil development is continuing smoothly. This one reaches 14 m/s with full tanks. Uses KAX engines, and this one has some modded parts inside of the cargo bay. Working on a full-stock version. Capabilities Max speed: 14 m/s with all tanks full and moderate cargo load. Crew capacity: 6 in cockpit and cabin, 4-8 in cargo bay Fuel: about 500 Liquid fuel, No oxidizer This was primarily meant to see if largish hydrofoils were practical. For comparison, a similar boat without hydrofoils has a top speed of about 4 m/s.
  20. Mods are allowed if you list what mods you are using. Beware of buoyancy-altering mods, such as better buoyancy, but there really aren't any restrictions on what you can use to build these things.
  21. Stop cheating at English. You aren't allowed to stretch out words in writing. Cheater.
  22. Hold on, is that engine backwards?
  23. I am now exploring the idea of paddle boats and prop boats using Infernal robotics.
  24. So, are these approved for use as bounce houses?
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