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Everything posted by Madscientist16180

  1. Kinda depend on what you mean by new Been playin since a bit before Christmas, i think i learned quite well, already visited Duna manned, and every other places unmanned (i admit Moho was surprisingly challenging, not getting there, but actually stayin within the SOI lol) So, might be a new user, i'm more trying to make everything as efficient as possible rather than learn the very basics (that will not stay true when we start talking planes, i really do not get it much lol). Yet, every single post was very informative. Also, i grasp concept fairly easily. Background thing i would expect, trained chemist, science lover. I just got into involved physics and this game is awesome to grasp orbital concept. There's been many answers, i won't quote each one of you to thank you all, but thank you all lol! All your answer kinda showed me that i was doing thing right, just gotta thrust my rocket more and stop manually managing the ascent to see how it goes now Without further ado, i'll start the game and try a few thing! The goal for tonight, an efficient natural gravity turn, let see how it goes! Circularizing inside the atmosphere? I would never had thought about trying this... I will, if only for the fun of it! Exploding rocket always makes my son laugh lol.
  2. Everybody got good ideas here. One thing i think would be logical would be for the Kerbals to have access to personal parachutes. If something goes wrong during the ascent, we would have an option to Eva and try something for the poor Kerbal to survive. Not game changing Idea, yet would feel logical.
  3. Tartigrade guy at the rescue again. Lol Thanks for the reply. Looks like i got the basics right, but those flame had me thinking i was loosing lots to drag. As you said, gotta practice now
  4. So far, i managed to get my average Dv needs to orbit Kerbin at around 3600 m/s. I saw a Scott Mankey vidéo where he was using some mod that have a display for ascent stats, namely percentage of thrust spent on each component of the ascent (gravity loss, drag, starting, etc.). From the UGI i reckon it was MechJeb but i cannot find such à feature using the mod. Is there something i'm missing? Can Kerbal engineering give me those stats? I'm trying à MechJeb less career. I guess i can judge drag by myself, just gotta minimise the flaming effect would probably mean i'm pushing at a sustainable rate that does not loose to much to drag? I always see those flame at some point in my ascent, normally starting around 35km and dying out at around 45/50 km. Too much thrust? Going horizontal too fast? What does people use to record vidéo of KSP? Showing the entire process and how i do it would i guess make it so much easier for the pros to help. As ever, thank in advance for using your time to help the newbies!
  5. I never ran into this problem to such an extant that careful piloting could not get me out of it, si never tried anything to rule it out. So this might be quite a stupid suggestion. Would puting the tank "upside down" cause them to drain from the bottom up?
  6. Ish, nope, i made a mistake between fall and spring! Up here, snow melt late in spring lol French is my first language (Québec), i got what i think is good English, but sometime i screw up lol! I guess as long as i do not have a vessel using part form KW, i can change it without a glitch?
  7. That's quite a complete answer! I'll give it a go with just changing KW to my OP list. Tks for the 1.1 comment, i'm aware of the fact, and do not mind. Seasonal worker, i still have a few week of spare time before fall lol. So, i'll give this game a good go before 1.1 get released Starting the game as soon as i gathered the mods
  8. Tks for the advice. I understand what you say about me already answering my own question, it was more of à "there's what i found, is there any other that do the same better" kinda thing. As for the warning about Kolonization, it does sound like a convincing sale pitch to me lol! That's exactly what i hoped it would be. One point went unadressed and i'd really like to know the community opinion, is KWRocetry considered lore friendly? I'm looking at a real challenge for this game, not at making anything easier, same question about the "Near futur" stuffs. Tks again for taking the time to write such complete answers.
  9. Hello all. I'm about to restart my career and as everytime, i"m looking to try a new mod list. But there is so many of them, would take me a day to look at them all and choose. For this reason, i'm asking you what modlist you would use to get what i'm looking for. 1-I explored most of the stock planets, so that game will include a planet pack. Here i have no Idea which mod is better. 2- I want that game to focus on planetary base building, ISRU and that kinda stuff. From what i read, the Kolonization mod seems to fit the bill. I guess that ScanSat is also a must to help plan everything? 3-Feeling the techtree is too quickly done, i'm looking at expending it. What should i use? The interstellar mod seem to fit, as do the NearFuturXYZ mod suite. 4-I'd like to explore new, lore friendly engine and other parts. Maybe KWrocektry there? 5-I want to build bases, so i'm looking at a small number of mods to keep the base from lagging too much. 6-I definitly want life support, should i go with the Kolonization related one or TAC? Does both work well together? 7-KAS, KIS, KJR, i guess i'll need them all. 8-Kerbal engineering, i want this game to be MechJeb less, still need to learn to interplanetary transfer without manœuvre planner. So, i guess this summarize what i want from this new game. Ho true, what does the remote tech mod do exactly? I gather it "force" you to build a comm network in order to communicate? Is that right? And is that all there is to it? Thank in advance, your input will be really appreciated. Edit: Maybe i'll try a TechTree rebalancing mod, SETI?
  10. One thing i'd really like would be for the maneuver planned to show the phase angle when i target another body out if the SOI i'm currently in. Would help determining wait time for the next transfer window. I know there's stuff like MechJeb that can just plan it for me, but i like to do my own math. Eyeballing the angle or even taking à protractor to my screen kinda work, but is not precise enough.
  11. I'm surprised nobody summarized it that way yet; It's not the size that count, but how you use it! Surprisingly fitting as a KSP answer lol.
  12. If i was giving à new player advice, it would be to learn the game without automation, then install MechJeb as some "proof of concept" tool. Play loads with its fonctionallity, but learn from what you see. Then go back to non-automated. I followed this path and can say that even if one think he is brillant and know everything about orbital mechanics, watching MechJeb WILL teach you a thing or two.
  13. That was quite comprehensive, tks. Gotta get myself à USB drive and try this somewhere today! I got NVIDIA, should be fine.
  14. Tks alk, i'll give it a try when the kids goes to bed and leave my cpu alone lol.
  15. Hi everybody. I'm looking for a way to have more mods on my ksp without it getting slow. From what i read, using Linux and the stable 64x is the way to go. But i'm not very knowledgeable about computer. I understand the basics and this is it. So, in a nut shell, is it, on a pretty average 5 year old cpu (i'll post spec when i get home), normally really worth learning to use linux? Does learning linux in itself à good enough thing that any reasons are good? Lol
  16. Lol, i tried that on more than one occasion with the same kind of result. Did anybody ever managed it?
  17. So, there we go, my first post about my program! The name is kind of a joke for one of my friend who is a bit of a conspirationist, so i created this program, and named everything in conspiracy inspired ways. Since i joined the forum recently, i only really started taking screen shots, not really needing them before. I'll post a few pics, those craft all work pretty well, but i feel i tend to built way to heavy and expensive, so any input is welcome. It gotta be said that when i restarted the game for this career, i went into "mods mode". I played mostly vanilla except for engineer and alarm clock before, and decided to make an install for a moded game. not all i use i find so useful, and maybe there is jewels yet undiscovered in the enormous mod list offered for this game. Here is a list of what i use at the moment: Toolbar BDarmory (that one only use is creating interest for the game with my son) Chatterer Docking port aligment KAS Engineer Kerbal joint reinforcment KIS Kopernicus KWRocketry Magic smoke industries Near futur everything TAClife support Alarm Clock Tweakscale (that one feels like cheating to me lol) Ubiowelding (Kinda limited, but i think it's useful to create big structural part that are just 1 part on your count) I'm very unused to modding games, and only started this career a few days ago, so here again any comments are more than welcome, maybe some thing in there should not be together for one reason or another, lol. And any good, balanced mods you want to advertise i want to know about! Only cause i think it's a cute shot, here is the Chemtrail XIIV, gently landing Jebediah on the Mun. That design is symptomatic of my too big tendency. It do it's job pretty well, but i really think i could do much more work out of the same amount of fuel. The goal was to obtain a large landing "pad" that would be stable, this thing can land on pretty steep slopes if i keep pushing down with the RCS. But no EVA in those condition, as i need to keep controlling the vessel or it quickly tip over. Second is my first (in this career) Mun station. I normally try to go to Minmus first, but the contract was lucrative. I present you the Munchurian Laboratory. The big module is a temporary addition to house the 12 kerbals the contract was asking for, i suspect it to be the reason why my station is always rotating on it's longitudinal axis, making docking a pain. It'll stay there till i got enough experiment to bring back to Kerbin, never to be seen again. As far as design is concerned, i normally wait further along the tech tree to built stations, so this on is kinda lacking in advanced part, simply cause i had no access to them at this precise point. Yet, my construction normally look a lot like this, just with better all around parts. Yet, those big caseless solar panel looks kinda nice. Just for the fun of it, here is Caldrun Kerman on a space walk around the Munchurian Lab. I look forward your comments on my little space program
  18. Indeed, Kid Verstappen is really cool to watch. As for the complains, really i think it's just an F1 cycle, domination is kinda part of the sport DNA, Ferrari are roaring to unsettle them. Hope Kimi can get one last very good season out of him, he once was something to behold in a race car, if only that early 2000's Mclaren could have held together! lol Vettel was faster on the same rubber all day today, hope this mean something!
  19. Hello all! Since this is an engineering game forum, i'm interested to know if anybody else around is watching the ongoing winter test with any kind of interest. I might be wrong, but would guess there is many people from the United States here, does the entry of Haas in the world championship create any kind of renewed interest in your place?
  20. Personally made SOI with relative ease, then spent like a full afternoon reverting cause i could not land it! Then i understood how to aim for flatter spot, and it worked well ever since!
  21. Most of the structural parts see little or no use for me as of now, things may change as i get more experienced. I see a lot of hate for the structural panel. Using the ubiowelder and the magicsmoke mods, i do pretty cool thing with them. Like lander balls for rover and stuffs like that. Still got to really use one, but they works in VAB. My original concept (which i guess i should post when i get home), might need rethinking and tweaking, but it look good. Useful, not really, but cool aplenty! Used them for à sandbox tie-fighter too, before i knew about most mod. Heavy, part intensive tie-fighter, but still it was flying!
  22. Hello to the community! For my first post, i'd like to discuss how you decide the name of your craft and does it have an importance to you? At first, i was personally giving fonctional ID tag to my craft, "orbiter mk-1", "Mun Lab Mk-1", and such. Now that i grasp more of the game, i do not really need to do this in order to remember à craft purpose, so i got to give them cool, themed names. For the exemple, my new garder is "Madscientist Evil Space Consortium, and i give my craft " conspirationist" inspired name. Like my sub-orbiter are the "ChemTrail" serie. My Mun station is called the "Munchurian Laboratory", my first serie of reckon satellite was the " Big brother" serie, the second one was the "Bigger Brother" and so on. I do not know why, but it makes me like them more than my original "fonctional name" ever did. D'you have your own particularities when it comes to making your stuff, or is the majority using the "fonctinality+number" way of doing it?
  23. Lol, probably cause "we" do not have the money for it! Tks for the welcome, i'm looking foward to posting some screenshots from my program when work is done in à few hours. My vessels are working well enough, but i'm looking foward d getting advices on making them less money expensive. I feel i'm throwing too much kerbal$ on each launch. It's been ages since i last posted a picture on any forum, hope it's still the same process it was like 10 years ago lol.
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