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Everything posted by AVaughan

  1. I think a significant part of the reason why console gets less updates than PC is the cost of each update. On PC releasing a KSP update is almost free. (Yeah you are paying for the man hours and QA testing to develop the game, but you don't need to pay extra to actually release an update/patch/hotfix). For console they need to pay a significant amount of money for each update/patch. (I don't know the actual figure but in 2012 https://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/02/wait-it-costs-40000-to-patch-a-console-game/ suggested $40,000 just for a patch release).
  2. All planet pack should be compatible with KER (and most other information, quality of life and part pack mods as well).
  3. If you enjoy KSP and modded minecraft, then you might also enjoy Factorio. (A lot of factorio player also play KSP and/or heavily modded minecraft). https://www.factorio.com/
  4. Note that Elon was talking about the required thrust for Starship + SuperHeavy. So whilst you can probably use those numbers to put an upper bound on the hoppers max takeoff mass (and hence max takeoff fuel load), I'm not sure that you can use that to confirm that the tanks can actually hold all that fuel. (Personally I think it is likely that they will prefer hopper to have a takeoff TWR of over 1.5, so that an engine failure just after liftoff is not an automatic loss of vehicle. Even if the tanks can hold 400+ tons of props, it is quite possible that they never will load the hopper to capacity).
  5. Well even heavily modded KSP runs at acceptable framerates (assuming I don't go overboard with too many parts) even on my 9 year old hardware. So no surprise vanilla runs well on a new laptop.
  6. Hmmm. Actually I thought that for most real life rocket launches, engines are started, then the computer checks that they are producing the appropriate amount of force before releasing the launch clamps. If the engines aren't producing the required thrust, or anything seems wrong, then the computer shuts them down, and you get an abort at T-1 or so. SRBs are the notable exception, since they can't be shut down. They are ignited at the same time as the launch clamps are released.
  7. Discord offers both text channels and voice channels. Most of the RO/RP-0/1 channels are text channels. (Think next generation IRC). That works much better for discussing things when not everybody will be online at the same time. Voice chat works well for people actually playing realtime multiplayer games.
  8. Lots of discussion in the rp-0/1 section of the RO discord https://discord.gg/AsJA897 , and some on github. (I'm not sure whether any discussion is happening anywhere else). I'm not sure that any one person is running the show. Nathan Kell has been on discord, and Pap, plus lots of other people.
  9. @fallout2077 : That sounds about right, assuming you haven't invested many points into VAB build rate yet.
  10. They are working on an update. It will be ready when it is done. After that I believe the current plan is to work on updating to 1.6.1.
  11. Well actually I think you should blame either @SQUAD or Take Two. As I understand things, they could have chosen to make 1.6.0 available, but they choose not to for some reason. If I recall correctly, they did the same thing with 1.5.0 when 1.5.1 released. The only possible reasons I can think of for them not making 1.6.0 available in the betas tab, are: Squad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers will relax or remove the version locks, rather than deal with the barrage of support/update requests. Squad hopes that by making updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous version that maintainers of mods that are version locked, those maintainers, those maintainers will give up their mods, and someone else will take over and relax or remove the version locks. Squad wants more players to move their install out of Steam before installing mods, and so to encourage people to do that, they are willing to push updates that mean that people who don't do that can't load their saves until after any version locked mods are updated. They don't understand that this is a problem. (I'm sorry but that just doesn't make sense to me. Whilst it is possible that some Squad employees might not follow the forums enough to understand the issue, at least @TriggerAu and @JPLRepo do follow the forums enough that they should know that pushing updates without providing a way to rollback to the previous minor versions is a problem, at least for people using version locked mods in an install under steam's control, and that all this does is to put more pressure on modders). Squad feels that it isn't worth their time to make 1.6.0 available on the beta's tab. (Also known as Squad couldn't be bothered making 1.6.0 available). Squad doesn't care that players using version locked mods in an install under steams control can't load their saves until after any version locked mods are updated. Take Two decided to do it this way. (Alternatively, it is possible that Take Two might be the people who actually make new versions available publically, and they might be the people who need to make 1.6.0 available in the betas tab. I honestly don't know which company does the deployment of new versions. But if TT decided not to provide a way to rollback to 1.6.0 , then you can substitute TT for Squad in practically everything I said above). None of this is Steam's fault. THere are good reasons why some online only games genuinely do not want or need older versions in the betas tab, so Steam shouldn't make all version of every game available.
  12. That post is sort of like emailing a doctor and saying "I'm sick. Please help". You haven't provided any of the information required for him to even begin to make a diagnosis. Read CKAN should work, provided you are using a version of KSP that has an RO release. (From memory the lastest RO release targets KSP versions 1.4.5, and 1.3.1). At a minimum provide answers to the following questions . What version of KSP are you using? What operating system? If you try to use CKAN what is the error? What version of CKAN are you using? When you try to install RO manually what is the full list of mods you have installed. (Mod name and version). RO depends on quite a few other mods. Just installing RO by itself will probably result is some sort of broken install. It certainly won't result in a working RO install. If that doesn't provide enough information to diagnose your problem, then we'll probably need logfiles, and/or screenshots of your gamedata folder.
  13. @Lunaris. Get in the habit of copying KSP to a location outside of steam before adding mods. That way when KSP updates, your working copy won't be affected.
  14. Which is why it may not be related, and may not be solved with 1.6. (Does it happen in stock with 20 parts, or only a heavily modded install? I know if I add too many parts packs to my RO/RP-1 install, then the editor really chugs for me, even before I have added any parts).
  15. I think he is referring to shadowzone, who tends to use huge ships in some of his videos. eg this ship apparently has 1658 parts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUvlbJ91QTE I'm really not surprised he has some performance issues in the editor with that many parts. Since 1.6 apparently fixes them, the fix might have been removing the unlimited undo levels, and capping undo at 30 levels. Here is the video where he complains and points to ksp using 9.7 Gb in what look like a stock or lightly modded install. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUXChw_6plE
  16. Photos of your rocket in the vab might help. Also you will probably get faster turnaround on RO/RP-0/1 discord https://discord.gg/3CNYSC.
  17. Is atmospheric deltaV useful for planes? I'll admit I don't build many planes, but I'm not seeing what useful info atmospheric dV would give you for a pure plane with airbreathing engines (as opposed to a space plane). Once you start talking about rocket engines on spaceplanes, then I would still think that most of the time vacuum dV would be more relevant. (If you want to look at both stats, then does it matter if the default is vacuum?). EDIT: thinking about this some more, are you actually interested in sea level twr, rather than dV. (I can see that being useful for judging whether you need more engines for takeoff/climb).
  18. Fully agree. Provided you have sealevel engines on the first stage (something experienced players will do automatically), you almost never care about atmospheric dV numbers. For most missions the only numbers you need are the vacuum dV numbers.
  19. Another related request would be 2.5 Liquid fuel only fuel tank variants in stock. Of course all of this is already available in mods. eg procedural tanks, etc.
  20. No idea what causes that. I suggest double checking that the version of Kopernicus match your KSP version. (Kopernicus is locked to its target KSP version, and won't load with any other KSP version. The latest version of KSP is 1.6. It released just before christmas, and there hasn't been a release of Kopernicus for 1.6). Double checking that you have recent version of Kopernicus's dependencies. (Kopernicus 1.5.1 ships a copy of Module Mananger 3.1.0 and a version Modular Flight Integrator. You might want to try with those bundled versions, just in case newer versions break something). If your version of Kopernicus matches your KSP version, and you have the dependencies installed, then upload a copy of you logs somewhere, and post a link here.
  21. Those links don't seem to be public. I'm guessing they are logfiles? The most likely reason Kopernicus doesn't load is that you are trying to use the 1.5.1 version with KSP 1.6, (or that you are missing one of its dependencies module manager or modular flight integrator).
  22. You talking asking Sigma Binary? I would just grab the latest release from https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Binary/releases , then copy the contents of the gamedata directory into your gamedata directory. You don't need the source archives, unless you want to build the mod from source. (If you have multiple of Sigma88's mods, then I think most or all of them go into gamedata/Sigma).
  23. So I'm far from a kopernicus expert (or even a KSP modder), and I've never actually used Kittopia, but I took a look. The Kittopia window opens with control-P for me in a minimal install. (Kopernicus plus the versions of module manager, and modular flight integrator that are bundled with the 1.5.1 Github Kopernicus release (https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.5.1-1), plus KittopiaTech from https://github.com/Kopernicus/KittopiaTech/releases/tag/release-1.5.1-1). From a quick look at your logfile it looks like you have multiple copies of the Kopernicus, Sigma Binary, module manager and modular flight integrator .dlls installed. That is likely to cause problems. (However I can't say whether that is the only cause of your problems. After spotting this, I stopped looking for other problems). From your logfile Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.3.1.0.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kerbaltek\HyperEdit.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.OnDemand.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\ModularFlightIntegrator\ModularFlightIntegrator.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Components.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Parser.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KittopiaTech\KittopiaTech.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\ModuleManager.3.1.0.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Components.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.OnDemand.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Parser.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModularFlightIntegrator\ModularFlightIntegrator.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\scatterer\scatterer.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Sigma-Binary-master\GameData\Sigma\Binary\Plugins\SigmaBinary.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Sigma-Binary-master\[Source]\Distribution\SigmaBinary.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Plugins\KSPSteamCtrlr.dll (this message is harmless) Note the duplicated directory Kopernicus-release-1.5.1-1\build\GameData\ and the multiple directories for Sigma Binary. In general, when a mod download includes a GameData directory, you copy everything from that GameData directory into your GameData directory, and just ignore everything else. For reference here is what the equivalent portion of my log looks like from my test run. Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\ModuleManager.3.1.0.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.OnDemand.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\ModularFlightIntegrator\ModularFlightIntegrator.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Components.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.Parser.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\Kopernicus\Plugins\Kopernicus.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\KittopiaTech\KittopiaTech.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: D:\Games\Kerbal.Space.Program.1.5.1.Vanilla.copy\GameData\Squad\Plugins\KSPSteamCtrlr.dll (this message is harmless) (As already mentioned, I haven't installed Sigma Binary, scatterer or hyperedit). I would check all your mods, to see whether you have made any other similar mistakes. If that doesn't fix things, then I would recommend starting with a clean copy of KSP, somewhere outside of Steam (so Steam won't update it unexpectedly). Then install one or two mods, check that everything loads and seems to work, then install a couple more mods, and again check that everything loads and seems to work. That way if something does break, it is much easier to identify the minimal set of mods that causes problems. If, after attempting that, you are still having problems then post again. Let us know what that minimal set of mods is. (Include the precise mod versions, and whether you installed them manually, or from CKAN. If manually installed, then probably even provide a link to the webpage(s) you downloaded them from. Provide a new logfile, so people can have a look to see whether they can spot any problems). Also, as Deddly said, remember it's Christmas, which means many people are away or distracted by other things. Edited to add a link to Linuxgurugamer explain how to install a typical mod. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/107661-ksp-145-x-science-ksp-science-report-and-checklist-v517/&do=findComment&comment=3511464
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