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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. After a lot of confusing posts, it's 85 now. Refresh and count
  2. 77+, the poster above me posted at the same time I did.
  3. I liked the Alien one the best
  4. No I didn't, look at the 4 posts above mine. 44+
  5. 42+ Guys, refresh the page, and check the last few posts.
  6. 37+ So that would mean that I had the 100th post, right? Or did we have more mixups?
  7. They want it to put 100 tons on Mars, it'll definitely overpower the Nova.
  8. Seeing as how the Falcon heavy will put out 5.1 million lb thrust, making it just 2.6 million lb thrust less powerful than the Saturn V, I'm kinda scared to see how powerful the MCT will be, it's gonna make the SLS look like a Redstone.
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