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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I think this should go into "General KSP discussion" It's cool though.
  2. Evacuate Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPWcfMV3rQI That's a pretty good one, although the quality isn't the best of the best, Say goodbye to 1080p watching this, and say hello to 720p!
  3. It may be easier, but looking at the distances involved, makes the Moon a better choice.
  4. They were meaning to mine Jupiter for Helium-3, but it turns out the Moon has plenty of that, so that's a plus.
  5. Read the tags Also, it's in the first post now.
  6. Update!!! Instruments and equipment needed maintenance, so no data over the past two days, but.... 3rd spectrum taken last night! 57 more to go!
  7. Well, it was mostly just a proof-of-concept idea, I don't think they were serious in actually building it, but if they were, that's the Starship they wanted. And even if they were 100% serious in building this, the first thing they would've had to do was test the Fusion drive, nothing else, if that didn't work, the whole project would be scrapped.
  8. It doesn't need fairings, It would've been built in space, even for hardcore KSP players, it's WAY too big. Yup The Moon has plenty of Helium-3, enough to last humanity for at least 100 million years. Their idea for a pulsed Fusion drive would've been sustainable, unfortunately, they couldn't test it, so we don't know how well it'll work, but the concept seems sound. Good luck indeed, although, that's only if you were crazy, you'd build it in space, that size comparison was only there to see how big it was. Also, what a good way to spend my 350th post!
  9. Project Daedalus was a proof-of-concept design study done in the early-late 1970s to see if interstellar travel was possible with current technology (Except for the Fusion part, that's still out there), which would've launched a Starship flyby to Barnard's Star 5.9 ly away at 12.2% of the speed of light, and would've taken 50 years. It's a two stage, fusion driven spacecraft that would've made the Saturn V look like a V-2, and is just massive, it would've been 190 meters long, and weighed 450 tonnes. This is a really cool design, and I read somewhere, it nearly got to the blueprint stage of development. Here's the website to the more current "Project Icarus", that is run by the same organization that designed Daedalus (British interplanetary Society): http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/) They also do this thing called "Starship congress" they're really long videos (On YT of course), but I recommend you watch them. So yeah, that's the Daedalus, what do you guys think about it?
  10. I have no idea what I did, I couldn't figure out how to put that nozzle back on.
  11. Banned for using a overused meme as your nickname
  12. So if you press edit on your very first post on this thread, you can't add a poll? It's always worked for me, try asking the Moderators/Staff for help.
  13. Banned for having a cool multi-colored signature. Thanks btw
  14. Banned for having to edit your post.
  15. Oh Wait, I meant "Edit topic" my bad:/ http://imgur.com/CHb6dfD
  16. Edit your first post, and look at the "Content" tab (Below the "Create new topic" headline), Polls will be on it's right.
  17. HygieneMod If you get this mod, your Kerbal's (Females especially ((No offense to females reading this)) will want their hygiene products) will start demanding to have hygiene products on their missions -- otherwise, they won't do anything, not even reentering Kerbin's atmosphere, however, the orange suits will last 50% longer than other Kerbanaut's.
  18. ProtesterMod Crowds of Kerbals show up to every one of your launches to stop you from going to space, so you'll have a high chance of exploding dues to the Molotov's they throw at your rocket, as well as a high chance of killing them from your hasty launches. Oh, you'll also see them RUDing your rockets in the VAB if your in it for longer than a half hour.
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