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Everything posted by KSPFanatic102

  1. Yeah um.., forced DX11 and launched the game, then this happened. https://imgur.com/a/vQ0Pavg Here's my log Error log : (EDIT : After looking closer into your post, i've removed KVV, as it may cause problems just like you said, but that didn't work either) [EDIT 2 : Forced the game to Opengl, crashed again, forced d3d9 and then the game went back to normal, and we are back to square 1] <EDIT 3 : Tried removing TR to see if that caused the problem, and forced it to d3d11 again, didn't work, i give up>
  2. After looking into the ksp.log, looks like i am running Direct3D 9.0c https://imgur.com/a/SUfIf8g Any solutions to this? if not, should i force DX12?
  3. https://imgur.com/a/44Ajc4Q Here you go. dxdiag says i am using DX12 https://imgur.com/0VtPQmV
  4. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but while recolouring using the stock recolour, i can only colour the parts partially, while the other part remains pure black. https://imgur.com/a/JjBcyHA
  5. I7-8750H, GTX 1050ti, 16 Gigs of RAM DDR4 and all i get is 28-32 FPS with all of these https://imgur.com/a/wRZXrxE Not that it is low for all of these mods, Especially scatterer, AVP, and KS3P, but on stock KSP, i get around 47-70 FPS. depending on my location.
  6. So i have been encountering this bug repeatedly and annoyingly recently with scatterer where a bug happens which makes all my spacecraft parts textures go bananas with z - fighting, This only happens when i am a few kilometers close to the KSC or any launchpad or runway with launchpad and runway mods, I have found no solution yet, and i tried removing all my mods, yet, nothing worked, I have also noticed whenever my camera is farther to the craft, the more z - fighting happens. Please help
  7. Got up some new cinematic content!, inspired by the VSS Unity, enjoy.
  8. Woohoo, Just got a new system, so i decided to go make a new video!, Slightly low res, But good enough!, I Hope you enjoy this one!
  9. Just released a new short cinematic, Not really with a story, somewhat of a test. Enjoy!, and tell me about your opinions in the comments.
  10. One of my new shorts. I tried my best to record this on my crappy laptop, looks somewhat laggy to me.
  11. I would like to suggest a few additions and enhancements to the making history expansion and KSP 1.875m Battery, Jet parts, SAS, Remote Guidance Unit. Stack adapters for 1.875m size ranging from Bicouplers, Biadapters to Quadadapters and Quadcouplers and even adapters from 1.875m to 1.250m that have the same feature as couplers. Maybe some Soyuz spacecraft parts for the making history expansion? Mission flags for the expansion? New and better music!, cmon squad! ditch the royalty free music. a newer bigger landing leg?
  12. @Saphirence My story is pretty much similar to you, I was really into space as a kid and I still do, I also wondered if there were any space games that gave me the NASA vibes then I found a video of jacksepticeye playing it back at the beginning of 2014 when I first saw it, and yeah i really wanted it... i didn't have any money so I did exactly what you did. Until I bought it in 2015 on steam because I got tired of having to redownload it every time an update comes up. Then I found out that I can play the game with mods, I installed some mods back then and they didn't work, turns out I didn't know that i should have module manager installed lol. and I got to where I am.
  13. Although I love the new parts, I feel that they are already attainable by mods and add-ons , but I like the idea of the mission builder and history pack, plus the part failures, They make the DLC much worth the money. But overall good job developers.
  14. Poll! I am just curious to know what are your thoughts about this. If you selected (other), please elaborate below.
  15. I have a weird problem that I tried to solve with Cormorant Aeronology Shuttle parts that aren't compiling correctly, I Tried removing some mods and add-ons but the problem seems to still be there, Please help! Here are my mods and my KSP log. B9PartSwitch CameraTools Cormorant Aeronology 1.3.0c (Shuttle) KerbalEngineer scatterer TextureReplacer Vanguard Technologies (Ejection seats) Firespitter.dll [snip]
  16. Accidentally made 2 posts with the same name, Delete this, please.
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