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Posts posted by rumtreiber

  1. On 10.3.2016 at 2:36 PM, Probus said:

    There was no way for me to do a tree that was just stock parts because all the mods add such a diversity of part types, the tree would seem very shrunken to anyone who played with these mods.  My goal from the inception of this tree was to make it to include as many mods as possible, that just keeps pushing the node count up and up very slowly

    Oh I think you misunderstood me. It is absolutely okay for me this tech tree supports lots mods. I just think the first set of nodes should also be playable with only stock parts. With playable I mean no empty nodes. For example I noticed the node Solid Rockets is empty for me. The next node, Advanced SRB, has the Hammer booster. I just wondered why this is not in Solid Rockets as Advanced Rockets also features the BACC "Thumper"

    	@TechRequired = AdvancedSRB

    This is just an example where I think this tech tree could need some fine tuning for stock parts. Otherwise, like I already said, great job :cool:

    If you don't mind I will report more things like this when I find them. If you want I can also create pull requests on github and or open issues there.

  2. On 5.3.2016 at 4:14 AM, Oakshios said:

    Would you consider those the bare minimum?  I would prefer to not use mod parts for a while longer.  Still can't do a rendezvous in orbit, though I can land on the Mun and return to Kerbin safely.

    I don't use KW Rocketry or SpaceY and have a lot of fun currently in my first game using ETT. I am a scientist and therefor DMagic orbital science is a must have for me. You will be able to play the game without the part mods. Some of the later nodes will remain empty though.

    @Probus  Actually I think it would be nice if ETT would focus a bit more on stock parts and treat part packs as possible expansion. I use some other mods I'd love to have integrated (they work with your tech tree but integration could be better) Please have a look at Pathfinder and Buffalo by @Angel-125. Those are great mods and deserve some better integration into your tech tree :)

    I also have a question about parts distribution. Why is it possible to unlock the standard docking port before the junior?  Shouldn't it be the other way around? Especially as this TT features unmanned before manned and I prefer rather small unmanned vehicles which are not easy to use with the standard docking port. From the looks of it it would be nice to have an additional docking node so the parts of Advanced Docking could be distributed a bit more. Some of the parts in that node just don't feel like they belong there together.

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into this, it is greatly appreciated. 

  3. I am still unable to run the latest version 0.9.11. The game simply refuses to start.
     I have looked into the logfile and found two exceptions related to Pathfinder

     Scene: LOADING
    [LOG 12:46:32.248] WBILight [FFFB980A][48.6909]: Looking for proto node for WBI.Wagon2uWBILight
    [LOG 12:46:32.248] WBILight [FFFB980A][48.6909]: Config node added for WBI.Wagon2uWBILight
    [LOG 12:46:32.248] WBILight [FFFB980A][48.6909]: SetupAnimations called.
    [ERR 12:46:32.251] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleConnectedLivingSpace'
    [LOG 12:46:32.265] PartLoader: Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Parts/Utility/Wagon2u/WBI_Wagon2u' has no database record. Creating.
    [LOG 12:46:32.279] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'WBI.Wagon2u'
    [EXC 12:46:32.281] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
            ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name)
    ^B.MoveNext ()


     Scene: LOADING
    [LOG 12:46:32.886] WBILight [FFFB6B50][49.1222]: Looking for proto node for WBI.DocSciLabWBILight
    [LOG 12:46:32.886] WBILight [FFFB6B50][49.1222]: Config node added for WBI.DocSciLabWBILight
    [LOG 12:46:32.886] WBILight [FFFB6B50][49.1222]: SetupAnimations called.
    [ERR 12:46:32.890] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleConnectedLivingSpace'
    [LOG 12:46:32.930] PartLoader: Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Science/DocSciLab/WBI_DocSciLab' has no database record. Creating.
    [LOG 12:46:32.966] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'WBI.DocSciLab'
    [LOG 12:46:32.995] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Science/Terrain/WBI_Terrain'
    [LOG 12:46:33.036] PartLoader: Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Science/Terrain/WBI_Terrain' has no database record. Creating.
    [LOG 12:46:33.051] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'WBI.Terrain'
    [EXC 12:46:33.076] MissingFieldException: Field 'WildBlueIndustries.WBIBasicScienceLab.repairSkill' not found.
            PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part)
            PartLoader+^W^E.MoveNext ()

    Anyway I am fine with 0.9.9 in the meantime. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for all the hard work!



  4. 44 minutes ago, Bluebottle said:

    I set my Mod key to be the "Super" Key.


    	primary = LeftWindows
    	secondary = RightShift
    	group = 0
    	modeMask = -1
    	modeMaskSec = -1


    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately the left windows key is already in use by my window manager. I changed it to RightControl and RightWindows but none of this works. I never see the Pathfinder menu. But the MOD Key works as expected.

    The funny thing is I remember seeing this menu once. I just tried with a complete fresh install of KSP and only Pathfinder installed. Didn't help. I also checked the log and don't see anything unusual. Also all the Pathfinder / Buffalo parts are here.

  5. Yeah, I'm playing on Linux, Mint 17.2 so will be using openGL.

    Did you report this problem to the EVE mod maintainer? I am having the same problem on archlinux / gnome 3.18 / nvidia proprietary driver. Lots of flickering textures. Not usable at the moment. It works better with StockVisualEnhancements based on EVE Overhaul. But there are also some strange effects. I was using Astronomers Pack on 1.0.4 and that worked like a charme. Guess we have to wait until the problems get fixed.

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