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Everything posted by DarthJeb

  1. Apparently the onboard rotatable camera doesn't work anymore, I've re-downloaded the mod twice
  2. Sorry, Got this mod mixed up with docking cam. I wrote that comment last night when I was pretty tired.
  3. Hi, I've recently started replaying KSP. I re-downloaded Cacteye 2 for 1.2.2 and tried loading some old craft, but I've had one problem: the game can't find the onboard (rotatble). I'm not sure if this is still in the mod, but I can't load most of my old craft without it.
  4. Great mod, has allowed me to manage multiple space stations and missions on TAC Life Support without losing my sanity, +1 from me Just one question about updating, is the data saved in module manager or Persistent folders, or do I need to extract a file from my current version of KAC to save my current schedules?
  5. Damn, and KSP was the leading indie game in mod support, they should integrate the mod and hire you at least
  6. Multiple dimensions... Maybe one where the solar system is 10x bigger and there are these things called 'Humans'
  7. Which makes a ratio of KSP 1:4 Realistic cost Although,we have to compare certain parts,excluding those such as struts which are much cheaper in real life,and then find an average
  8. Essential attaching non-radially such as most engines in the game
  9. I think the next for this mod should be to add linear attachment in order to build small probes.Could we replicate the script from the VAB or SPH?
  10. 'Cause I'm roving with ma rovers,roving with ma rovers,rover over Duna,Eve,Tylo and Moh

  11. I got this problem after installing FAR and updating MechJeb 2 for 1.0.5
  12. I'm afraid I haven't unlocked those in the tech tree and my Duna rover is 196 Kerbin days from its aerobrake so it'll be a while
  13. Thanks for the timely reply,I now understand It is quite cool the way you worked around the game limitations,as I just thought Kerbol had an SOI that had been set to a near infinite number. Is there a name for the black hole?Somthing like Kagetarus A?
  14. I've spent an hour trying to place a KAS winch on my shuttle to refuel my translunar space station,yet it won't attach at a radial point, and when I attempted to place it as a sole object in darkness, it failed. I am using a level 2 Bill and I just wanted to point out this small issue to stop others from wasting as much time as I did. Great mod otherwise, it really adds competence to the Engineer class
  15. Hi,I heard this mod transfigured Kerbol into a black hole which has sort of put me off as I thought the mod would be essentially an add-on. While I like the idea and,after a little practice,would like to contribute with a gas giant or even micro star (brown dwarf) system orbiting a larger star,I'm wondering if there is a version that doesn't incorporate the black hole/kerbol change Thanks for any replies and good luck on the mod
  16. Great mod all though it could use a rebalance,considering how expensive the workshop is) and and re-texturing.Maybe have the smelter as a more modern piece of technology that isn't radial only.
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