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  1. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays Thanks again for the fantastic mod Caerfinon, it's practically the only way I play. I Was flying around recently and thought of a solution to an issue that's been around for a while. When you arrive at a mission objective, you have to move within 50 metres of a company billboard to trigger it. Sometimes, KSP fails to recognize you at the correct coordinate, even when a notification appears that states you have entered the mission area. But the billboards were a brilliant idea. They make your destination visually transparent, but I thought maybe it would be possible to have a context menu that appears when you click on it, similar to some other KK assets that you could use to manually execute the objective, and maybe even use for access to available services or other company things like a flag and company name editor, fuel and supplies, maybe some sort of money/reputation system? I think it would be a killer addition to an already awesome mod. Also, is it possible to manually add a new category of airline transport and cargo that supports a new tier of missions for truly large crafts that give rewards commensurate with that class of vehicle?
  2. Hi there! Thanks for the fantastic mod! Sometimes I'll have an issue where I'll land at the designated airport and it won't seem to meet the parameters required by the mission. One example is landing for the first time to unlock Meeda or Cola Island. No matter where I position the vehicle, it doesn't ever bring the "ramp" and I can't complete the mission. It says it does see me as landed at the location though. All very strange. Any thoughts? And thanks in advance!
  3. Did you find a workaround? This one is frustrating to track down and I'm not having much luck.
  4. Hi all, I'm running TURD, TU, and all the compatibility packs on 1.12.3 and I'm having a frustrating issue. It seems to happen on any scene change, all of my custom paint or my variant choice disappears and I see stock textures. I am noticing that even when I select stock parts and apply a variant, they will revert to default on scene change. They still seem to have some reflectivity applied to them, but they have no texture applied. It appears that stock parts are mostly affected. Non-stock parts supported by config packs seem to operate as intended. I have searched a fair bit of the previous discussion and while I've seen others with the same issue, no fix was ever mentioned (that I could identify). I Reinstalled or updated EVE and Scatterer, as well as about a dozen other mods and purged as much as I could, but the problem persisted and I believe it might be version specific to 1.12X or involving the Squad core parts pack config files. If OP or anyone here have ever came across this problem and know a fix, please let me know! Update:
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