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Posts posted by mcortez

  1. Trying to figure out if there's something wrong in my install or if there is still a known issue with the ConstructionPorts not docking well in Zero-G?

    I spent a couple of hours trying to get two halves of a station to dock and eventually gave up and edited my save to replace the Construction Ports with standard ports.  I kept snap angle to 0, and I tried messing with the various sliders, but all I tended to do was rip things apart in rather violent ways :)

    I know RoverDude had started to look at the problem during one of his Twitch broadcasts -- but I wasn't sure if there was a fix pushed yet.  

  2. 6 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

    Not always though.  You can't actually claw some parts.  I've tried in the past when a kerbal was stuck in a part that was too small for the claw to technically "grab"

    Some parts are particularly hard to grab.  Had a tourist in a deflated DERP last night that I was rescuing with an unmanned rescue ship.  Took me a good 15-20 tries to finally grab it was the claw.  

    Including one try where I remembered the new magnet.  Although when I turned it on, the DERP just started orbiting/rolling around the claw head instead of latching...

    So far haven't run into any parts that have seats that can't be grabbed.  Just really really hard ones.  

    A flag in KSP itself for this would be the perfect solution.  Is there some place where Squad let's us submit and vote on  submissions?

  3. 1 hour ago, RoverDude said:

    The idea is that to get past the mun you at least need a little bit more space.  Tho I could be talked into tweaking that a bit.

    I like the idea that getting to minmus should take a bit more effort than just strapping a bigger fuel tank to a vessel more suited to going to the Mun.

    Heck we didn't go to earth's moon with a one seat capsule.  So I don't mind waiting until I've unlocked the hitchhiker or a 2 or 3 man capsule, or one of the smaller cupulas.

    Just my two cents.


  4. You'll need to recalculate the number of supplies that need to be consumed per second.  Right now it's (16.2 / (6 * 60 * 60)) which works out to 0.00075.

    If you want to consume 16.2 over 24 hours, instead of over 6, then you'll need to go with (16.2 / (24 * 60 * 60)) or ~ 0.0001875.

    You can change this by using the in-game settings menu, which I believe is accessed via one of the tool bar buttons while at the KSC.

    You can also modify what happens when you run out of habitation or supplies there.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Odysseus154 said:


    Issue I am having. It stops there and goes no further. 

    Standard step one of debugging all USI/MKS mods: install KSP-AVC and check to see if it flags any of your mods as being out if date.  If it does, then it'll provide you with download links - do not assume CKAN has given you the latest version of any mod.

    If this doesn't highlight a problem, next most likely problem is improperly installed or corrupted mod, and screen shots of gamedata and UmbraSpaceIndustries folder contents posted online can help.


  6. 1 minute ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

    Huh. In mine, it tells me when there is a new update on a mod.

    Are you sure you are not referring to CKAN?  

    Because: " ModuleManager is mod that let you write patch file that edit other part at load time. With is you can edit squad (and other mod) part without overwriting their file. " -- it does not manage Mods.


    Now there could exist something that's different on a Mac that happens to have the same name...

  7. 4 minutes ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

    I have module manager. 

    Module Manager is neither here, nor there.  That is a tool for applying patches to mods -- it does not check mod versions nor does it check for dependencies. Unless the Module Manager on Mac is significantly different then the ones on other platforms (I doubt this.)

  8. 1 minute ago, DStaal said:

    It would help.  Usually these types of problems can be solved in seconds with that - or it can take days of us questioning you carefully without.

    Installing KSP-AVC may also be needed to check versions and dependencies.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Andem said:

    Can I suggest/request a difficulty option?

    I would like it if I could have unsupplied/homesick kerbals not become tourists, but destroy unmanned parts at random daily.

    Use the configuration window to switch the effect to "Mutiny" -- and that's basically what you get.  Although, I don't think they're picky about manned vs unmanned -- and I think they only do one part.  But sometimes that part in a very important structural element and their vessel ends up breaking in two.  Then after they've vented by destroying something, then they become a tourist.

  10. 16 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

    @RoverDude is this compatible with Kerbalism?

    If I remember correctly RD has indicated during one of his live streams that Kerbalism makes significant changes to core systems, which will at a minimum unbalance USI bits and breaks others.


    I suspect if Kerbalism could figure out how to what it does without gutting some of the core systems, then it would be easier to support.

  11. 1 hour ago, DStaal said:

    The basic idea is that the normal Crew Cabin is like a motorhome - a lot of space is taken up by creature comforts.  This is the 'bus' version of the same cabin - strip out all the creature comforts, and stack in as many seats as possible.  If my calculations are correct, it should add less overall habitation to a ship than the Crew Cabin, but it holds a lot more Kerbals.  


    This made me wonder if there was a way to enforce an overload penalty against life support.  Kind if like a recycler but with a negative percentage.

    As for bus cab part, I like it although I don't think I'd ever use it.  Between the cockpit, crew cabin, and other bits I can bolt on (DERP pod, or MKS parts on a flat bed) I've  never needed this much seating capacity.

  12. 7 minutes ago, vardicd said:

    So, just curious, what's the functional difference between grouchy and mutiny? I'm not seeing it posted anywhere, but maybe I just missed it?

    I believe when they Mutiny, they destroy a random part of their ship and then become tourists.

  13. Super awesome @RoverDude shared a beta pre-release of the new Akita rover during his KSP-TV stream tonight.  Watch the stream and note the fact there is NO, and I repeat NO guarantees of it working and no support will be provided yet.

    For a quick peek, here's a Karibou with cargo bay carrying the Akita.  I ended up just pushing the Akita out sideways with my Kerbal, but I think it can be maneuvered out as well.  Going to need to get creative with mounting, maybe a stack separator attached on the bottom to the floor node in the cargo bay.

    Update: Just added a pair of shots to show the Akita with it's Cargo box and my mounting strategy.  Again, pushed it out sideways with my Kerbal to deploy.




  14. 15 minutes ago, 123nick said:

    i guess. would giving log files help finding the mod thats doing this easier?

    Fastest way to find the problem mod:

    1. Backup your save

    2. Uninstall half your mods

    3. Start a new sandbox game and see if the problem is there

    4. If it is, then it's in the mods you still have installed, go to #2

    5. If the problem is gone, it's in the mods you uninstalled, reinstall half of them, then go to #2

    6. Repeat until you identify the problem mod.

  15. 3 hours ago, inigma said:

    I'm working on developing a new Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets. Looking forward to a new version to play with. :)

    I had started on some contracts for Sounding Rockets back in April -- I was looking to put together something that would lead people through not just accomplishing goals -- but teaching them how to use the mod.  With judicious use of notes and contract parameters, you can actually get the contract to read kind of like a recipe.

    Here's my "3 - 2 - 1 - Launch" contract that guides a player through putting together a sounding rocket with nose cone, payload truss, avionics package and engine:


    Next up was going to be a contract that lead them through using boosters and the fact that they auto-separate, then a third contract for unlocking the science packages and how to mount those.  The last tutorial contract would be on how to use the launch sticks.  Then there would be various challenge contracts, for hitting specific altitudes and biomes.

    But alas, I seem to find myself distracted by other higher priority items.

    Good luck with your contracts -- the entire USI constellation of mods could really use some a good pack.


  16. 4 minutes ago, cantab said:



    Seriously??? I choose to use Earth time because I'm in a modded system where "Kerbin time" makes no sense. You're saying that that actually effs up the game balance? EDIT: To clarify, are you saying that changing the Kerbin/Earth time setting will make Kerbals consume a different amount of supplys per second?

    What the actual heck?

    I'm this close to just dropping all your mods if you're going to be pulling shenanigans like that in them.

    Frankly I'd be surprised if any Mod's author would care if you dropped their mod.  They've gone to a lot of time and effort to create their mods and share them with the community.  They're under no obligation to do so.  Honestly, any author that goes to the extra effort of providing configuration files and support for people to integrate their mods with others and allows them to be customized to support special cases like yours -- should be praised for the effort.  RD has gone to that extra effort, there's a config file, and he includes MM scripts to support a number of other mods as well.

    *You* are free to open up the settings config file and customize for whatever time-scale you want, Kerbal or Earth.

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