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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. This should be at least Jeb level and maybe Val level, too? It was build for @Just Jim's Ultimate Challenge thread, and is ABSOLUTELY stock.
  2. @cy4n hey that's cool everybody can feel free to write extensions to add extra parts to the tech tree. I would like to list them as optional downloads, while my basic tree will still only consist of stock parts, to keep the basic tree simple. Sadly I didn't find the time work on it this week...
  3. Thanks for the pictures! Have you found any issues so far, or are you missing something needed for the beginning? That's a point I should think about Hope I will find time to work on it later this week!
  4. Thanks! @cy4n Yes, that's definitely a planned feature have you actually played the game using this tree, or just had a quick look at it?
  5. Thanks for the suggestions In my first version, I was trying to get to Moho, using an endless number of encounters, but I also gave up at some point. Not at least because I had the goal, to do the whole tour in less than 20years, and because the game was running on 1/3 speed using such a large ship on my computer (did it in 1.0.5 without 64bit support)
  6. To make it concrete: It's definitely like @Just Jim believes. For Tylo and Eve I have just docked my mk1 Pod to the two landers, and I have successfully completed the contract. As far as I remember, the pod wasn't even the root part of my ship. (but maybe you should choose it, just to be sure) Since the contrac doesn't say, that you need to do a manned landing, the same should work using a probe core. Some time ago, I've completed a similar contract, where I had to land on 5 bodys and return to Kerbin. There I was using a probe core and multiple launches, refuelling, and even exchanging the "mothership". This was counted as a success too.
  7. That's a nice design, too does it have enough DV left, to do the rest of the other challenge? What made landing and starting on Laythe hard to me, was the bumpy surface, but I think you should have no problem, since your landing speed at Laythe should be extremely low. Yes, I think you would have to scale it up a little. My first design was half the size of the one in the video. It already had ISRU and landers for Eve and Tylo (even larger versions than in the video). This design was able to go everywhere... Except Moho! I couldn't get there with enough DV to land there, even not when starting at Gilly. I never noticed before, how hard it is to get to Moho. I had to scale down my landers, and put on twice as much fuel tanks, just to get to Moho. And even with all that optimization... I finally touched down hard, with 0 oxidizer left. Don't underestimate moho! (if you want to go there in a SSTO that's large enough to bring two heavy landers to orbit )
  8. That's exactly what I did I did this using a SSTO that can land everywhere but Eve and Tylo, while it carries the needed landers for both with it. Since it would need extremely large wings or insane high landing speed to land on Duna, I'm landing there vertically, assisted by a parachute, using additional landing legs at the back like you mentioned If you go back one page, you will find this video of my tour: http://youtu.be/zoD9ieXHlsE
  9. Hope you can fix this, I can't wait to see other attempts You have to beat: Returned at: year 19 day 337 hour ~5 Total takeoff weight: 224.8 tons (on runway, single launch) Total mission cost: 176.873 Total parts: 349 (Manned mission in 1.0.5) It needed every minute of my free time for 3 month to finish this challenge But it was totally worth it
  10. Here is my first mod! All comments are welcome KTT - Kergarins Techtree Working beta version for KSP 1.1.2 Whats different? Using this techtree you will start with some parts to gain science Points from the launchpad and runway. You can then decide if you want to unlock rocket- or plane-parts first. In Addition, you will get early access to probes and rovers, while you still can decide to research manned flight. While basic parts need less science points, highend parts need some more, to have higher long term motivation. Unlike the stock-tree, some highend parts need 2 researched parent nodes to be unlocked! Please notice: This tree is meant for advanced players. It has been tested to work with low science rewards down to "hard" career settings, but inexperienced players might get stuck if they research nodes that cant be combined usefull. Dependencies: -you need ModuleManager-2.6.24 to be installed Install: -simply copy the unzipped "KTT" folder into your KSP "GameData" folder. Beta Version! Any suggestions are welcome. Please report if i have missed a part! Missing features in beta Version: -Node desciptions -Adaption of unlock costs Download: http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/246119-ktt-kergarins-techtree
  11. Here is my first design so far. Ist pretty straight forward and flexible for everyones needs: Early Access to planes, probes, data transmission, rovers. Hightech is moved to higher techlevels and needs a little more science Points. Keeps the 9 techlevel design.
  12. Thanks for your suggestion Yes I think recovery would be more user friendly. I have tried ETT and it's a good concept, but if someone only plays on stock parts, it's a little huge That's why I have decided to build my own. And maybe a matching contracts mod. If someone is interested, I can release a beta version later this week
  13. I'm working on a new and simple tech tree, where you can decide if you want planes or rockets first, and if you want them either to be manned or unmanned. But what parts will you need to have at the beginnig, to get your since points? It's pretty clear how you will get since from planes: you land them and recover them. But I'm unsure about the starting parts if you go for rockets. What's more realistic/ what Do you more want to: - have an antenna and a battery, to transmit science and then crash your rocket? - have a parachute, to land and recover your rocket? Any ideas to this question are welcome
  14. Ok, I hope squad will make this possible someday. KSP only feels complete with OPM, and OPM only feels complete with Binary and OPM Tilt Thanks for both! Any ideas to the empty parameters box? does this only happen to me?
  15. thanks for the quick reply! Yes, the same thing happens on KSP 1.1.2 and OPM 1.9.5. Other question: has with the of ksp 1.1.2 something changed, that would make matching tilted rotations possible?
  16. I really like this mod But I have noticed that the "parameters" box in the tracking station is empty for Urlum and all of its moons, after installing it. Did I do something wrong? Fresh install of KSP 1.1.2 and OPM 2.0. No other mods installed except for Sigma binary.
  17. Thanks for the video That's some really impressive work! Even if it does not exactly fit this challenge, since that seems to be sandbox or late career mode, and he uses some mods. The main challenge here, is to do this from the beginning of a career, using just the few given parts.
  18. Hi @astrobond your Eve SSTO ist the one I was referring to really impressive work! Sad to hear it doesn't work anymore... Hope you are able to make it work again! What if you adjust your ascend path to be even more steep, at the moment when speed gets to high? Or use smaller and lighter engines, if you have to limit thrust on the big one? What about "vector" engines? They have the same efficiency. Have updated the rules and splitted it into 3 levels. I will stay on the low tech level for now, since this was initially planned as a short challenge But I would be impressed, if someone establishes a full wasteless space Programm!
  19. Thanks Reentry without heatshield was no fun. But I wonder what your final stage looks like with engine heatshield and pod? If I adjust the parachute settings, it would be possible to get rid of the probecore and the bay, saving some weight. Also I might try other engines on first stage, I think there is a lot of dV lost, because initial twr seems verry low. (I play without any mods, and have no dV or twr displays) Sorry, I did not know about this. Do you have a link or something?
  20. The Reliant stage was not the Problem. Reentry heat on the terrier stage was hard. But it think there is much more possible.
  21. Hm... We could split the challenge into several levels -low tech (no facility upgrades) -mid tech (each facility may have one upgrade) -high tech (all allowed) Therefore I would remove the extra single stage rule. Would you then be in? I'm thinking about allowing quicksave/reverting. I just took hard mode to lower rewards. Manned Mun flyby with all since experiments using reliant on first and terrier on second stage is not a problem. I think I can land on minmus with some more testing.
  22. I was unsure about that rule But don't you think, without that rule, the answer would be everywhere? It's even possible to build an eve ssto if you start from a high mountain. And then recover it with an interplanetary stage. Yes, I'm at LKO too, and suborbital to space high. But I haven't unlocked the tiny rocket parts until now. I was thinking, a staged rocket with tiny parts could at least fly by mun. Interesting challenge, too. But the beginning doesn't sound like fun
  23. I was starting a new career game, and got this crazy idea, to make it a litte more challenging: Fully Reusable Career Challenge Get as far as you can in career mode, while recovering every bit that you have launched! Rules: -no mods/cheats/config changes (Informational mods are ok) -launch a new career on hard mode (you may activate saving/reverting, but don't touch the rewards!) -everything you have launched must be recovered 100% intact! -you may use boosters, staging and everything else, as long as everything gets 100% recovered (you may use shrouds and fairings, since they disappear in the KSP universe ) We have three levels: - Low Tech: no facility upgrades allowed - Mid Tech: each facility may have one upgrade - High Tech: all upgrades allowed Hall of fame Low Tech: Kergarin - Mun flyby in s pace high Jetski - Kerbin suborbital in space high / orbit in space near Kerbin Mid Tech: - High Tech: -
  24. RCS on top and gimbal on the engine with SAS set to retro worked perfectly fine for me. Almost lands on its own, just control the throttle to adjust vertical speed
  25. Thanks again, What an honour! What exactly qualifies me for the Garry Anderson Homage Award? could not find a description on this.
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