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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. I think that's the best mod to add other solar systems. Also it's compatible with exactly the right mods. Are there Plans to add easteregss too? That would be the last bit to make it perfect.
  2. The op says in the FAQ: Does this work with Rescale / Sigma Dimensions? Yes, but check for configs as some values must be adjusted for things to look correct. Can someone please tell me what to adjust? When using Sigma dimensions and rescale (continued), the scatters are much less dense and some of them are missing completely. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I've created my own tech tree for KSP 1.1 some time ago using module manager. Starting with this code to delete all tech tree nodes to create it completely new from scratch. @TechTree { !RDNode,* { } ........ This doesn't seem to work anymore in 1.12.5. (Maybe even since a long long time) Is There a way to sill do so? I've checked some other tech tree mods and none of these deletes the tree anymore but instead moves, alters and renames existing nodes, which is much more complicated and doesnt really fit my plans. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! I din't expect Parallax for OPM to actually change the Outer Planets, since it's just 2kb in size, but I've checked the config files after your post and it really does. But it does so by using textures from existing inner planets. Hale for example is using textures from Gilly. But doesn't that make them loose thier unique colors an apperance? It will be a few days until I'll find the time to check this out myself. When you say Spectra "suite", do you mean just what's bundled in the mod itself or is it the list of recommended othe mods on CKAN? (I never had CKAN until now)
  5. Hello, it's been a long time since ive last played KSP, and now that the development has finished, Im looking to build my ultimate modded KSP, to start a new carreer with the goal of visiting all eastereggs. (So all suggested mods must not break visibility and function of the eastereggs.) The first step is to have a full Solar System, but in Kerbal style while keeping all stock planets. So the most logical way seems to be installing Outer Planets Mod. Now I want everything to look as good as it gets. But Im not sure how to acchive this. The OPM thread suggests Stock Visual Enhancements or Poods OPM Visual Overhaul. This seems a pretty good start, while i can't really decide which way to go. Also Astronomers Visual Pack has configs for OPM. Which makes the decision even harder. The problem is, I then saw Parallax, which is a whole new level in many ways. And while there is a mod called "Parallax for OPM", it seems thats just a patch to have them both installed together without the game crashing, but there seem no Parallax Configs for OPM included. So you end up with a beautiful inner system and have a total break in graphics when you reach the outer planets. Is there something for OPM on the Level of Parallax that I am missing or even real parallax configs for OPM? Or any alternate suggestions? Or even another mod to have a full (but Kerbalized (so not RSS)) solar system? To make everything more challenging, it would be great if everything is compatible with Rescale / Sigma Dimensions. But thats no must, my alternative would be nerfing all engine by doubling thier consumption or so. Thanks!
  6. @Mephisto81 thanks for your post. And sorry for my late reply. That SSTO looks really cool and is quite an achievement! But in my opinion the amount of clipping on this craft is a little to high to be considered legit. Especially fuel tank and engine clipping brings a lot advantage. I'm very sorry, but I hope you don't mind that decision?
  7. Thanks! and congrats for building a reusable Eve craft! But that's wrong. Out of the actual 14 listed crafts, only 2 use clipping. I do not add crafts with exploits or unreasonable clipping to this list. And if I make the exception to add a craft with clipping to the list, it needs a really good reason. These 2 exceptions were: @OHaras craft, which you already said by yourself you would go with that. @EvermoreAlpacas second craft, because it uses stock props. Well it also uses clipped engines, which I generally don't consider legit, but for the achievement of building the first working sealevel SSTO, I made this exception. My personal crafts do not use any clipping at all. Neither my old SSTO rockets, nor my suborbital catch, and the new cargo bay props are not clipped. Cargo bay props are rotors and blades completely fitted into a Cargo bay. They only work and created drag when the cargo bay is open, and they don't work and don't create drag when the bay is closed. You can see it right here https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&t=9m1s&v=hdxJ5dGu4o8 That's why it wasn't added to the list. The list is only what's in the first post. What people post by them self doesn't count. I sadly just didn't find the time to answer to this by now.
  8. Wasn't milka the first to use this color? I would guess it's just something like a default color for chocolate
  9. Does rosetta mean we will get harpoons??
  10. Nukes for duna? Duna is the easiest to reach place in the game in terms of dv. Landing on Duna requires even less dv than landing on Minmus.
  11. Have you tried 2.5x with stock parts? In my opinion the stock parts still have way too much power for 2.5x. At 2.5 you can still build unrealistic small rockets from stock parts to get everywhere, as well as high payload fraction SSTOs.
  12. I made a little comparison of the different sizes for kerbin. Maybe this can help to choose the right size
  13. I made this video, testing different sizes for kerbin. Maybe this helps to find the right size
  14. It's finally done... after two years of testing, planing, optimizing, starting over 3 times, recording and cutting +800GB videos using an USB hard drive Here are all three parts:
  15. @realseek I've added your craft to the first post. please check if everything is ok, and let me know, if you want me to change it in wich version was it done? I've added 1.8.1 for now. I've also finally found the time cut part 3 of my reusable career playthrough, which features my attempt on an electric prop Eve SSTO. I humbly take the second place behind your amazing craft, with a minimalistic attempt:
  16. @realseek It's definitely deserved Thanks for those details! Limiting the power is an interesting idea. Have never really tried that and was running on 100% all the time, while testing different numbers of blades to find the smallest possible solution. I use a single cargo bay for props and have focused on minimizing the weight. It can climb to almost 17km this way and reach orbit with verry little margin. Also the reentry is verry close to the edge of overheating. But it works Wings are straigt forward, and I have to pull up manually. My twr seems a little higher, I have to cut throttle between 30-40kms, but else it wastes to much fuel before I can pull up (as you said too). It will be shown in part three of my reusable career playthrough, which needs some final video editing. I hope to finish it this or next weekend.
  17. Welcome to the club and congratulations! Let me recap... You have build an Eve SSTO which can land from orbit fully fuelled, carries the extra weight of ISRU equipment which isn't even needed, than you takeoff with less than 100% fuel and make it to orbit with hundreds of m/s dV left to spare while the craft even looks good, and all this was done in weeks? That's just crazy! You achieved definitely something which hasn't been done before! I will add this to the list as soon as possible! I know how hard this is, and I'm really impressed. I was working on something like this since BG came out. And all I got so far is an ugly single seater which barely and unreliable makes it from and to orbit with no margin for error. Your mixed engine design seems to be the key, mine just uses one type of engines. What rotors do you use? They seem to have a lot of blades. For mk2 cargo bays I found the middle size rotor with 6 blades to be most efficient. Yours look like 16 or so?
  18. well... it's not what I did just today... more like... the last 2 years
  19. the ant is the enige you want to have on your lander, its light weight makes it more efficinet than all the engines with higher isp
  20. So... it took some time, but here it is... finaly. Less launches, less ugly, more minimalistic I can't imagine playing career mode in any other way than this anymore
  21. It seems this hotkey and the bug only exist in mission builder while building crafts for testing the mission
  22. I'm on 1.8.1 windows with both DLCs and pure stock clean install
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