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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. I also did, but somehow there was no response since two weeks What's wrong?
  2. That thing got style @Jett_Quasar would be cool to see your entry here. Or maybe I should allow walker entry's which don't participate in the race?
  3. That thing is really fast! And I abosultely love its style running like crazy, and then this exhausting, just hilarious I would say it is definitely more than just a simple rotation. But its main power indeed comes from steady rotations. Actually it seems steady rotation is superior to rhtymic motion, so for now I would list it in the rotation powered category. I can feel with you, I lost thousands of hours to this game an esspecially challenges But this was definitly woth it. Congrats to the new fastest overall time and thanks for your entry! EDIT: Indestrucitble buildings are ok (since your walker would work on the gras), but please don't use indestructable parts.
  4. that's sad, it's a really cool entry now do that on Eve
  5. Thanks for all your new entrys, really cool to see so much participation and so many creative ways Looking forwad to see even more! Updates the leaderboards, added an own category for crafts using unlocked wheels @doggonemess that looks interesting, will have to try that later added to the wheeled contraptions leaderboards @jmark1213 even more impressive! updated the leaderboard. Maybe small wheels angeled 90° can provide more grip? @Klapaucius really love all your contraptions I can't even decide which one should get the special hilarious award What whas the problem at the end? Added to special contraptions. @Teilnehmer that's pretty smoth and fast! good work! added to the wheeled contraptions leaderboard
  6. Sorry all for my late reply. Have updated the leaderboards an added links to the posts @Klapaucius that thing just made me laugh so hard again, as well as your new forrest video and craft page maybe we need an extra award for these. Would you say it's a walker or more one for the special category? Im looking closely but can't tell @Gergorik that's not suited for people with arachnophobia your time is already pretty good! have added this to the leadeboard with the hint for clipping. @Mathrilord definitely a different aproach and verry funny to watch added your skater to the Special leaderboard. i've read 0:48 from the video, is that correct? @jmark1213 wow, thats what i would call a walker! And even that fast! Congrats on this, verry impressive!
  7. I also have a crashing craft where two rotors are copied
  8. Looks promising Is there a limit at 30 parts? I did not get to such a high hinge count by now
  9. Sounds similar. I also can use the mouse but it has no effect. Which version are you on? Mods or dlc?
  10. While this is neither a serious nor a top entry… heres some of my progress so far crayz! you need a good insurance for that thing I guess can you stack enough to reach space?
  11. @klond thats a really funny thing! would love to see that in action @Klapaucius seeing this made my day therotical it is powered by rotation, on the other hand it has several joints per leg. I guess we could make an exception due to its speed and great style The no rotation rule stays for entrys which are aiming for the highest speed @Frozen_Heart I would say this qualifies too. Looks interesting Might create a separate category for Rotation powered entrys, if the stand out too much. @neistridlar crazy! when will you breake 10 seconds? I don't want to annoy you with more rule changens, but i think the big variation in walker speeds makes a fixed distance a pain for some. What if we don't specify a distance but a time instead? For example walk the longest distance in 1 Minute. We would then use alt-F12 "Flight Info" to measure the distance by Looking at the longtitude. Time starts when the ingame clock starts and ends when it's at 1 Minute. (yes this would cover acceleration too) What do you all think? Also a verry good time! Have added it to the leaderboard can we see this thing in action somewhere? Must be funny to watch
  12. That evolves quickly. What about rotaing the wings by 90 degrees to eliminate drag?
  13. @neistridlar i have read 59 seconds for the new distance in your video. Is that correct?
  14. @Frozen_Heart @Frozen_Heart @Darren9 @Torn4dO @The Dunatian @RocketSquid @Gargamel @Klapaucius Set a new distance again, sorry for the confusion. Still have no clue, which speeds can be achieved. Think now it's in a good balance to be maesurable but not to long. Flying start is allowed. Walker length should by compensted by the new distance. The firts part start / last part finish rule is to exclude exploits and needs to stay.
  15. @neistridlar @Frozen_Heart @Darren9 @Torn4dO @The Dunatian @RocketSquid @Gargamel @Klapaucius ich have specified more precise rules and a shorter distance. Is this distance ok and the rules clear? @Torn4dO @neistridlar some really cool designs! Congrats to be one of the first! whats wrong about that phrase? That is already petty fast Guess my new distance is to short now. you would be around 12 seconds for this i gues, which makes exact measurement hard.
  16. Hello, Now that breaking Ground gave us electric motors, much people will build electric planes and helicopters. The most common rotor blades are actually control surfaces like the elevons, because the angle can be adjusted in flight by using "deploy" and "authority limiter" in the parts menu. It would be verry cool, if we could not only "toggle deploy", but also can adjust the deploy angle, by using "incremental control" for the authority limiter like there is on these new electric parts. This is especially required if a helicopter or plane has more than one rotor, because it would get out of balance when adjusting them one by one throug the parts menu. Pretty sure this will help a lot of players. Thank you
  17. I will see what I can do. Sometimes it requires half an hour to happen, sometimes 3 minutes. To me it feels like a bug. (as well as parachutes in this version are opening AND fully deploy as soon as they touch atmosphere. For example at 50km on Duna) No, download version. Maybe I will try to download everything again and reinstall.
  18. I've meant the entire Keyboard regarding KSP. Inputs to all other programs work, Alt-F4 is sent to windows, not to KSP. I can alt Alt-F12 without problems before the error occurs, and don't have nvidia installed. I don't know if this might be related to Breaking Ground's new axis groups or electric motors? I was using both everytime the error occurred. I have to say it's the only thing I did in this install so far, can't tell if it also happens when I just fly rockets as usual. Will have to check but short on time.
  19. I will check this later and change the rules to a less exhausting distance
  20. Thanks for your answers. Sadly also ALT+F12 does nothing. It's not just the controls but all keyboard inputs including ESC and so on. I never ever had this issue. No mods installed at all. It's a clean and fresh install I made yesterday with Making History and Breaking Ground
  21. Hello, Clean fresh install of KSP 1.7.1 with MH and BG on windows 10. When I'm in the game, the keyboard freezes several times per hour. This means I can't do any keyboard inputs, not even escape or anything else. The game keeps running and the only thing I can do is end it with ALT-F4 or taskmanager. Switching to desktop and back to the game does not help. When switching to desktop the keyboard works fine in all other programs Anyone else?
  22. Just a quick proof of possibility. Definitely no top entry. Will add the data later. EDIT: 0,791t without rotors 2x 75kN power Score = 791kg / 150kN = 5,2733 points Not verry good, but it's a start
  23. @neistridlar nice one Well I thought which way was obvious But maybe that would lead to verry long and boring videos. So should we change the direction to this?
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