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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. I have no clue, would have to check, but 6400 sounds already pretty good. Where is your launch site? I had an onion stage with a 3+2 ant setup, using a todorial and oscar, which came verry close to orbit
  2. @sevenperforce Im now at 1,605 using the pod. Using a spark on an oscar b and a todorial. But it's almost empty on orbit...
  3. Would have to measure that. It really feels extremely draggy for such a thin atmosphere, but has almost no impact on vacuum optimized engines.
  4. That's true, dunas thin atmosphere is almost like vacuom, even at the ground. Besides from this, I think we are coming to that point where we have to figure out dunas highest equatorial mountain, to minimize the drag problems.
  5. I'm actually working on onion and asparagus staging using ants and spiders. Looks verry promising until now. Might squeeze out 0.1t
  6. The panther could also be interesting. That's still on my list. I'm playing around with your monoprop idea on the pod, but still ending up heavier. (I won't post this as my entry, if it succeeds, since it's your idea) The can always runs into some barrier around 200-240m/s in dunas atmosphere, where drag becomes bigger than thrust, while the pod blasts throug it with 500 and still accelerates. Actually I'm trying smaller engines on the lander, the Spark is heavy and gives a twr >4 which is not really needed. Thanks actually I'm on holiday, so I can spend a little more time They key in small things is picking the right engines. Most just use too heavy ones. U usually have to pick an engine one diameter smaller than the ship for medium g landers and transfer stages. For example the Terrier seems to be the right choice for 1,25m rockets, as it's the correct size and has a verry good ISP. But that's wrong. It is 5 times as heavy as the Spark and 25 times heavier than the spider. Especially the Spark has a verry good twr and can lift much heavier payloads than expected.
  7. My pod lander is 1.705t wet and with chute, and 0.82t after decoupling chute, engine and fueltanks. Your can seems to be around 1.6t. my cans also ended up in this area. But the problem I'm facing besides the fairings drag is the fairings weight. I need around 0.2t extra fairing to cover it, ending up actually heavier at launch. We save a little xenon for the transfers and Ike landing, but that would be less than 0.01t. But I'm still trying to optimize both. Question: what about making history parts? Thanks! Yes, also my other solutions all perform worse.
  8. That's also an interesting idea. What's your landers weight wenn starting the descend to dunas surface?
  9. That's what i got actually: 5.794 tons that Ike Landing was absolutely unintended. I just realized how much dv i had left in Duna Orbit, and gave it a try. Combining a Whiplash first stage with a Spark turned out to be more efficient than an rapier. The solar panels are mounted asymetrical to always ensure all 4 can get into direct sunlight
  10. It comes really close, only a few details in stages and so are different. I will be releasing a preview of mine in a few minutes. There is still some small margin in my desing, by using less batteries and solar panels and tweaking fuel even more. But this would be pain to execute. Is using nonprop efficient on your design? In most of my designs, the weight of just one linear thruster and nonoprop took more dv than it gave. I also did not give up the can version. Still working on both to see how low we can push this.
  11. Yes, this intake is bad at high speeds and worse at static. A better intake should give the rapier the power to launch without those sepratrons. An inline mounted ion engine works indeed and makes things easier. But I personally don't do this, as it feels wrong to me. You could also think about getting rid of the wings, and go for a flat ballistic trajectory as I do.
  12. But I'm using a mk1 pod for the tour. Is bailing out for the touchdown at Kerbin ok too? I have to say, I didn't think about this, as it felt legit, as the Kerbal is well protected and comfortably travelling in the command pod during the entire trip.H e just jumps out at Kerbin in a height of around 1200m, where it is save and close to home If you say it's not legit, I will start over again
  13. Yes exactly. Ion transfer stage and lf/ox lander. I do a chute assisted landing too, but then drop it before taking of from duna. Keeping the chute would just require some more xenon, which does not weight that much. But it would be a hell of work to redo it. the video is cut since days... I'm just waiting for a friend to compose some music. Maybe I should do a preview without it until then. Also: are wo allowed to repack chutes with pilots in sandbox? I also tried landing a single stage with biprop and xenon, hoping I would require less heavy biprop and circularize on ions. Also saving some docking ports and maneuvering But this turned always out to be heavier. Actually I'm using the mk1 pod, which is rather heavy but more aerodynamic (why in the world is Dunas thin atmosphere that draggy?). I had some concepts using the mk1 can at around theoretical 5.2t too, but it has horrible aerodynamics at launch on kerbin due to a massive fairing. By leaving the pod in duna orbit, going down on a seat, I guess less than 5t would be possible.
  14. I hope at least the second is allowed Else I would have to adjust it a little... Edit: Also if the first is allowed, I would have to start over again to get an even lower weight. I land the pod on Duna, return and reenter in the pod on kerbin, and bail out a few hundred meters above the ground to glide down on the personal chute
  15. Recorded, surprised myself with something unexpected , cutted... and now comes the hardest and most exhausting part of all... Finding music for the video
  16. This one does Duna and back using a pod with 5.988t wet Will do the video this weekend Someone more patient than me could lower this to 5.8xxt using a lot of burns
  17. Interesting challenge. You might want to specify if command seats are allowed or only closed pods. This changes minimum weight a lot
  18. When you try 5 different search phrases for Israels Mun lander, wonder why you can't find anything, and then you realise... That thing is still called moon
  19. Sorry, have corrected it. It's mk3 Yes. Same issue. Even unstable if the payload moves the com way forward. Thanks I will check those out and do some further investigations later.
  20. Hello, Stock ksp 1.6.1 with mh. I have a plane, which is well balanced and flies stable in wet and dry. No matter how hard you try, it won't get out of control. It's body mainly consists of 2 mk3 cargo bays (one medium, one short). After I open and close the cargo bays, the planes body creates massive drag, causing the plane to stall, spin, fly backwards. While this is normal while they are open, the higher drag seems to stay after closing. Is this a know issue? Could not find anything about this. The bays are set to opening limits. I would need to check if this occurs without limits too.
  21. Are you referring to my old attempt for this challenge in 1.0.4? Sorry for the bad video, was my first ever Burn times of several hours realtime due to the high part count and slow performance back then.
  22. I gave my litte lowtech Duna plane ist own Video:
  23. No problem I guess the hardest part is planning all the transfers between planets and the needed fuel for this in advance.
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