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Everything posted by Kergarin

  1. it's somehow annoying that this game breaking bug is still prioritized as low
  2. Yes. This clearly needs a fix, or at least some comment, if there was an intended change or if we are fine with replacing the partsdatabase.cfg. Playing 1.8 makes absolutely no sense at the moment, if no one knows, if the crafts we design now, will still work tomorrow. Also sticking to 1.7.3 makes no sense, if we don't know, if there were intended changes. I'm playing since 1.0.x and never had a bug stopping me from playing. This totally breaks the game, and needs at least a quick developer comment, what's intended. Please just give us a hint squad
  3. Was there a change after the pressure rise in 1.2 on eve? I fly eve on the verry edge This clearly is a bug as it shows unexpected behaviour
  4. Had the time to test. This solves the issue and behaves 100% like 1.7.3. Thanks!
  5. There is a problem with drag in general. It's way lower. Also heat is way higher.
  6. Please upvote to get this solved Drag https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23978?next_issue_id=23977&prev_issue_id=23979 Temp https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/23966?next_issue_id=23962&prev_issue_id=23977 Have to say I'm a little shocked by so little response. Shouldn't every player notice these issues?
  7. The convection factor workaround does not really solve this. It definitely looks like heat and drag changes. I've loaded some savegames parallel in 1.7 and 1.8.. It's significant. Example: a booster reentering from almost orbital speed: At 30km: 1.7: surface speed 1.872m/s, drag 25,730 kN, convective heat 707.852.000kJ 1.8: surface speed 2060m/s, drag 11,861kN, convective heat 2.040.896.000kJ That's almost 200m/s more. Almost like it didn't loose any speed since reentry at 70km. Less than half the drag. Three times the convective heat. Also the booster explodes on touchdown in 1.8 while it stays intact in 1.7. What's going on there? It's nothing in the changelogs related to all this Another funny thing: the booster from my 1.7 savegame nevertheless survived reentry in 1.8.. Building exactly the same in 1.8 from scratch and it explodes.
  8. It's on the bug tracker. There is a workaround of setting convection factor from 7 to 1. Seems to work so far. Can anyone tell, if this now is the desired heating, or does 1 make the game easier than it should?
  9. Yes, getting to orbit and launching SSTOs was already way to easy. A solution to make both - reentry and ascend - harder and more realistic, would be a bigger kerbin, leading to higher orbital speeds. Something around 4.000m/s to stay in orbit just above the atmosphere would fit ksp parts best. It feels verry real in terms of burntime, reentry and SSTOs are barely possible to LKO. But that's on another paper and would change to much. Back to the topic. This behaviour feels weird. There is almost no heating and drag now in the upper atmosphere, and then at 20km everything burns up. If this is intended to make reentry harder, why not just set higher heating in the entire atmosphere? This would feel much more realistic, and wouldn't make the easy ascend even easier. In fact this way it would make also ascending harder. The optimum flat gravity turn ascend path actually covers rockets in plasma. Didn't see this irl by now on ascend.
  10. I would be ok both ways. I like challenges. On the other hand ascending now became even more easy with this less drag. Eve ssto again possible? Do we know by now, if this change is intended? Don't want to spend weeks to change all my designs if this is just temporary
  11. But I guess the difference is too big, to be just the engines calculation differences. Did you check the atmospheres pressure? Did there change something? I'm on the run and can't test right now
  12. I was just logging in to post the same. All my "on the edge" designs which barely survived reentry in previous versions, now explode around 30-20km due to overheating. It seems there is way less drag. Also adding one or more opened mk1 cargo bays, which were a great early game aerobrake, doesn't provide enough friction to make those designs survive again. I didn't find anything in the changelogs. Maybe it's relatet to the new unity engine?
  13. Like eve SSTOs or going reusable to everywhere or single stage to Tylo and things like that. The rumors about the near future engine specs seem to make these things trivial.
  14. I'm really worried there near future engine eliminate all challenge from the game..once you unlock them. One of the most challenging and motivating parts of KSP is, that so many things are just so barely possible
  15. @jmark1213 cograts! you are now leading both classical walker leaderboards Like that smooth stop at the and
  16. I have read soothing about rebalancing in the change log. Had no time to test by now.
  17. @SuperHappySquid I don't know why I didn't feel this earlier, but somehow I would now like to see a super fast running squid
  18. @jmark1213 wow, you have broken the walk-barrier of 20m/s! And it looks so smooth by doing so. Do you actively steer the tail and neck? Added to the leaderboards! Now next up t-rex?
  19. thanks! What? Isn't that intuitive self explaining? Maybe I should add that to page one
  20. @SuperHappySquid I'm just speechless. Those two are more than I have expected. Such smooth and fast running. And I love those flips The first one somehow reminds me of Armored Core and the second one of the Metal Gear Rex Added to the leaderboards. Lookig forward to see you breaking 20m/s! Have splitted the Classical Walkers into biped and and more than 2 legs Walkers.
  21. Well, Maybe you are Right, that's not really what I had in mind. I guess I need to rethink this Wow thats absolutely brilliant would love to see a video of this!
  22. @Klapaucius that is absolutely brilliant you are again topping yourself @Teilnehmer a crazy fast time! but it's 0:18 if i get this right? 0:10 was one marking to early. Still the fastest time by far! Those grip pads will come handy, im curious how good they will work
  23. I guess it was related to this fix in 1.7.2, even it appeared a Little later in the game. My crashing vessel had a rotor an wheels * Fix NRE when starting a mission with Making History and Breaking Ground installed and vessel contains rotor and wheels.
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