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Everything posted by Spin

  1. Can anyone tell me if NF Aeronautics' engines are working well in the latest version of the game? I'm taking this game and Nertea's incredible work and I'm lost.
  2. I love this mod, I've been using it for not too long yet and I see great performance on my pc. Visually it is simpler than astronomer or andromeda, closer to Eve but with more pleasing cloud textures in Kerbin.
  3. Hi, I would like to achieve that regardless of the altitude the scatterer would show Kerbin as in the second image. That is, without needing to move the camera away from the rocket orbiting the planet would look as nice as when I moved away much of it. Is there any option of the scatterer that can modify it? Sorry for my English
  4. Works great, looks great and performance is remarkable but until blackrack does not update its mod it keeps the terrain bug.
  5. Thank you very much, I suspected the same with respect to the experimental version of scatterer. I'm pleasantly surprised by the performance your mod offers without implementing terrain textures yet. Thank you very much for your work.
  6. This mod is going great in its latest version. I would like to know if it works with the latest stable version of scatterer that implements the reddish color of the sky.
  7. Strange, a week ago made it work without problems. I even eliminated the clouds from this mod by the EVE stock to win frames leaving the spectacular terrain textures. Keep trying.
  8. Yes, I took the rover in SSTO made with Mark IV from Nertea and B9 Aerospace from blowfish. They are the stock lights of the rover.
  9. Playing at 60 fps constant with SVE in 1080p and with clouds in high definition is only possible in a very small range of computers. I have a 4770K i7, 16gb ram and an nvidia 1070 gtx (msi) of 8 gb vram and only reached the 60 fps limiting my monitor when I reached Kerbin low orbit. Understanding that the rocket is remarkably heavy and with many pieces. However playing with this fantastic mod at 40 fps is great and does not detract at all. You can improve the frames by reducing the rendering distance of volumetric clouds from 10000 meters to 1000 or 1500 meters. Sorry for the grammatical errors as this is a product of the google translator.
  10. Thank you for updating this incredible mod. I have tried it lightly with ships of few pieces and the refresh rate is great. 60 frames per second constants with high resolution version. My pc hosts a 1070 gtx and a 4770k Excuse my possible grammatical errors.
  11. I would like to know if this vehicle has integration with Kerbalism. That happens to me to see the Martian. Update: I see that is a feature for the future.
  12. Thank you very much for your clarification. I suppose something like that. Is not a problem that interferes with the general immersion of the game.
  13. Someone explains why when I rescue a kerbal in lunar orbit I have food and water perpetual. Ksp 1.2.2 Kerbalism 1.1.8
  14. Thanks for your quick response. Now I wish even more that I get the new card at home. I have a 1080p and 60fps monitor and my idea is to change it by 2k and 144fps. For now I am content to be able to play KSP with many mods to the maximum offered my monitor.
  15. Thanks for your quick response. Now I wish even more that I get the new card at home. in addition to the graphics card I will add 8GB of RAM. With SVE and SVT and the other mods always I am going to limit my 8 gb of ram.
  16. Thanks for your quick response. Now I wish even more that I get the new card at home.
  17. Sorry for my possible misuse of English, Soon I will have the new graphics card MSI 1070 and I wonder if this, coupled with an i7 4770, I offer the coveted 60 fps with this mod and 25 other mods. I'll also 8 to 16 gb ram so that I can use your mod textures in its highest resolution. I await your guidance, greetings and thanks.
  18. Is it possible to remove only clouds Duna? EVA at any resolution on Duna do not exceed 20 fps. i7 4770k and 770gtx 2 gb
  19. Cierto es que después de tanto tiempo dedicado al juego ya no lees ni en inglés pero si que es cierto que con algunos mods complejos, el disponer de un marco global, ayudaría a que fueran traducidos tal y como se hace en otros juegos tipo skyrim o EUIV. Seguiremos contando contigo para que nos mantengas al tanto, Un saludo.
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