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Everything posted by LordKael

  1. I'm running KSP 1.0.5, and cannot get anything to take off using only the HoneyBadger Atmo VTOL engines. Only applicable mods were USI Freight and MJ, which reported a TWR of 0.15 UPDATE: I went in and changed the thrust in the .cfg file to 350, because one of the propellor fans has the same mass, and uses that thrust.
  2. And thats the real kicker, ain't it?
  3. With this in mind, I would recommend using the "Surface Info" tab of MJ to give you a more accurate idea of what you're doing on your descent profile. Potentially with a customized window to show as many relevant data as you would benefit from. The other thing I would recommend, beyond what has been said above, is to try at the two extremes of terrain height.
  4. Also, depending how the code was written, the game may register each impact with the crater wall to be a distinct "daze-level-event". This would result in the player witnessing his Kerbal slide down the wall, limp and unresponsive.
  5. Thats about where I was in my old save, but I just did a clean install of KSP so I am going to try and follow as many rules as possible to make the game realistic without using an RO or RSS type mod.
  6. That was a work of art... I usually go in the other direction, and try to get a simple vessel to do the job, but that has inspired me. and I thought it was impressive that I landed an asymmetrical base in one go...
  7. So, I know everybody likes to use the subassembly feature, and repeat their lifters and tugs and such. But what I am curious about is how far other people take this, and whether they have entire ship designs that they repeat for multiple missions. For example, I have an "Asgard Class" shuttle that can reach orbit from Duna, Kerbin, and any moon in either system (I haven't tried it elsewhere). I have 4 copies of it, each named "KSS ______" with the blank being a Norse God's name. I have the same deal with rovers on Duna, named after Greek heroes, and probes named after mythological winds/hurricanes (because I ran out of winds). Does anybody else do this?
  8. I launched a fair number of ships of a variety of designs, and then blew up the VAB, SPH, and most of the rest of the KSC, then attempted to do as many missions as possible with the ships I already had.
  9. I've been looking at KOS a lot the last couple days, and I'm running into issues programing a rover autopilot that will do what you described. Any chance you could post some help?
  10. With KOS, you can do that. Only drawback is you have to be reasonably proficient with writing code. MJ could help considerably, as it has a waypoint system already. The two systems in concert could very easily function as an autopilot on a highway. Implementation would look something like this: ~Manually drive the path and drop waypoints using MJ ~Write code that tells MJ when to start/stop based on user defined variables ~variables could be something like: the ore tanks being full the fuel tank on an attached base being below a threshold ~ensure it still runs even without the player sitting and watching. That set up would create a closed loop that mined ore at one location, then drove it across the surface to another location where it was processed into LFO, LF, or MonoProp. The KOS program wouldn't need much tweaking to work for a shuttle system, using orbital maneuvers instead of waypoints, but the principle would be the same.
  11. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Kerbal's had wormhole technology? Say, after the warp drive, and after figuring out how to get energy from vacuum space, or from an alternate universe (zero point energy). What I am suggesting is a mod to allow a player to create a tunnel between two points, and travel between planets instantaneously. This could work much like the Stargate series, or even like the Portal Game. Thoughts?
  12. That is very close to how a real survey would be done. Usually, it is an altitude above sea level as the benchmark though.
  13. My first couple sub-orbital flights always ended in a maddening suicide burn, because I managed to give myself enough fuel.
  14. Basically, Kerbin has very little weather, other than what is caused by tidal forces from the Mun.
  15. Well, I had to turn infinite fuel to get back out, but I went down, flew around, and returned to orbit without burning up. Just took a long time to deorbit.
  16. So, I have a spaceplane in orbit around Eve, and would very much like to fulfill my mission, but the first couple times I tried to deorbit, everything started exploding on me. It's all wings and mark2 parts, and a shielded docking port as a nose cone. Thoughts on how?
  17. I'm in the middle of setting up a full colony system on Duna. Right now, I am planning a 6 node SatNet in orbit, with 3 in equatorial DSO, and 3 around Duna's moon, and a half dozen surface colonies with gliders, rovers, and hoppers for each, as well as a fully functional orbital station. It's quite involved, and rather enjoyable. I highly recommend you doing something similar.
  18. I agree that legless buildings look better. What I would do is build a platform out of the structural plates, and then put all the buildings on top. Basically, a man-made flat place.
  19. On one save, I follow a whole host of rules, including conservation of environment. For me, that means I don't fire nuclear rockets in any atmosphere, if I launch something, I make sure it's recovered or destroyed on impact with a non-atmospheric body, and I only use RTGs when a solar panel or fuel cell won't work. That last one is mainly for the Kerbal's safety, not the environment though.
  20. 1) that's what probes are for 2) if the wind is strong enough to break your craft, you need a stronger craft.
  21. With wind & air density, a balloon part could be added, or some other way to create a lighter-than-air type vehicle. On a world with a dense atmosphere, that shouldn't be too difficult. But a lighter-than-air floating fortress inside Jool's atmosphere would be awesome.
  22. I achieved my first manual docking, totally by accident. Normally, I have mechJeb do orbital rendezvous, and for simplicity's sake, let it handle the docking as well. (I know, there's controversy about this). But, I installed the mechJeb module on the wrong stage of the new section of my space station, and so when I decoupled the rendezvous stage, I lost access to the autopilot features. So, I'm sitting here, looking at my screen, and am about to revert and give myself autopilot, but Survivor's Eye of the Tiger came on, and I felt like I had to at least try. The new section of my station was two Hitchhiker modules, a 2.5m to double 1.25m adapter, two structural fuselages, another adapter, and a 2.5m docking port. Attached to one end was a space tug that had RCS capabilities, and had the only maneuverability for the craft. Ridiculously unbalanced, but I really care about how the finished station looks. TLDR; my first manual docking was with a ludicrously unbalanced craft, and had an epic soundtrack.
  23. One huge issue with doing this is that landing/launching from a planet's surface would be very very difficult. A lot of players would hate that they have to take wind into account, or that they can't reach the surface of a planet or moon because of randomized weather
  24. I did it once, with a heat shield and a dozen giant radiators. Basically, took a 3.75m heat shield, pointed it at the sun, and then in 4x physics warp let the probe approach. This let the ablative properties protect the science type parts, and the radiators helped as well, though I'm not sure how much. I don't have pictures, but the probe was a 3.75m heat shield attached to a spire made of either I-Beams or structural girders, and then radiators up top. The science package was as far away as possible from Kerbol, just as a faint hope it would survive an extra second or two. Hope this helps!
  25. Personally, I have a rather expansive station in a 500Km orbit around Kerbin, and it has a shuttle designed to get from the station to either moon or to the planet. Usually, if it goes to the planet, I take a very shallow reentry angle, then fly it to the runway at KSC, which takes between 10 and 15 mins real time depending on where the station was in orbit. No heat shield required for that design, just a modicum of flying ability from the person behind the keyboard. It has a tiny little lander attached to it, which is capable of VTOL on either the Mun or Minmus, which is how my crew gets to the surface. Kinda low on Delta-V, so its pretty limited in use, but gets the job done.
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