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Everything posted by Jso

  1. Stick a Wally or Sargent motor on a Vanguard 1 probe and it hardly moves. It appears with very light craft there is a discrepancy between expected and actual dv, and the error increases as the vessel mass decreases. I'm not sure if there's a minimum weight cutoff or it just becomes less noticable at heavier weights. I don't think so. I tried with one of the little monoprop engines and the same effect.
  2. Yup I'm seeing the same thing. The solid should have 3000+ dv, but it's not getting anywhere near that. Edit: Weird. The thrust is static, the mass is dropping through the burn, but the g force doesn't increase.
  3. You can do it but there's a large weight and cost penalty. Using a dedicated fuel tank part will be lighter and cheaper. Create a Module Manager patch like this: @PART[bluedog*,Bluedog*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[cargoSwitch]]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[cargoSwitch]] { SUBTYPE { name = LF/O tankType = bdbLFOX } SUBTYPE { name = MonoProp tankType = bdbMonoProp } } }
  4. The Saturn rescale cfg has an example of how you need to handle stock fairings. Basically, you leave the rescaleFactor at 1, rescale the MODEL, and set the scale in three settings in ModuleProceduralFairing. link
  5. I haven't used FAR since we got rid of the soup-o-sphere so I'm not really prepared to diagnose this, but I threw it in to see what happens and yes, it becomes uncontrollable at max q, which was about 35 kPa at mach 1.4 and 8,400 meters. However, the Juno 1st stage tank is filled at 80% by default. If I fill it to 100% I have no issues, and max q is 27.4 kPa at mach 1.5 and 10,500 meters. This is with classic ascent profile which is what you should be using with a Juno II. Set your top of climb so the apoapsis at first stage burnout is about where you want it (a test flight or two will be required). Then turn off the Ap and coast to apoapsis where you fire the 3 solid stages in sequence. With PVG and the settings you're using there it got a little wobbly high up but didn't lose control. But it failed to orbit because PVG doesn't know how to fly a Juno II. I'm in KSP 1.8.1 with JNSQ.
  6. Github is updated with auto jettison for the Atlas booster skirt. It needs to be enabled on the part action window. 4 G is a pretty good number for the first two Atlas generations. You'll want to adjust as things get heavier.
  7. Both Kopernicus (a specific older version) and Kerbalism cause this error. We should have a workaround for Kerbalism soon, but it may in the end need to be addressed on their end to retain full functionality of the part.
  8. I'm in flight, you're in the VAB and it looks like you don't have Advanced Tweakables enabled, so the windows look different. I've got no clue what you've got going on. Upload a KSP.log and maybe there's something there.
  9. I can't see your image, maybe you need to set permission to public? It sounds like your just staging the part and it's decoupling. You need the dock rotate mod installed for the spin table to work. If you disable staging on the built in decoupler in the nose cone, and use a separate 0.625m decoupler under the 11x stage the whole thing will spin like it should. If you don't do that the 11x shroud wont spin with everything else.
  10. Able I/II needs to hot stage. You don't get ullage RCS and restarts until Ablestar. The typical flight profile with Able second stages is to hot stage the Able, then hang on to it after burnout using the Able's RCS for attitude control until apoapsis, then spin up the star 20 third stage for insertion. This profile is a recurring theme on the early rockets. Scuppers are eye candy. They fall off shortly after launch. I think you need to set the spin table to 0 degree step for continuous rotation. You'll want to "control from here" from the non spinning part of the rocket or autopilot tries to fight the spin. It's cute but can be a little annoying.
  11. Try coasting a bit before lighting the Agena? There is a small solid motor in the Agena parts you can use to get it going if you're using an ullage mod.
  12. This mod's pretty much probes first in stock. You really don't ever have to get into manned flight if you don't want to. But like Zorg said I doubt anything third party is up to date.
  13. Not a bug. 6x was too hard to work with so we changed it to 4x. The official way to build it is to install each engine separately, and then stage as you see fit. Since the nodes are not symmetrical, the engines are installed at the wrong angles when using symmetry. The thrust vectors should all point through the capsule CoM. The whole thing is admittedly not ideal, and you can't use sequential fire, but we have no better solution.
  14. "Lofting" means a steeper climb early on giving you a higher than usual apoapsis and longer time to apoapsis when the low TWR upper stages burn. Try a 250 km top of turn in MechJeb. You can also try turning on corrective steering.
  15. I think I've got this dealt with so try it again. It would have been the solids with variants that have different fuel loads that had the problem. To answer the question, overheating is not normal and it's not you, so please continue to report stuff like this. Thanks!
  16. Gemini flew with the starboard side pointing to the ground and the port side to space while riding Titan. The control point is so you can build it this way and fly with the navball in the correct attitude during launch. For a 100% correct Gemini-Titan, build the Gemini spacecraft and then rotate it 90 degrees so the top is on the VAB door side. Then build the Titan GLV normally under that. During the launch phase use the "Launch" control point, and on reaching orbit switch to the "Flight" control point and roll to heads up or whatever attitude you desire. I don't know why they did it this way. My guess is either horizon visibility or a requirement of the ejection seats.
  17. That used to work, but with all the part switching we've got going on these days I really don't know what SMURFF might do. You'll probably get a better answer asking in the SMURFF or RSS threads. Even with SMURFF, a full size solar system requires full size rockets. BDB is 64% scale so you might not get the results you expect.
  18. It's a JNSQ bug that will be fixed in the next release. There's a workaround here. Remove TAC life support and see if the problem goes away. If this is a craft file, try building from scratch and see if the parts are better. I'd need screenshots and probably a log to say more.
  19. The insulation can be toggled off in the VAB for the D-1T. That wasn't working before but it should be ok now.
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